

一、Reform:Implementing Share-Holding System in Extra-Large State-Owned Enterprises in China(论文文献综述)

Fesseha Worku kebede[1](2019)在《Identification of Critical Success Factors for Chinese Railway Construction Projects in Ethiopia》文中研究表明The issue with project success in the construction industry is a global phenomenon and the construction industry in Ethiopia is no exception.The goal of all stakeholders involved in a construction project-the clients,contractors,consultants,and engineers,in either the public or private sector,is meeting their original objectives or successfully complete the project within schedule,cost,scope,and quality requirements as defined earlier.Construction projects are frequently influenced by critical success factors that help project parties reach their goal as planned.Critical success factors are a relatively limited number of very important elements on which a project manager should focus that are key areas where things must go right for project managers and also other stakeholders to achieve the project goal and to ensure successful competitive performance for the organization.Therefore,it is vital to identify and practice the major factors that influence success;the identification of such key factors appropriately with project context significantly influence success and can help the stakeholders to reach their intended goals with greater efficiency and deliver a successful project.The objective of this research is to investigate the critical success factors of Chinese railway projects and challenges of the overall railway construction project success in Ethiopia,which can help project parties reach their intended goals with greater efficiency;additionally,the research starts with reviewing the current research literature and aims to close the literature gap by identifying the critical success factors at the project level.This research uses a comprehensive literature review to design and conduct a survey to investigate critical success factors and then obtain a consensus of expert opinion.Based on the literature review,a list of preliminary critical success factors was proposed and the related research hypotheses were developed.A questionnaire survey was used to collect the primary data and test the hypotheses.The participants,who came from senior staff with experience working in railway construction projects were asked to give their professional opinions about the critical success factors for Chinese railway construction projects in Ethiopia.The study design was explanatory;Mixed approach was used and both primary and secondary data were collected;a total of 123 valid responses were obtained from the professionals and the collected data was then evaluated by statistical methods to identify the key success factors significant for the railway project.The findings show that twenty-one(19+2)critical success factors were regarded as vital by most Respondents.Those critical success factors were ranked and the top seven critical success Factors identified were Project organizational structure,Project organizational culture,Adequate project budgeting,Risk identification and allocation,Project financing procurement system,Past experience(of the same projects)and Top management support are found to be critical factors to the project success and With these critical success factors,project manager and other key stakeholders should be able to achieve railway project success and also to accomplishing project organization strategic objective and continuous improvement in construction industry success.The study also concluded that the Major Challenges Facing the Ethiopian Railway Projects were High investment costs,Poor project planning,Problem related to project integration management,Lack of skilled human power in the railway sector,Geological and weather challenges.In practical terms,the research results can contribute to improving the performance of local contractors in Ethiopia regarding the delay of construction projects and the construction industry quality.Besides,identifying critical success factors at the project level may benefit different stakeholders;mainly for the contractors that help in the management of important areas and allocate their resources effectively and efficiently,enhance overall project performance and deliver successful projects.The list of CSFs can be used in strategic management and as a guideline to create the CSF in the context of their own project.

Ranga Jayasuriya[2](2018)在《An Uneven Contest:How Power Asymmetries Shape Sino-India Competition for Power and Influence in South Asia》文中研究指明中印两国的竞赛和争夺权力及影响力的竞争,就像两个新共和国的建立一样久远。然而,其中出现的权力不对称出现的相对较晚。这些力量的不对称重新塑造了当前两个崛起的对手之间的竞争(一种已经被大多数人预估到的崛起)。本研究分析了南亚地区中印竞争的新动态。本文研究的中心问题是:印度和中国之间不断演变的权力不对称如何影响了印度在南亚的权力和影响力的竞争?本研究通过权力的两种传统方法的组合分析探讨了在南亚地区中印竞争动态:第一种方法,国家权力方法的要素是以国内生产总值、武装力量、人口、土地规模等为衡量对象,第二种权力关系的方法将权力视为一种实际或潜在的因果关系。在许多与南亚地区相关的分析中,都普遍强调了国家权力的方法,然而,这掩盖了东道国的具体情况,在南亚地区,它在放大或减轻中国和印度的权力资源效力方面发挥了重要作用。相对权力设定了国家外部行为的广泛参数。中国相对于印度拥有更多的权力,可以有效实现更多的目标,相对来说印度在这方面不及中国,印度也不太容易实现其目标。中国和印度在南亚地区的经济实力分布与两国相对实力的不对称性有着广泛的关联。然而,仅靠能源资源的分配就只能说明问题的一面。权力资源的可替代性在领域和范围规范上都有所不同,并在领域和范围因素中受到其他无关的细节的严格限制。某些领域的条件可能有利于一个国家而不是另一个国家;他们也可以更加适应某一种特殊的权力,同时抵御另一种权力。同样,一个特定的权力在一个特定的环境中有用,很可能在另一个环境中成为一种负担。本研究认为,中国经济活动的扩张不仅得益于其相对强大的实力,而且其经济实力资源的功效也被南亚某些特定领域的特征所放大:南亚国家基础设施落后,而中国的贷款无疑可以解决燃眉之急。南亚各国领导人为寻求国家和个人的政治利益已经向中国伸出了援助之手,并最终将在该地区达成一项旨在促进经济增长国家间共识。相反,这项研究认为,印度拥有大量的历史、文化和民族联系,却很难改变其对外交政策的兴趣。问题在于印度的邻国政策和南亚迥然不同的领域背景,这些地区国家对印度的过度影响感到不满。最后,本研究分析了印度解决南亚问题的策略,并回应了中国在该地区的经济存在。纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)试图重新调整印度与南亚关系,以及与中国在南亚地区的微妙的软平衡,其中还涉及到日本和美国。



