


Yonggang Sun,Bile Li,Fengyue Sun,Qingfeng Ding,Junlin Dong,Ye Qian,Yujin Li,Zhen Yao[1](2022)在《Late Cretaceous K-rich rhyolitic crystal tuffs from the Chuduoqu area in Eastern Qiangtang subterrane:evidence for crustal thickening of the central Tibetan Plateau prior to India–Asia collision》文中指出In order to constrain whether the Lhasa–Qiangtang collision contributed to an early crustal thickening of the central Tibetan Plateau prior to the India–Asia collision,we present zircon LA–ICP–MS U–Pb ages,wholerock geochemistry,and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of the newly discovered rhyolitic crystal tuffs from the Chuduoqu area in the eastern Qiangtang subterrane,central Tibet.Zircon U–Pb dating suggests that the Chuduoqu rhyolitic crystal tuffs were emplaced at ca.68 Ma.The Chuoduoqu rhyolitic crystal tuffs display high SiO2 and K2 O,and low MgO,Cr,and Ni.Combined with their zircon Hf isotopic data,we suggest that they were derived from partial melting of the juvenile lower crust,and the magma underwent fractional crystallization and limited upper continental crustal assimilation during its evolution prior to eruption.They should be formed in a post-collisional environment related to lithospheric mantle delamination.The Chuduoqu rhyolitic crystal tuffs could provide important constraints on the Late Cretaceous crustal thickening of the central Tibetan Plateau caused by the Lhasa–Qiangtang collision.

Hamidullah Wani,M.E.A.Mondal,Iftikhar Ahmad[2](2022)在《Geochemistry of metasedimentary rocks of the Sonakhan and Mahakoshal greenstone belts,Central India:Implications for paleoweathering,paleogeography and mechanisms of greenstone belt development》文中指出A comparative study of the Precambrian Sonakhan(SGB) and Mahakoshal(MGB) greenstones belts of Central India has been undertaken to decipher their provenance,paleoweathering,paleogeography,and tectonics.As compared to the Upper Continental Crust(UCC),the MGB samples are enriched while the SGB samples are depleted in mafic elements indicating the presence of mafic rocks in the source of the MGB.This is complemented by the Ni–Cr diagram.The REE concentrations,LREE fractionated patterns and negative Eu anomalies of the MGB and SGB samples indicate derivation of sediments from a highly fractionated granitic source.Since MGB samples also contain the geochemical signature of mafic rocks,it is,therefore proposed that the MGB clastic load were derived from two sources(mafic + felsic) with arc character.This is attested by Cr and Zr relationships,and LILE enrichment,and HFSE depletion.These features suggest that the SGB developed as autochthonous while the MGB developed as an allochthonous belt.The chemical alteration indices such as chemical index of alteration(CIA),plagioclase index of alteration(PIA),and index of compositional variability for MGB samples indicate that they were dominantly derived as the first cycle(with minor recycled) sediments from bimodal sources(dominantly continental arcs) by intense chemical weathering as compared to the SGB samples,which were derived from felsic sources(dominantly cratonic rocks),and partly by recycling through a low chemical weathering.The CIA and PIA values of the samples reveal a change in the climatic conditions from Late Archean to Late Paleoproterozoic.Such change is interpreted in terms of migration of the Indian plate from high latitudes in the Late Archean to lower latitudes during the Late Paleoproterozoic.This is consistent with the paleomagnetic data that placed India in the configuration of 2.45 Ga Ur and 1.78 Ga Columbia supercontinents.

刘洪,李光明,李文昌,黄瀚霄,李佑国,欧阳渊,张向飞,周清[3](2022)在《西藏中拉萨地块北部早白垩世晚期控错A型花岗岩的成因及构造环境研究》文中研究指明在中拉萨地块北部尼玛控错地区发育着一套碱性长石花岗岩,对该花岗岩体开展成因和形成背景的研究,能为探索班公湖-怒江洋的构造演化提供有价值的信息。用LA-ICP-MS方法测得该花岗岩的锆石206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为104.9±1.4Ma(MSWD=1.5)和104.6±1.3Ma(MSWD=1.3),表明该岩体形成于早白垩世。花岗岩具有高硅(SiO2=76.75%~77.51%,平均77.27%)、高钾(K2O=4.61%~4.85%,平均4.77%)、高碱(K2O+Na2O=8.24%~8.57%,平均8.44%)、低钙(CaO=0.28%~0.48%,平均0.35%)、低镁(MgO=0.11%~0.16%,平均0.13%)和低铝(Al2O3=11.79%~12.22%,平均12.09%)等特征,里特曼指数(σ)为1.96~2.15(平均2.08), A/NK值为1.06~1.09,A/CNK值为1.01~1.04。这些特征表明控错花岗岩为弱过铝质的高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列岩石。控错花岗岩相对富集Zr、Nb、Ce、Y和Hf等微量元素,相对亏损Ti、Ba、Sr和P等微量元素,分异系数(DI)为95.5~96.9(平均:96.3),还具有较高的FeOT/MgO值(5.61~10.22,平均7.26)、10000Ga/Al值(2.78~2.56,平均2.84)、Y/Nb值(2.29~4.97,平均3.57)、Rb/Nb值(11.6~18.2,平均15.2);此外,该岩体还具有较高的全岩Zr饱和温度(875~910℃,平均890℃)和锆石Ti饱和温度(848~919℃,平均890℃),明显的Eu负异常(δEu=0.04~0.09,平均0.06),以及向右缓倾的"V型"稀土元素配分曲线,这些特征表明控错花岗岩为产于碰撞后环境的A2型花岗岩。正的锆石εHf(t)值(4.26~6.38,平均5.16)、相对年轻的锆石Hf地壳模式年龄(tDM2=757~889Ma,平均833Ma)、下地壳与地幔混合特征的(87Sr/86Sr)t(0.7194~0.7407,平均0.7313)、εNd(t)(-3.39~-3.00,平均-3.24))和Pb同位素特征((206Pb/204Pb)t=18.792~18.845,(207Pb/204Pb)t=15.708~15.718,(208Pb/204Pb)t=38.870~38.037),指示控错花岗岩熔融于幔源物质加入的新生地壳。研究结果揭示,控错花岗岩形成于羌塘-拉萨地块碰撞作用下,俯冲板片的断离后,软流圈上涌诱发的地壳部分熔融,并经历了显着的以钾长石和角闪石为主的分离结晶作用。