夏翠君[5](2016)在《维桑与梓,必恭敬止—青田幸村跨国移民之故土实践研究》文中指出在全球化背景下,越来越多的国际移民同时在移居地与祖籍地建立并保持频繁而有序的经济、政治、文化等多重社会关系连接。这种跨越祖籍地与移居地之间的生活方式被学者们称为"跨国主义"(transnationalism)。学界所研究的跨国主义,一般指国际移民与祖籍国之间的社会关系和跨境行动,因此有学者直接称之为家乡跨国主义(Lacroix2014)。普通移民个人或群体为什么不惜投入时间、金钱和精力在家乡开展各种政治、经济或文化实践活动?现有研究对移民跨国实践动因的阐释以"推-拉"视角为主,认为国际移民在祖籍地的活动与他们在移居地受到歧视与排挤有关。因此移民转向祖籍地寻找社会地位、道义上的优越感和满足感,同时在政治、经济、社会等方面获得有利于自身的各种支持或机会。现有跨国实践阐释范式在一定程度上把移民的跨国行为归结为移民对付出与收获的理性计算。此外绝大多数研究以移民行动者为基本分析单位,把移民个体从其根植的社会土壤中剥离出来加以考量,忽略了移民家乡历史文化的特殊性及非移民群体在跨国实践中所扮演的重要角色。在这样的背景下,本研究选择浙江青田一个华侨村落——幸村为研究对象,基于历时四年的间断性田野调查,从移民家乡历史文化的特殊性入手,深入移民在家乡的日常生活,关注被宏大叙事忽略了的生活碎片,考察移民与所在村落的非移民群体、当地更大范围内的其他社会行动主体的互动交往中的意义建构,并进一步从中国传统经学的"桑梓"文化意义建构入手解读幸村跨国移民在家乡的各类实践活动,丰富并推进文化视角下的跨国移民研究。与中国传统侨乡(广东、福建等)不同,浙江青田是一个典型的新侨乡。青田人很早就踏出国门,但是由于其数量相对较小,并未引起太多关注。这种情况直到20世纪70年代末中国改革开放之后才发生急剧的变化,青田开始出现移民潮,青田海外移民数量急剧增加。在这样的背景下,幸村海外移民也以新华侨为主。据2013年青田侨情普查数据,幸村华侨华人数量为1363,侨眷人数为222。本研究的对象以第一代移民为主,辅以少数年纪尚幼的移民二代。现有研究发现即使是临时性、偶然性的家乡实践在国际移民群体中都不是一个普遍现象,更不用说规律性、持久性的家乡实践(Guarnizo 2003;Landolt 2001;Ports 2003)。Ports及其研究团队调查发现,只有10%到15%的多明尼加移民、萨尔瓦多移民和墨西哥移民在他们各自的家乡规律地、持久地开展各种实践(Guarnizo et al.2003;Ports et al.2002)。但在幸村,随处可见移民参与家乡实践的痕迹,包括礼物馈赠、人情往来、建造房屋、维护老宅、葬礼实践、祭拜祖先、修缮祠堂、续修家谱、修路造桥、修庙建教堂、建造老年活动中心、建造凉亭、捐赠石凳石椅等。几乎所有移民都积极参与家乡的各种实践,只有极少数人脱离了幸村的跨国生活世界,成为人们口中的失败者并逐渐被边缘化。幸村这种大比例、大规模与大范围参与家乡实践的现象与学界现有的跨国移民家乡实践研究结果存在强烈反差。基于此,本研究设定以下研究问题:1)"家"或"家乡"对幸村移民来说意味着什么?有什么意义?2)什么样的家园文化孕育并滋养着幸村移民强烈的家乡参与欲望?3)这种家乡文化会影响移民在家乡的实践活动吗?如果会影响,又以什么方式影响或形塑具体的实践活动?为回答以上研究问题,本研究采用中国本土民族志研究方法"文献互征"。"文"指的是现代意义上的文献,文字典章,代表的是过去;而"献"相当于人类学田野调查的活人,是当下。所谓"征",《说文解字》解释,"召也。行于微而文达者,即征之。"(吴宗杰、张崇2014)对青田移民在家乡行事实践的研究,既要走近生活、进入田野去采集素材,同时也要反向观察中国高层文化与基层文化的历史传递,在几千年传承下来的文字中寻找文化的意义源流,并使其成为富有生命力的当代文化资源,照亮当下。本文作者在2011年末至2015年初间断性地在幸村进行人类学田野调查,总计时间大约为半年,收录了大量的生活碎片,包括文字记载(县志、乡志、家谱、新闻报道等)、口述文化记忆、以及图片与音像资料。除此之外,笔者于2012年1月在丹麦哥本哈根开展了半个月的田野调查,对接了幸村及青田移民的海外生活世界。另外一个方面,我们从中国儒家经典《诗经》、《易经》、《礼记》、《史记》、《论语》、《孝经》、《朱熹家礼》等文本中寻找相关的"家乡"或"故乡"话语表述,建构了中国家园文化——"桑梓文化"的基本框架,并用这种来自中国传统文化智慧的"桑梓文化"来观照并解读当今幸村的移民跨国实践活动。论文设五个主体章节,加上导论与结语,一共七章。第一章是导论,第三章是人类学田野经历与方法论介绍。第二、四、五、六章是论文的核心部分。第二章通过古籍文本梳理与解读,探寻中国儒家传统中的家园文化——"桑梓"文化的意义,并建构了 "桑梓"文化的三个维度:桑梓作为祖先、桑梓作为遗产、桑梓作为礼。桑梓文化的三个维度相互交织,相互渗透,互为支撑。在桑梓文化的三个维度意义观照下,第四、五、六章分别从"桑梓作为祖先"、"桑梓作为礼"和"桑梓作为遗产"角度对幸村移民在家乡的实践活动进行了分析与解读。第七章是讨论与总结。第一章导论首先介绍了研究缘起、用厚描(thick description)的方法展示了青田及幸村浓厚的国际化灵韵及移民跨国实践在侨乡生活空间留下的种种痕迹。接着,作者梳理了现有青田侨乡研究文献,指出现有研究主要以历史与经济视角为主导,部分研究涉及侨乡社会人文特点的宏大叙事描述与介绍。然后作者将问题对接到跨国移民研究领域,介绍了国内外现有移民跨国实践决定因素研究的现状与结论,指出了其缺乏文化研究视角、未能从移民日常生活的土壤中寻找意义等不足之处,并提出本研究的研究问题和研究目标。第二章主要论述了中国经典观照下的家园文化—"桑梓"文化。作者首先论证了为什么桑梓文化可以作为家园文化并用以解读移民在家乡的跨国实践活动。本章提出:1)从中国经典在中华文化中的重要地位来看:"桑梓"的意义源头可追溯到《诗经》、《易经》、《尚书》等先秦经典。先秦经典是中华文化的重要源头与载体,儒学经典尤其是中华民族传统文化的主体和核心,他们主导和影响了中华民族文化的发展达数千年之久(《十三经注疏》整理工作委员会1999:1)。2)从中国经典与现实生活的关联来看:中国经学价值体系是长期历史发展的结果,从口耳相传到写成文字,再到确立为经典,并不是脱离生活实际凭空想象的思想集成(姜广辉2005)。经典是人们信仰的对象,士大夫以通经致用为自己的终身抱负,平民百姓也以他们作为修身行事的彝训。3)从经典与历代注疏的关系来看:除了经典之外,历代注疏对经典反复的意义解读与建构是他们之所以被作为经典加以传承、并在社会政治文化生活中产生巨大影响的重要原因。也就是说,这些经典文本并非各自作为孤立文本在中国本土得以世代传承,而是与围绕他们进行经义诠释的注疏等研究文本一起建构了其作为中国经典的意义(胡美馨2014)。经典作为中国高层文化,与草根基层文化是相通的。因此反向从中国经典及历代注疏中探寻文化意义源流是合理的,且是十分有意义的(庄孔韶2000)。第二章接着呈现了"桑梓"在青田媒体报道、名人诗词、政府公文以及族谱中的广泛应用,是广为接受的"家乡"的代名词。然后作者呈现了相关儒家经典及历代注疏文本中"桑梓"的"家园"意义构建。在《易经》及其历代注疏文本中,"桑"作为一种树木,其根深而坚固,一旦在土壤中扎根,就很难拔出。因此"桑"在经典中的意义源头可以解读为"根深蒂固"(rootedness)。"梓"为百木之王,在《尚书大传》中梓树被描述成"实晋晋然而俯",仿佛是一个儿子,在父亲面前展现其谦卑的姿态。"梓"于是被解读为"子道",是儿子行事准则的统称。因此桑、梓在儒家经典中的源意义为"根深蒂固"与"子道"。而"桑梓"合在一起,最早出现在《诗经》小雅之小弁篇:"维桑舆梓,必恭敬止。靡瞻匪父,靡依匪母。不属于毛,不离于里。"之后世代注疏反复引用诗经中"维桑与梓,必恭敬止"的表达,逐渐明晰了"桑梓"的家园意义,并且在不断解读中建构了更加丰富的桑梓文化内涵。基于大量文本归类与分析,桑梓文化内涵可以从三个方面加以解读:1)桑梓作为祖先,后人必须以十分尊敬或敬畏的态度对待祖先,并以"子道"作为自己的行事准则;2)桑梓作为遗产(这里的遗产与当今世界十分受关注的"遗产热"中的遗产是不一样的概念,桑梓作为遗产指的是从祖先那里传承下来的家族遗产,包括物质与非物质两个方面。);3)桑梓作为礼,这里的礼是日常生活中行事的得体、恰当、或合适(propriety),也指仪礼——比如葬礼中的各种礼的实践。第三章展示了本研究的人类学田野过程与方法论。这一章首先从地理与移民历史角度介绍了本研究田野调查地点——幸村,接着呈现作者进入人们日常生活的途径与过程,包括怎么赢取人们的信任、怎么找到接纳自己同吃同住的房东、怎么参与观察日常生活、怎么开展开放式访谈、收集了什么文字、图片及其他各种资料、以及怎么在平淡的日常生活中找寻意义等。然后作者从本研究的目的与性质出发,指出民族志是适宜的研究方法。但是本研究对民族志方法论并不是没有选择性地全盘接收。在民族志及其表征危机背景下,各地本土方法论探索如火如茶。在介绍中国本土方法论探索的脉络基础上,本研究重点介绍了中国本土民族志研究方法——"文献互征"及该方法对本研究产生的意义。第四章呈现幸村年轻人如何在强大的移民话语中纷纷出国,一方面避免被边缘化,给父母带来羞耻;另一方面希望未来能衣锦还乡,给父母及家族带来荣耀。首先笔者从闲话(gossip)理论视角出发,阐释了村民通过闲话建构了幸村第一个传奇的移民家庭,并且逐渐建构起"不出去打拼的年轻人脑子有问题"的价值判断。幸村被构建成只有老人和孩子才可以心安理得在此栖息的地方。闲话成为一种强有力的移民话语,推动年轻人走出国门,到外面世界闯荡。接着笔者描述了三个年轻小伙在移民话语中奋斗、挣扎及妥协的人生故事。林云一心想成为公务员,端上全家人梦寐以求的铁饭碗。学法律的他在法院做临时工,转正似乎指日可待。但是随着家里两个姐姐相继出国,家里的经济状况无力对付转正需要的人情关系所需。而身边充斥的关于移民在外发财致富、衣锦还乡的故事不断刺激着林云及他的家人。在理想与现实的不断碰撞中,林云最后妥协了。他放弃了铁饭碗的人生理想,投入到移民大军中,希望尽快在异国他乡挣到大钱,然后回家盖别墅。飞泰初中毕业就开始学习理发技术,打算出国开个理发店挣欧元。然而一次次签证失败使飞泰成为人们闲话中的笑柄。飞泰本人开始变得越来越悲观。为了不虚度光阴,父母为他在庆山乡的大街上开了家理发店,一边等客人,一边等签证。最后一个故事讲述的是一直活在出国准备中的翡军。与飞泰相似,翡军的人生轨迹也是按照出国打拼的梦想设计的。17岁初中毕业,他就开始学裁缝,因为当时国外的劳动力市场需要大量的裁缝。然后翡军就一直等待着国外的亲戚把他带出国赚钱,改变家庭的命运。这一等就是八年。反反复复的等待,从希望到失望,新一轮的希望再到新一轮的失望,翡军就在不断准备中不断失望。第五章与第六章聚焦移民回到幸村后的实践活动,把移民的实践放在具体的社会过程中,把非移民及各种社会行动主体都纳入分析。第五章以礼为主要视角,探讨礼在移民跨国实践中扮演的角色。首先,笔者引《史记·项羽本纪》,探索了衣锦还乡的文化渊源与文化意义,阐述了中国人独特的还乡精神。其次,笔者以"礼"与"观礼"的理论视角探讨了礼是如何成为人们评判移民以及他们回乡具体行事方式的标准。随着时代的发展,移民的跨国实践从对个人、家庭的各种馈赠(稀缺日用品、奢侈品、欧元红包等)到对集体事业或公共空间建设的捐赠,在内容与形式上发生了很大的变化。然而不论物质与形式发生什么变化,跨国实践的准则或评判标准一直没变,这就是"礼"。合礼的行为能得到认同与赞扬,不合礼的则会遭人诟病。接着本章聚焦到葬礼,探究葬礼中出现的新的礼的实践——发红包与葬礼录像是如何从无到有、从个别到普遍现象的发展过程。移民的跨国实践正是在对仪礼的遵守与创新中为父母与家族带来荣耀,从而实现衣锦还乡的目标。接着文章展示了移民"失礼"的反面故事。那些与父母、家乡失去联系,没有汇款、没有礼物,甚至没有音讯的不孝儿子在人们的闲谈中被否定、被批判、逐渐被边缘化;在急于实现衣锦还乡梦想的背景下,一位中年妇女在亲人朋友面前杜撰自己在西班牙大获成功的故事;那些自认为没有足够资本而无颜见江东父老的人们选择远离幸村,在生活世界中逐渐消失;那些以欺骗、不守信用等不正当手段获取财富的移民同样在闲话中被批判与否定。"礼"作为评判移民与他们行事方式的标准,通过"闲话"这种方式产生社会力量,强化或纠正先前发生的社会实践,引导移民未来的跨国实践。因为房屋在幸村生活空间中的重要地位,第六章专门讨论房屋经营这一跨国实践活动。房子是祖先留下来的重要遗产形式,一砖一瓦及房屋所在的那片土地都是遗产的物质形式。更为重要的则是这物质层面所承载的祖先的精神及道德层面的遗产。本章主要围绕旧居保护与新房建盖来探究房子作为遗产如何影响幸村华侨的跨国实践。首先作者通过字形学分析,解读了"屋"所隐含的丰富文化意义,并通过当地"屋里人"的方言表达进一步凸显房子在当地社会生活中的重要地位。接着,本章聚焦一幢中西合璧的老宅。老宅由村里最早的移民前程在上世纪三十年代回乡建造而成。通过对老宅的空间描绘、文化记忆、档案资料、及口述史对当时社会生活空间的片段还原,文章展示了当年这处中西合璧的小洋楼如何为前程家族赢得巨大荣誉与独一无二的社会地位、前程后人如何想方设法在跨国生活中保护并传承老宅、前程家族又如何在遗产时代抓住机遇,在与政府与宗族的协商中使旧居成为遗产保护单位而重放光彩。修缮保护旧居是为了延续荣耀,而建盖新房是为了创造新的荣耀。村里的绝大多数旧房,因为没有建构起类似前程旧居的特殊象征意义,都争先恐后地以新的物质形式——小洋楼来延续家族的物质遗产,并寄予小洋楼以新的家族荣耀与象征意义。不论是新房的建盖还是旧房的维护,都是对祖先传下来的遗产的经营。值得一提的是,幸村出现了很多自家兄弟集中财力与精力共同建造新房的现象。房子浑然一体,从外观上很难分辨哪部分属于哪个儿子。然而他们似乎并不计较自己的得失,他们更在乎的是举兄弟之力建造起来的房子能以某某人儿子的名义为父母、家族赢得更大的荣耀。第七章是讨论与总结,共分为三个部分。第一部分在二、四、五、六章的基础上进一步讨论了桑梓文化与移民跨国实践的关系,认为桑梓文化的三层文化意义(即桑梓作为祖先、桑梓作为遗产、与桑梓作为礼)在很大程度上决定了移民跨国实践的物质形式、客体对象及预期达到的目标。桑梓作为祖先,决定了移民行事都必须考虑对父母及更远的祖先带来什么影响,是耻辱还是荣耀。儿女出国奋斗,回国的各种跨国实践,包括礼物馈赠、捐钱捐物、葬礼上的礼的实践以及出巨资建造新房,无不涉及到光宗耀祖。桑梓作为遗产决定了房子这一重要遗产表现形式在跨国实践中的重要地位。海外移民把对房子的经营看作延续或创造家族遗产。桑梓作为礼则以行事规范与道德准则来约束与引导移民的全部跨国实践,在移民的跨国生活中具有举足轻重的地位。第七章第二部分探讨了本研究的意义、贡献与启发。1)对"家"文化研究的意义与贡献。基于桑梓家文化,作者探讨了儒家家文化的建构对现有"家"研究的贡献。现有文献关于离散(diaspora)人群对"家"的理解可以大致分为两类。第一类,在祖籍国有生活经历或生活故事的人群来说,家是一个能提供舒适感、熟悉感、安全感、归属感、温暖及其他感官与心理感受的地方(Terkenli 1995;Blunt&Dowling 2006;Taylor 2013;Long 2013)。第二类,对那些不具有生活体验的离散人群来说(包括以奴隶身份被贩卖到美洲的黑人后裔),家以更抽象的方式被解读。家是一种种族认同或国家认同,他回答了我是谁,我来自哪里等问题(Rotimi 2003;Basu 2007;Fehler 2011)。桑梓文化作为一种家文化,同样也为离散人群提供安全感、归属感等感官与心理感受。但是除此之外,桑梓文化还为人们的跨国实践提供了行事规范与道德指引,满足人们实现自我发展的需求。因此青田移民的跨国实践不仅仅是为父母,家族或其他社区成员,跨国实践也让移民证明了自己的人生价值,实现了自我发展的追求。2)对国际移民研究的意义。国际移民启始动因的研究不能局限于经济、政治等理论视角,还需要从生活意义、价值等角度去思考。除了对"利"的追求,移民还有文化需求和自我发展的追求。第四章所解读的移民生活碎片的意义交织显示,青田移民并不是真正意义上的经济移民,而是一种故土文化催生的价值取向的移民。对这种价值取向移民的研究,不能停留在因果关系层面的探索,而要深入他们土壤的文化进行深度解读。同理,在回答移民为什么要在家乡开展各种实践活动的问题时,我们也不能简单地从利益、好处或得失等理性算计角度来分析,而应该基于移民所在的文化土壤来思考他们的生活意义和价值。本研究虽然是侨乡村落个案研究,但其意义有可能超越青田个案,对山东、安徽及东北地区陆续出现的新侨乡研究有积极的借鉴意义。3)对侨乡地方治理与地方建设的意义:第四、第五、第六章展示了侨乡人们日常生活中的"礼"、"闲话"在侨乡地方建构与移民故土实践中的强大社会推动力,通过话语的控制力量引导移民的具体实践,进而推进侨乡社会朝着某个方向发展。因此当地政府及社区可以从中得到启示,在地方治理与地方建设过程中可以通过家庭、社区、言说等来塑造、引导和影响人们的所思所为,通过对"礼"的把握来权衡各方面的政策与制度,以改善地方治理,实现较理想的地方建设。第七章的最后部分是反思与后续研究展望。作者以建构主义视角反思了田野过程,接着提出了进一步研究的三个方向:1)传统侨乡与新侨乡比较研究;2)青田移民海外民族志研究;3)移民二代研究。

伊望(TETTEH EVANS AGO)[6](2016)在《西非集装箱港口和码头的效率分析》文中进行了进一步梳理在过去的二十年里,海运贸易的稳定增长使集装箱船、集装箱港口和码头的数量不断增加。此外,航运市场的结构也持续演变:在承运人方面,船公司组成了联盟;在港口方面,全球码头运营商和专用集装箱码头也不断涌现。海港作业效率是影响货物装卸搬运情况的重要因素,它影响到国内外供应链贸易中的交通运输和物流情况,因此,通过评估海港的技术效率来反映资源利用程度与最优水平的差距,并显示海港在竞争环境中的实力水平是十分重要的。本文研究目的在于评估西非分区内集装箱港口和码头的作业效率,研究如何提高某特定港口或码头的规模效益,特别是研究某些因素是如何影响港口和码头的作业效率的。第一章构建了海运业的一般组织结构图,其中包括海上运输、港口导航服务、货物装卸服务、货物运输和储存服务以及内陆运输,并对集装箱港口行业的竞争力等方面进行了研究。第二章通过研究集装箱港口和码头的功能和配置,阐述了本文模型的基本框架。通过观察海运市场和集装箱运输与处理服务在港口绩效指标方面的情况,来审查海运承运人和海运港口的运营和成本结构。本章也通过构建引力模型,对西非两个毗邻港口腹地范围进行了划分。第三章重点介绍了随机前沿分析法(SFA)在码头和港口行业的应用情况,借鉴相关文献从三个基本方面进行探讨,包括以往研究的目标、范围和可变规格,用于输出、输入和空间因素的措施的定义,以及技术评估和模型规范。本章节设计了数学模型,对技术效率和规模效益进行了计算。第四章通过评估码头的技术效率、规模效益,分析两个空间因素对效率、效益产生的影响,以及分析了码头和运营商的类型,从而对西非4个海港集装箱码头作业效率水平进行了测评。第五章采用面板数据模型对达喀尔、阿比让、特马和拉各斯4个集装箱港口的作业效率进行了研究分析,侧重于分析港口生产力和效率随时间变化的趋势,以及外生变量、交易量对生产力和效率产生的影响。下一步将对同时期内每个被研究港口的具体技术情况和规模效益进行研究。第六章对研究结果进行了分析,并阐明了其对集装箱码头产生的影响。第七章讨论了西非次区域的港口相关政策,并将港口和码头规模进行了对比,以了解二者之间不同的市场行为。本章进一步对全文进行了总结,并对下一步的研究方向给出了建设性意见。结论表明,西非大部分集装箱港口和码头的技术效率较为低下,其中90%的集装箱港口和95%的集装箱码头技术效率值都低于0.8。交易量对集装箱港口的作业效率有重要影响,而当前港口产出的年增长率却无法满足其技术提升的需求,集装箱码头比综合型码头的作业效率更高,全球码头运营商并没有如预计那样优于本地码头运营商,而且集装箱码头运营规模过大。研究结果为所有集装箱港口/码头提供了效率概况,也详细测验出各个港口效率低下的原因,对承运人、码头经营者和政策制定者的决策能产生潜在影响。