Hengxing LAN,Jianbing PENG,Yanbo ZHU,Langping LI,Baotian PAN,Qiangbing HUANG,Junhua LI,Qiang ZHANG[4](2022)在《Geological and surfacial processes and major disaster effects in the Yellow River Basin》文中认为The Yellow River Basin(YRB) is characterized by active geological and tectonic processes, rapid geomorphological evolution, and distinct climatic diversity. Correspondingly, major disasters in the YRB are characterized by varied types,extensive distributions, and sudden occurrences. In addition, major disasters in the YRB usually evolve into disaster chains that cause severe consequences. Therefore, major disasters in the YRB destroy ecologies and environments and influence geological and ecological safety in the basin. This paper systematically reviews research on geological and surface processes, major disaster effects, and risk mitigation in the YRB, discusses the trends and challenges of relevant research, analyzes the key scientific problems that need to be solved, and suggests prospects for future research based on the earth system science concept. Themes of research that should be focused on include geological, surface and climatic processes in the YRB and their interlinking disaster gestation mechanisms; formation mechanisms and disaster chain evolutions of giant landslides in the upper reach of the YRB;mechanisms and disaster chain effects of loess water-soil disasters in the middle reach of the YRB; occurrence patterns and amplifying effects of giant flood chains in the lower reach of the YRB; and risk mitigations of major disasters in the YRB. Key scientific problems that need to be solved are as follows: how to reveal the geological, surface and climatic processes that are coupled and interlinked with gestation mechanisms of major disasters; how to clarify the mutual feedback effects between major disasters and ecology; and how to develop a human-environmental harmony-based integrated risk mitigation system for major disasters. Prospects for future studies that follow the earth system science concept include the following: highlighting interdisciplinary research to reveal the interlinked disaster gestation mechanisms of the geology, surface and climate in the YRB in the past, present, and future; forming theories to clarify the regional patterns, dynamic mechanisms, and mutual-feedback effects between disaster chains and ecology in the YRB on land and in rivers in the region; solving technological bottlenecks to develop assessment models and mitigation theories for integrated risks in the YRB by following the human-environment harmony concept; and finally, establishing a demonstratable application pattern characterized by "whole-basin coverage" and "zonal controls", thereby guaranteeing ecological and geological safety in the basin and providing scientific support for ecological conservation and high-quality development of the YRB.

Yang Xu,Chuan-Zhou Liu,Wei Lin,Xue-Fa Shi[5](2022)在《Ancient depletion signals in lherzolites from forearc region: Constraints from Lu-Hf isotope compositions》文中进行了进一步梳理The sub-arc mantle that experienced hydrous melting is commonly characterized by refractory geochemical compositions. Nevertheless, minor lherzolites with fertile compositions have also been reported for mantle peridotites from subduction zone. The petrogenesis and mantle source of the lherzolites are still controversial. The New Caledonia ophiolite(Peridotite Nappe) has been regarded as an allochthonous body of forearc lithosphere. This is supported by refractory compositions of its dominant mantle rocks.A few isolated lherzolitic massifs have also been observed in the northern part of New Caledonia.Those lherzolites are compositionally similar to abyssal peridotites, with negligible subduction-related modification. Here, we present new comprehensive geochemical compositions, in particular highprecision Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data, for the lherzolites. The initial176 Hf/177 Hf ratios display moderate correlations with sensitive indicators for the extent of melting(i.e., olivine Fo, whole-rock Mg# and Yb contents in clinopyroxene) and whole-rock initial187 Os/188 Os ratios. Some samples have ancient radiogenic Hf isotopes and unradiogenic Os isotope compositions, implying the preservation of ancient depletion signals in the lherzolites. The Nd isotope compositions, together with trace elements and mineral micro-textures, suggest that the lherzolites have been overprinted by a recent melt-rock interaction event. The high equilibrium temperatures of the studied samples have been estimated by the twopyroxene REE thermometer, yielding temperatures of 1066–1315 °C. The lherzolites have more depleted Nd-Hf isotope compositions and higher equilibrium temperatures than the New Caledonia harzburgites.This indicates that the lherzolites may represent the residues of asthenosphere mantle trapped within the forearc region. Our studies on the New Caledonia lherzolites with ancient depletion signals suggest that ancient mantle domains in the convective mantle can be emplaced in forearc region by the upwelling of asthenosphere during the early stage of subduction initiation.