Anna Podsedova[7](2016)在《中国与俄罗斯之间的税务问题》文中认为研究对象:避免中俄之间双重征税的独特方式研究主题:双重征税的性质,以及如何避免中俄之间有关双重征税协定的问题研究目的:了解税收制度以及如何避免中俄之间双重征税的方式。基于该研究目的,研究具有下列目标:一中俄税收制度的描述;了解双重征税的含义;-识别以及避免一般双重征税的方式;-分析为避免双重征税中俄之间所签订的新协议中的变化;本文首先对中国和俄罗斯的主要法律进行了分析,并对我国的税收法律进行了分析比较,我还研究了主要的国际税收协定,通常是国家使用的双重税收协定的典范。在我的工作结束时,我和俄罗斯和中国之间的协议,避免双重征税,并与俄罗斯和荷兰的协议概述。引言部分:指出了与研究相关的问题,提出问题、研究目标、研究目的以及通篇论文的概要。第一章:主要对比和总结了中俄两国的税收制度。第二章:主要介绍了双重征税的性质、出现双重征税的原因、冲突的来源以及双重征税的类型。第三章:重点分析了在一般情况下,避免双重征税的方式,双重征税协定的模式以及其他避免双重征税的方法等方面,如离岸区和第三方。第四章:主要研究了中俄之间为避免双重征税所签订的协议;分析了中俄之间为避免双重征税所签订的新协议的变化;另外,也对比了中俄之间为避免双重征税所签订的协议与俄罗斯和荷兰王国之间为避免双重征税所签订的协议。结论:总结了以上所以信息并阐述了为避免双方(中俄)在避免征税期间,条约滥用的可能性。俄罗斯和中国之间的协议,旨在刺激创业活动,建立平等的法律地位,有助于更大的国际联系,国家之间的市场关系和国家利益的保护,国家利益的发展。应该指出的是,这些变化有助于两国经济的吸引力,这就是为什么,对避免双重征税协定的改善是中国和俄罗斯的积极发展。


森美树[9](2015)在《日本汽车零部件对中国出口的影响因素研究 ——基于宏观视角》文中研究指明日本汽车零部件对中国出口是日本整体对中国出口贸易中的重要组成部分。同时,汽车零部件产业出口对日本全球贸易的贡献和影响也十分重要。随着中国取代日本成为世界第二大经济体,中国汽车消费需求日益增长,中国汽车产业也在兴旺发展。这一现状对日本的整车出口形成了阻碍,但日本精密加工为主的汽车零部件行业是否也会受到影响及影响因素构成如何已成为值得研究的重要命题。本文从宏观的角度对有关日本汽车零部件产业的现状,优势和弊端以及日本汽车零部件对中国出口的背景和影响因素采用定性、定量、实证等分析方法进行了大量的研究,探索了对日本汽车零部件对中国出口的影响。首先,通过文献、网络等资料的研读,对日本汽车零部件对中国出口问题的现状和学术思考做了总结。其后,通过逻辑分析与事理推论,提出了影响日本对中国出口汽车零部件的假设要素构成,第三,选取了2010—2014年中国与日本汽车产业各自所占GDP的比重、中国人均收入和中国汽车销售量,汇率和人口数量等变量作为自变量,以日本汽车零部件对中国出口额作为因变量进行线性回归分析。实证结果发现,中国人均收入、中国汽车销售量、日本汽车产业占日本GDP比重、汇率四项是显着的正向影响要素,而中国汽车产业占中国GDP的比重和人口数量对日本汽车零部件对中国出口的影响作用不明显。从年度影响变化看,各影响要素对F1本汽车零部件对中国出口的影响都在年度间存在较大波动,不存在某个变量的影响机制保持整体上升或者整体下降。由此说明,在不同年份影响日本汽车零部件对中国出口的作用机制不同。其中,汇率(Exchang)的影响趋势相比其余的五个变量来说,相对保持了一直上升的趋势;中国汽车销售数量(lnAS)、中国汽车产业占GDP比重(Chauto)以及日本汽车产业占GDP比重(Japauto)三个影响因素都呈现了先增后减再增的趋势,其共同特点都是在2011年达到顶点,2013年达到最低点;人口数量(lnPop)波动最为剧烈,但其对日本汽车零部件对中国出口的影响在回归结果中并不显着。

萨米尔(SAMER ABDULLA AQLAN)[10](2015)在《中国与巴林建筑项目管理的比较研究》文中研究指明总结本论调查研究的主目的是对比研究建筑项目管理对中国和巴林建设项目控制的影响并与主要目标是研究项目管理(PM)如何加强对建设项目的管理控制。旨在指出为何民族文化在支持对建设项目的管理控制方面尤为重要。研究在中国和巴林采用了哪些项目管理工具和方法来加强对建筑行业项目的成本和时间的管理控制。研究组织结构体系及其对两国建设项目管理控制的影响。研究中国和巴林的项目管理的优点与缺点。研究中国和巴林目前的项目管理情况。最后,研究招标制度及其对中国和巴林管理制度的影响。管理控制旨在尽量减少项目成本,避免项目延误,建设高质量的项目,这点对于满足项目业主的要求非常重要。在本研究中,比较研究了中国和巴林的建筑领域对成本、时间及质量的管理控制,同时也比较研究了中国和巴林的文化、项目管理、招标制度和组织结构。为使这项研究更清楚、更易理解,我们将本研究中的比较研究每一部分做出概况总结,形成表格。本研究为中国建筑第三工程局有限公司(CCTEB)和巴林AL-ZAMEL国际承包公司(ZICC)两家公司的组织结构框架提出了建议,我们在研究中也发现了中国和巴林这两家大型公司的成本差异、时间差异和质量管理标准差异。本研究的成果将有助于两国工程师和项目经理在建筑领域进行项目管理,以及了解两国当前的项目管理情况。目标:(1)研究项目管理(PM)如何加强对建设项目的管理控制。(2)旨在指出为何民族文化在支持对建设项目的管理控制方面尤为重要。(3)研究在中国和巴林采用了哪些项目管理工具和方法来加强对建筑行业项目的成本和时间的管理控制。(4)研究组织结构体系及其对两国建设项目管理控制的影响。(5)研究中国和巴林的项目管理的优点与缺点。(6)研究中国和巴林目前的项目管理情况。(7)最后,研究招标制度及其对中国和巴林管理制度的影响。管理控制旨在尽量减少项目成本,避免项目延误,建设高质量的项目,这点对于满足项目业主的要求非常重要。在本研究中,比较研究了中国和巴林的建筑领域对成本、时间及质量的管理控制,同时也比较研究了中国和巴林的文化、项目管理、招标制度和组织结构。为使这项研究更清楚、更易理解,我们将本研究中的比较研究每一部分做出概况总结,形成表格。研究方法:(1)本研究采用描述性研究的方法,从中国和巴林选取两家大型企业公司作为模型,从文化、项目管理工具和技巧方法、管理制度、招标过程和组织结构方面开展比较研究。(2)开展了调查研究来收集数据,并在巴林通过邮件问卷调查形式收集数据。(3)从大量文章和以往研究中获得二手数据,以便研究在时间、成本及质量方面的差异,还从这两家大型公司现有的项目中获得了数据。结果:在本研究中,我们发现文化和文化差异是每个行业的每个企业组织要面临的重要问题,它会影响到对项目管理的控制,而项目管理可能会影响到对建设管理的控制。了解文化和项目管理(PM)可以加强对建设项目的成本、时间及质量的管理控制。结论:本研究为中国建筑第三工程局有限公司(CCTEB)和巴林AL-ZAMEL国际承包公司(ZICC)两家公司的组织结构框架提出了建议,我们在研究中也发现了中国和巴林这两家大型公司的成本差异、时间差异和质量管理标准差异。本研究的成果将有助于两国工程师和项目经理在建筑领域进行项目管理,以及了解两国当前的项目管理情况。

二、Reform:Implementing Share-Holding System in Extra-Large State-Owned Enterprises in China(论文开题报告)

















三、Reform:Implementing Share-Holding System in Extra-Large State-Owned Enterprises in China(论文提纲范文)

(1)Identification of Critical Success Factors for Chinese Railway Construction Projects in Ethiopia(论文提纲范文)

Glossary of Abbreviations
    1.1 Research Background
        1.1.1 Construction in General
        1.1.2 The Recent Ethiopian Construction Industry
        1.1.3 One Belt one Road Initiative (OBOR)
        1.1.4 Railway in Ethiopia
    1.2 Problem Statement
    1.3 Significance of the Study
    1.4 Research Aim and Objectives
    1.5 Research Question
    1.6 Structure of the Thesis
    2.1 Construction Project Management
    2.2 Project Success Perspective
    2.3 Project Success and Project Management Success
    2.4 Project success criteria
    2.5 Project Success Factors
        2.5.1 International projects success factors
        2.5.2 Background of Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
        2.5.3 Critical Success Factor in Construction Projects
    2.6 Challenges of Mega Construction Projects
    3.1 Research Design and Approach
    3.2 Research Methods
    3.3 Sample and Targeted population
        3.3.1 Sampling
        3.3.2 Targeted population
    3.4 Data Sources and Tools/Instruments of Data Collection
    3.5 Procedure of Data collection
    3.6 Design of Questionnaire
    3.7 Data Analysis
        3.7.1 Preparation for Data Analysis
        3.7.2 Validity and Reliability Tests
        3.7.3 Summary of Procedures of Data Analysis
    3.8 Ethical Considerations
    4.1 Interview
        4.1.1 Interview Data analysis
    4.2 Questionnaire Analysis
        4.2.1 Preparation of Data
        4.2.2 Background and Distribution of Participants
        4.2.3 Composite Variables
        4.2.4 Questionnaire Validity and Reliability
        4.2.5 Description Statistic for Composite Variables
    5.1 Identification and Ranking of Critical Success Factors
        5.1.1 Findings for Research Question 1
    5.2 Project organizational structure and culture
    5.3 Major Challenges Facing the Ethiopian Railway Projects
        5.3.1 Findings for Research Question 2
    5.4 Summary of the chapter
    6.1 Conclusions
    6.2 Limitations of the Study
    6.3 Recommendations

(2)An Uneven Contest:How Power Asymmetries Shape Sino-India Competition for Power and Influence in South Asia(论文提纲范文)

    Simultaneous but 'uneven' rise of India and China
        Power and outward growth
    Rise of China and growing global economic presence
    Scope of the Study:South Asia
    Literary review: A great power rivalry
        Security Dilemma
        Widening power asymmetries and shifting threat perceptions
    Objective of the Study
        Distribution of relative economic power
        Fungibility of power resources as a factor of South Asia's domain context
        Paradox of India's discursive power
    Narendra Modi and the new phase of foreign policy activism
    South Asia's challenge and opportunity
1. Why the Sino-India competition is uneven?
    1.1. Power asymmetries between India and China
        1.1.1. Widening power asymmetries in defence
        1.1.2. Asymmetries in R&D spending
        1.1.3. Relative power of firms
    1.2. State structures and limits of extractive capacity
        1.2.1. Constraining effects of political fragmentation
        1.2.2. India's limit of extractive power
        1.2.3. Opportunity cost of foreign policy interests
    1.3. Primary Research Question
    1.4. Power analysis
        1.4.1. Element of national power approach
        1.4.2. Power Relational Approach
        1.4.3. Primary Hypothesis
    1.5. Research Outline
        1.5.1. Distribution of economic power resources in the region
        1.5.2. Domain context and fungibility of power
2. Background to Sino-India relations
    2.1. Relations between China and India after independence
        2.1.1. India's Non-alignment Policy
        2.1.2. Mao's 'lean to one side'
        2.1.3. Internal contradictions in India's policy on China
        2.1.4. Frozen Sino- Indian relationship and trappings of Indo-Soviet alliance
        2.1.5. Soviet influence of India's China relations
        2.1.6. Rajiv Gandhi's Beijing visit and revival of high level contact
    2.2. Xi and Modi era
        2.2.1. The new dynamics of Indo-Chinese relations under the new leadership in Beijing and New Delhi
        2.2.2. Cooperating globally- competing locally
        2.2.3. "Chindia": Peace through trade?
        2.2.4. India China: Decoupling economic cooperation from security rivalry
3. China's South Asia Policy
    3.1. China's Third World Policy
        3.1.1. Five principles of Co-existence
        3.1.2. Mao's 'Three Worlds theory'
        3.1.3. Low Key approach of Deng Xiaoping
    3.2. China's economic diplomacy in South Asia in the 21st century
        3.2.1. High Level contact
        3.2.2. South Asia's Bipartisan consensus
        3.2.3. China as a source of diplomatic support
    3.3. Defence cooperation
    3.4. Indian Concern: South Asia's tight rope walk
    3.5. Sino-Pakistan entente
        3.5.1. CPEC: Moving beyond defence
4. China's economic power resources and fungibility in South Asia
    4.1. China's looming web of economic influence
        4.1.1. Rapid expansion
    4.2. Chinese economic presence in South Asian states
        4.2.1. Pakistan
        4.2.2. China Pakistan Economic Corridor
        4.2.3. Sri Lanka
        4.2.4. Bangladesh
        4.2.5. Nepal
        4.2.6. Maldives
        4.2.7. Afghanistan
        4.2.8. Bhutan
    4.3. Misconceptions of the Chinese aid to South Asia
        4.3.1. lending rogue regimes?
        4.3.2. Less geopolitical, more mercantilist
        4.3.3. More loans, less aid
    4.4. China's Soft power
        4.4.1. Limits of China's soft power
    4.5. Domain /Scope factor: South Asia's domestic system
        4.5.1. Infrastructure deficit
        4.5.2. Sense of urgency
        4.5.3. Personal political ambitions and Performance based legitimacy
    4.6. Domain /scope context and fungibility of China's economic power
        4.6.1. Domestic Politics
        4.6.2. Limits of state centric approach
        4.6.3. Fragmented Polity and local discontent
        4.6.4. Loans: a double edged sward
        4.6.5. Geopolitical limits
5. India's South Asia strategy
    5.1. British Raj and the formation of India's neighbourhood policy
    5.2. India's Monroe Doctrine: Indira Doctrine
    5.3. Paradox of discursive power: India's image problem
    5.4. India's China concern in South Asia
    5.5. India's economic role in South Asia
        5.5.1. Bhutan
        5.5.2. Nepal
        5.5.3. Afghanistan
        5.5.4. Bangladesh
        5.5.5. Sri Lanka
    5.6. Intra-regional trade: Missing elephant in the room
    5.7. Modi and the new phase of Indian economic diplomacy
        5.7.1. Multilateral economic balancing
6. How India is balancing China's economic presence in South Asia under Narendra Modi?
    6.1. Narendra Modi's personalized foreign policy
        6.1.1. Personal attributes and change of domestic system as a factor of influencing the Indian foreign policy
        6.1.2. The ideological shift in Indian foreign policy: from Nehruvianism to Hindutva realism
    6.2. India's evolving South Asian policy under Narendra Modi
        6.2.1. Bangladesh
        6.2.2. Sri Lanka
        6.2.3. Nepal
        6.2.4. Maldives
    6.3. India's evolving multi-lateral strategy of soft balancing
        6.3.1. The revival of the Quad
        6.3.2. Democratic Quad: The synergy of internal characteristics
        6.3.3. India-America grand partnership
        6.3.4. Security cooperation
        6.3.5. Trump and the evolving one dimensional partnership
        6.3.6. Challenges ahead
    China's lateral pressure and outward growth
    India's Relative power deficit and limits of foreign policy activism
    Fungibility of power resources and South Asia's domain context
    India's balancing of China and convergence of systemic forces
    A case for Sino-Indian cooperation in South Asian and mutual benefit


        (一) 国内对当代美国中国学的总体性研究
        (二) 关于《当代中国》杂志的研究
第一章 《当代中国》概况
    第一节 《当代中国》的创立
第二章 《当代中国》作者概况
    第一节 不同维度下的作者群体分析
    第二节 从作者队伍看美国当代中国学的发展
    第一节 论文主题分类
    第二节 "外交"主题下的中美关系研究
        (一) 美国对中国的认知
        (二) 中国对美国的认知
        (三) 中国威胁论
        (四) 第三方国家对中美关系的影响
        (五) 中国对美战略
        (六) 美国对中国战略研究
        (七) 中美亚太战略研究
        (八) 中美冲突
        (九) 中美合作
        (十) 特殊事件对中美关系的影响
        (十一) 中美关系研究
第四章 结语
    第一节 《当代中国》的研究特点
    第二节 《当代中国》的缺憾和不足
附录 1997-2016年《当代中国》论文目录汇总


    1. Overview
    2. Research background
    3. Research objectives and questions
    4. Structure of the thesis
Chapter 1 Literature Review of Legal Lexical Gap
    1.1 Previous studies on lexical gap at home and abroad
        1.1.1 Defining lexical gap
        1.1.2 Cultural vacancy and lexical gap
        1.1.3 Culturally-loaded words
    1.2 Previous studies on legal lexical gap at home and abroad
        1.2.1 Definition of legal lexical gap
        1.2.2 Classification of legal lexical gap
        1.2.3 Causes of legal lexical gap
Chapter 2 Legal Language, Legal Culture and Legal Translation
    2.1 Language, culture and translation
    2.2 Culture turn in translation
    2.3 Legal language, legal culture and legal translation
        2.3.1 Legal language
        2.3.2 Legal culture
        2.3.3 Legal translation
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Research Methodology of the Thesis
    3.1 Notion of equivalence
    3.2 Eugene Nida's functional equivalence
    3.3 Susan Sarcevic's equivalence in legal translation
    3.4 Research methodology and data collection
        3.4.1 Research methodology
        3.4.2 Data collection
Chapter 4 Strategies to Remedy Legal Lexical Gap
    4.1 Near equivalence and translation strategies
    4.2 Zero equivalence and translation strategies
        4.2.1 Non-translation
        4.2.2 Neologism and word formation
        4.2.3 Paraphrase
    4.3 Partial equivalence and translation strategies


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 First encounters with Qingtian
    1.2 Locating fieldwork in Xingcun
    1.3 Qingtian studies: as a new qiaoxiang
    1.4 Transnational migration studies
        1.4.1 The concept of transnationalism
        1.4.2 Research on determinants of transnationalism
        1.4.3 Research orientation
    1.5 Dissertation framework
Chapter 2 Exploring Chinese Conceptualization of Homeland
    2.1 Sang zi,Chinese Classics and culture integration
    2.2 Uses of sang zi in qiaoxiang
    2.3 Fabricating sang zi as home
        2.3.1 Sang zi as trees: source meanings
        2.3.2 Sang zi as ancestors: to be regarded with reverence
        2.3.3 Sang zi as legacy: material and spiritual
        2.3.4 Sang zi as ritual: behavior norms and moral guidance
    2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Being There in Xingcun: Field, Texts and Methodology
    3.1 Mapping Xingcun in Qingtian
    3.2 Fieldwork access: back and forth like a day student
    3.3 Finding a landlord in Xingcun
    3.4 Seeking meanings in everydayness
    3.5 Ethnography and indigenous methodology
        3.5.1 Ethnography and its crisis
        3.5.2 Indigenous methodology
    3.6 Writing Chinese indigenous ethnography
        3.6.1 Chinese indigenous methodology exploration
        3.6.2 Wen Xian Hu Zheng(文献互征)
    3.7 Summary
Chapter 4 Going Out for Honor
    4.1 Understanding gossiping as migration discourse
    4.2 Renegotiating life dreams
    4.3 Being reduced to a loser
    4.4 Living in the preparation for going out
    4.5 Children's desires for going out
    4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Returning Home in Triumph
    5.1 Exploring Chinese spirits of returning home
    5.2 Understanding rituals as judgment criteria
    5.3 Sharing honors in accord with propriety (li)
    5.4 Glorifying funeral rituals
        5.4.1 Attending funerals as ritual expects
        5.4.2 Videotaping funeral ceremony
        5.4.3 Distributing hongbao(红包)
    5.5 Gossiping unfilial sons
    5.6 Making stories of "success"
    5.7 Humiliating and escaping
    5.8 Summary
Chapter 6 Constructing Houses as Family Legacies
    6.1 The Chinese wu(house) and its cultural significance
    6.2 Hybridizing house with honors
        6.2.1 Admirable fengshui(风水)
        6.2.2 Splendid screen wall and gate tower
        6.2.3 Glorious Zhongtang(中堂):the middle hall
    6.3 Regaining honor through heritage practices
        6.3.1 Conserving the house with family's endeavors
        6.3.2 Seeking an opportunity in the age of heritage
        6.3.3 Taking the lost part house back
        6.3.4 Strengthening family unity in house conservation
        6.3.5 Achieving satisfaction in the reinforced house
    6.4 Building new houses to glorify ancestors
        6.4.1 Winning new glories to parents
        6.4.2 Building in the name of parents
        6.4.3 Damaging transnational village's fame
    6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusion
    7.1 Sang zi culture and transnational practices
    7.2 Sang zi culture and western understanding of home
    7.3 Reflections and research prospects
    Appendix 1 Transcript of descendants' narration of glorious family history
    Appendix 2 Transcript of a young man's talking about dreams and migration
    Appendix 3 Transcript of narrating preparation for migration
    Appendix 4 Transcript of talking about returning home
    Appendix 5 Transcript of narrating irresponsible father in Paris
    Appendix 6 Transcript of introducing conserving Qiukun old house
    Appendix 7 Transcript of visiting Qiukun old house and recalling family history
    Appendix 8 Transcript of introducing building new houses
    Appendix 9 Transcript of visiting Nangping's newly built house
    Appendix 10 Transcript of introducing Sino-Western Qiukun old house
    Appendix 11 Transcript of gossiping unfilial sons
    Appendix 12 Transcript of gossiping the ghost
    Appendix 13 The family report to the local government on the issue of Qiukun old house conservation


    1.1 Research Background
Chapter 2. Literature Review
    2.1 Sea ports and Container ports and terminals
    2.2 Cost structure and Operation of Ocean carriers
    2.3 Sea ports operation mechanisms and cost structure
    2.4 Structural Framework and Functions of Container Ports and Terminals
    2.5 Types and Description of Container Terminals
        2.5.1 Types of Container Terminals on The Basis of Ownership
        2.5.2 Types of Container Terminals on The Basis of Operations
    2.6 Port Management Concepts in Evaluating Port Performance and Productivity
        2.6.1 The Duration of a Ship's Stay in Port
        2.6.2 Operational Performance Indicators
        2.6.3 Financial Performance Indicators
    2.7 Port Hinterland Demarcation in West Africa
        2.7.1 Port Hinterlands
        2.7.2 Concise Description of Hinterlands
        2.7.3 Factors That Determine the Classification of Port Hinterlands
        2.7.4 Hinterland Segmentation of Tema and Abidjan Ports Based on Gravitational Model
        2.7.5 Evaluation of The Index System of the Pot Gravitation
        2.7.6 Hinterland Segmentation Method
        2.7.7 Calculation of The Hinterland Area of the Two Ports
Chapter 3. Methodology
    3.1 Data Envelopment Analysis Technique
        3.1.1 Constant Return to Scale, CRS
        3.1.2 Variable Return to Scale, VRS
    3.2 Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model
        3.2.1 Model 1
        3.2.2 Model 2
        3.2.3 Efficiency Predictions
    3.3 Evaluation of Technical Efficiency by a Combinatory Approach
    3.4 Geometric Mean of Technical Efficiencies
    3.5 The Evaluation Approach
    3.6 Data Requirements for the Evaluation Techniques
    3.7 Specific Methodology
        3.7.1 Specification of the variable
        3.7.2 Deterministic part of the model (Functional form)
        3.7.3 Stochastic part of the model (Distributions)
        3.7.4 Definitions of the Model
    3.8 Scale Efficiency
    3.9 Technical Efficiency
Chapter 4. Efficiency Analysis at The Terminal Level
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Presentation of Empirical Data
        4.2.1 Port of Tema
        4.2.2 Port of Abidjan
        4.2.3 Port of Dakar
        4.2.4 Port of Cotonou
        4.2.5 Lagos Port Complex
    4.3 Description of the Data
    4.4 Specification of the Model
    4.5 Results Estimation
Chapter 5. Efficiency Analysis at the Port Level
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Data Description
    5.3 Specification of the Models
    5.4 Results Estimation
    5.5 Stochastic and Trend Variable
Chapter 6. Analysis and Implications of Research
    6.1 Results of Data Envelopment Analysis
    6.2 Results of Stochastic Frontier Analysis
    6.3 Results of Combination of DEA and Stochastic Frontier Analysis
    6.4 Test of Correlation between Container Port Throughput and Technical Efficiency
    6.5 Research Findings and Implications
Chapter 7. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
    7.1 Summary and Conclusions
    7.2 Policy Implications for West African ports
    7.3 Limitations of the research
    Appendix 1
    Appendix 2
    Appendix 3
    Appendix 4
    Appendix 5
    Appendix 6
    Appendix 7
    Appendix 8


1.Taxation system between Russia and China
2. The nature of double taxation
    2.1. Types of international double taxation
    2.2. International taxation of legal entities
3. The ways to avoid double taxation
    3.1. Double tax treaties models
    3.2. Other ways to avoid double taxation
4. The unique ways to avoid double taxation between Russia and China


1 Introduction
    1.1 Research background and significance
        1.1.1 Research background
        1.1.2 Theoretical and practical significance
    1.2 Key words of the research
        1.2.1 Pension system
        1.2.2 Non governmental pension funds
        1.2.3 Social insurance and pensions
        1.2.4 Governmental regulation
    1.3 Literature review
        1.3.1 Foreign research summary
        1.3.2 Domestic research summary
    1.4 Content of the research, methodology and schematic introduction
        1.4.1. Content of the research
        1.4.2. Research methodology
        1.4.3 Research scheme
2 Theoretical basis and practical development of the governmental regulation of the nongovernmental pension fund activities in the Russian Federation
    2.1 Theoretical analysis of social insurance system
        2.1.1 Bismarck model of social insurance
        2.1.2 William Beveridge model of social insurance
        2.1.3 Mixed (Swedish) model of social security
    2.2 Governmental regulation of non-governmental pension funds activity
        2.2.1 Essence of governmental regulation
        2.2.2 Principles and entities of governmental regulation
        2.2.3 Mechanisms of government regulation
3 Analysis on the problems of the governmental regulation of the non governmental pensionfund activities in Russia
    3.1 Current situation of pension insurance system in Russia
        3.1.1 Transformation and change of modern pension system in Russia
        3.1.2 Characteristics and contents of the modern pension system in Russia
        3.1.3 Role of non-state pension funds in the pension system of Russia
    3.2 Analysis on the key problematic of government regulation of non governmental pensionfund activities in Russia
        3.2.1 Analysis on the current state of the private pension funds activities, and a general description of the effectiveness of its government regulation
        3.2.2 Analysis on the problematic of government regulation
    3.3 Analysis on the reasons for the problems of the government regulation of the nongovernmental pension fund activities in Russia
        3.3.1 Weakness of internal controls and management of NPF
        3.3.2 The increasing regulatory requirements on the value of assets to support statutory activities
        3.3.3 Barriers in the entry/exit path
        3.3.4 Incorrect distribution of received income
4 Ways of improvement of NPF activities regulations
    4.1 Improvement of the regulation efficiency
        4.1.1 Accurate distribution of assets
        4.1.2 Improvement of tax system
        4.1.3 Expanding the insurance base for the formation of financial resources
    4.2 Implementation and promotion of non governmental pension fund system
        4.2.1 Legal framework development
        4.2.2 Development of corporate pension programs
        4.2.3 Securing non-state pension savings abroad
    4.3 Government regulation strengthening
        4.3.1 Legal and regulatory support
        4.3.2 Adjusting of tax assessment
        4.3.3 Development of professional pension systems
    4.4 Improvement of mixed model of social security
        4.4.1 Strengthening of tax administration
        4.4.2 Strengthening of supervision services

(9)日本汽车零部件对中国出口的影响因素研究 ——基于宏观视角(论文提纲范文)

1 Introduction
    1.1 Background of selected topic
    1.2 The domestic and foreign research review
        1.2.1 Industry structure theory
        1.2.2 Related research on auto parts industry
        1.2.3 Research on the influence factors of auto parts exports
    1.3 Research framework
        1.3.1 Research ideas and methods
        1.3.2 The structure of the paper
    1.4 Features and contributions
2 Analysis of the Japan's auto parts exports to China
    2.1 Industrial actuality and development tendency of the global auto parts
        2.1.1 Industrial actuality of the global auto parts
        2.1.2 Development trend of Global auto parts industry
    2.2 Industrial actuality of Japan's auto parts
    2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of Japan's auto parts industry
        2.3.1 Advantages of Japan's auto parts industry
        2.3.2 Disadvantage of Japan's auto parts industry
    2.4 Background of Japan's auto parts exports to China
    2.5 Differences of Sino-Japanese economic structure
        2.5.1 National income and urbanization level
        2.5.2 Industrial policy
3 Research design
    3.1 Research hypothesis
    3.2 Model construction
4 Empirical analysis
    4.1 Source
    4.2 Descriptive statistical analysis
    4.3 Empirical results and analysis
        4.3.1 Empirical results
        4.3.2 Empirical analysis
    4.4 Empirical research summary


    Background of the problem
    Statement of the problem
    Objective of the research
    The research questions
    Significance of the research
    Terms of references
    Research outlines
        1.1 History of project management
        1.2 Project management in China and Bahrain
    PART2 Research methodology
        2.1 Research methodology
        2.2 Research questions
        2.3 Secondary data 3.4 Research design
        2.4 Research Design
        2.5 The Qualitative versus the Quantitative Approach
        2.6 The Design model
    1 History of Construction culture
        1.1 Bahrain's History
        1.2 Bahrain's architect
        1.3 China history
        1.4 China's architect
    2 Impact of the Culture in the Construction PM
    3 Differences of construction culture between china and Bahrain
        3.1 Bahrain culture
        3.2 China culture
    4 Hofstede culture dimensions in China and Bahrain
    5 Comfucian culture in China
    6 Team work in CCTEB
    7 Harmony culture and core values in China
    8 Project culture in CCTEB
    9 Team work in CCTEB
    10 Harmony culture and core values in Bahrain
    11 Project culture in ZICC
    12 Summary of comparative study in PM culture between the (CCTEB) China and (ZICC) Bahrain
    1 Important of project management
    2 Differences between PM and construction management
        2.1 Project Management (PM)
        2.2 Construction Management
    3 PM software in china and Bahrain
    4 PMPs and PMP Members in China and Bahrain
    5 Impact of Technology in PM in China and Bahrain
    6 status of PM in China
    7 Status of PM in Bahrain
    8 PM practice in China and Bahrain
    9 Advantages of PM and its disadvantages in China
    10 Advantages & disadvantages of PM in Bahrain
    11 Bahrain PM situation
    12 Bahrain PM process
    13 Bahrain PM tools
    14 Impact of Bahrain law and regulation on project management
    15 China PM situation
    16 China PM process
    17 China PM tools
    18 Impact of china law and regulation on PM
    19 Bahrain construction projects and management
    20 China construction projects and management
    21 Impact of technology in PM in Bahrain
    22 Impact of technology in PM in china
    23 Impact of PM on construction on china
    24 PM in construction industry
    25 Several popular PM models
        25.1 PM mode
        25.2 DB mode
        25.3 PMC mode
        25.4 CM mode
        25.5 DM mode
        25.6 EPC mode
        25.7 The total control mode
    26 PM model in (CCTEB) China and (ZICC) in Bahrain
    27 Summaries of differences of PM modes
    28 Summaries of knowledge areas in PM practices
    29 Problems Facing PM (PM) in China and Bahrain
    30 Summary of Comparative study between (CCTEB) China and (ZICC) Bahrain in PM
    31 Summary of Comparative study between China and Bahrain advantage and disadvantage PM
    1 Cost Management
    2 Managing project costs
    3 Control theory of Construction cost and the mode of management
    4 Current coos management model of construction projects in china
        4.1 Direct rules and control of the government cost projects
        4.2 Evaluation of current construction cost
    5 Cost controlling in phase of implementation
    6 Cost control in the during construction
    7 Project cost Management and content control in Bahrain
        7.1 Construction cost projections
        7.1.1 To determining the cost reduction target
        7.1.2 Analysis and study ways to reduce costs
        7.1.3 Project Cost Analysis
    8 Project Resources and Controls
        8.1 Material
        8.2 Plant
        8.3 Labor
    9 Cost calculation and variances
        9.1 Schedule and cost variation in ZICC
        9.2 Cost variation in CCTEB
    10 Cost Management in CCTEB and ZICC
        10.1 Project Cost Management and Control in CCTEB and ZICC
        10.2 Cost Management process in construction projects
    11 Summary of comparative study on cost management between china and Bahrain
    1 Project Time Management
    2 construction time management problems
    3 Project time management in Bahrain
    4 Schedule Calculations and Variances
        4.1 Schedule variation in ZICC
        4.2 Schedule variation in CCTEB
    5 Project Time Management (PTM) in China
    6 Summary of comparative study on time management between china and Bahrain
    1 Quality management
    2 Quality assurance
    3 Project Quality
    4 Quality management
        4.1 Quality Management Work flow
        4.2 Quality Management Content
    5 Quality Management in construction industry in Bahrain
    6 Quality Management in construction industry in China
    7 The Quality of the various stages of the PM process
        7.1 A quality Management- pre-planning stage
        7.2 Second,the design phase of the Quality Management
        7.3 Third,the construction phase of the Quality Management (QM)
        7.4 Quality Management Fourth,the acceptance stage
        7.5 Five stages of quality assurance warranty runs
        7.6 Construction Quality Management process (summary)
        7.7 Summary of comparative study on quality management between china and Bahrain
    1 Project Monitoring
    2 control system in construction projects in CCTEB and ZICC
        2.1 Schedule control in CCTEB and ZICC
        2.2 Cost control in CCTEB and ZICC
    3 Project control tools
        3.1 Work" Breakdown" structure (WBS)
        3.2. Critical paths
        3.3 Control risk in construction projects
    4 Compare between (CCTEB) China and (ZICC) Bahrain in Documentation system
        4.1 Documentation system in CTTEB Company in china
        4.2 Documentation system in ZICC Company in Bahrain
    5 Schedule and cost variation in (CCTEB) China and (ZICC) Bahrain
    6 The Main content overall project control
    7 project construction cost control
        7.1 Project Cost Control Overview
        7.1.1 Direct costs
        7.1.2 Indirect costs
        7.2 Cost management and content control projects include
        7.3 Construction cost projections
        7.4 Calculate the economic effect of the measures adopte d after the reduced cost of the project
    8 Project progress controls
        8.1 Project Schedule Management Overview
        8.2 The basic method of schedule control in CCTEB and ZICC
        8.2.1 Critical Path Method
        8.2.2 PERT
        8.2.3 Bar graph and table schedule
        8.2.4 Milestone Systems
        8.3 Comparison of Methods of actual and planned progress in CCTEB and ZICC
        8.3.1 Gantt chart comparison method
        8.3.2 S-curve comparison method
        8.3.3 Actual progress forward line Comparative Law
        8.4 Adjustment of the construction phase schedule
    9 Quality control of projects
        9.1 Quality Control Project Overview
        9.2 Quality Management Fourth,the acceptance stage
        9.3 Five stages of quality assurance warranty runs
    1 Construction in China and Bahrain
        1.1 China Construction
        1.2 Bahrain Construction
    3 Tendering system in (CCTEB) China and (ZICC) Bahrain
        3.1 Tendering system in (ZICC) Bahrain
        3.2 Tendering system in (CCTEB) China
    4 Summary of Comparative study between China and Bahrain in tendering system
    Organization Structure in Construction Projects
    1 Control Management Organization
    2 Organization structure in (CCTEB) China and (ZICC) Bahrain
        2.1 Or.ganization structures in (CCTEB) China
        2.2 Organization structures in (ZICC) Bahrain
    3 Proposal of project organization structure for CCTEB and ZICC
    4 Factors affecting choice of organizational
    5 Organization culture
    6 Project organization
        1.1 Data result
        1.2 Data analysis
        3.1 Recommendation in China
        3.2 Recommendation in Bahrain
        3.3 Recommendations for future studies

四、Reform:Implementing Share-Holding System in Extra-Large State-Owned Enterprises in China(论文参考文献)

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