Ming-chun Song,Zheng-jiang Ding,Jun-jin Zhang,Ying-xin Song,Jun-wei Bo,Yu-qun Wang,Hong-bo Liu,Shi-yong Li,Jie Li,Rui-xiang Li,Bin Wang,Xiang-dong Liu,Liang-liang Zhang,Lei-lei Dong,Jian Li,Chun-yan He[6](2021)在《Geology and mineralization of the Sanshandao supergiant gold deposit(1200 t) in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China: A review》文中提出The Jiaodong Peninsula in Shandong Province, China is the world’s third-largest gold metallogenic area,with cumulative proven gold resources exceeding 5000 t. Over the past few years, breakthroughs have been made in deep prospecting at a depth of 500-2000 m, particularly in the Sanshandao area where a huge deep gold orebody was identified. Based on previous studies and the latest prospecting progress achieved by the project team of this study, the following results are summarized.(1) 3D geological modeling results based on deep drilling core data reveal that the Sanshandao gold orefield, which was previously considered to consist of several independent deposits, is a supergiant deposit with gold resources of more than 1200 t(including 470 t under the sea area). The length of the major orebody is nearly 8 km, with a greatest depth of 2312 m below sea level and a maximum length of more than 3 km along their dip direction.(2) Thick gold orebodies in the Sanshandao gold deposit mainly occur in the specific sections of the ore-controlling fault where the fault plane changes from steeply to gently inclined,forming a stepped metallogenic model from shallow to deep level. The reason for this strong structural control on mineralization forms is that when ore-forming fluids migrated along faults, the pressure of fluids greatly fluctuated in fault sections where the fault dip angle changed. Since the solubility of gold in the ore-forming fluid is sensitive to fluid pressure, these sections along the fault plane serve as the target areas for deep prospecting.(3) Thermal uplifting-extensional structures provide thermodynamic conditions, migration pathways, and deposition spaces for gold mineralization. Meanwhile, the changes in mantle properties induced the transformation of the geochemical properties of the lower crust and magmatic rocks. This further led to the reactivation of ore-forming elements, which provided rich materials for gold mineralization.(4) It can be concluded from previous research results that the gold mineralization in the Jiaodong gold deposits occurred at about 120 Ma, which was superimposed by nonferrous metals mineralization at 118-111 Ma. The fluids were dominated by primary mantle water or magmatic water. Metamorphic water occurred in the early stage of the gold mineralization, while the fluid composition was dominated by meteoric water in the late stage. The S, Pb, and Sr isotopic compositions of the ores are similar to those of ore-hosting rocks, indicating that the ore-forming materials mainly derive from crustal materials, with the minor addition of mantle-derived materials. The gold deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula were formed in an extensional tectonic environment during the transformation of the physical and chemical properties of the lithospheric mantle, which is different from typical orogenic gold deposits. Thus, it is proposed that they are named "Jiaodong-type" gold deposits.

Jun-ping Liu,Su-mei Tian,Xun-zao Zhu,Jin-hua Ma,Jing Li,Shao-bin Hu,Sai-ying Yu,Hu Zhang,Zhong-ming She,Xu-gui Li[7](2021)在《Discovery of rhyolitic tuffaceous slate in the southwestern margin of Yangtze Craton:Zircon U-Pb ages(2491 Ma) and tectonic-thermal events》文中研究表明The Mesoproterozoic Dongchuan Group that is widely exposed in Yimen area, central Yunnan Province is a series of sedimentary sort of low-grade metamorphic rocks interbedded with volcanic rocks, which are closely related to the early tectonic evolution of the Earth. However, its formation era, sedimentary filling sequence, and geotectonic characteristics have always been in dispute. In this study, several rhyolitic tuffaceous slate interlayers with a centimeter-level thickness were found in the previously determined Heishan Formation of the Dongchuan Group located to the western part of Yimen-Luoci fault zone. This paper focuses on the study of the rhyolitic tuffaceous slate in Qifulangqing Village, Tongchang Township,Yimen County. LA-ICP-MS zircon dating was conducted, achieving the crystallization age of magma of 2491 ± 15 Ma and the metamorphic ages of about 2.3 Ga, 2.0 Ga, and 1.8 Ga for the first time.Meanwhile, according to in-situ Hf isotope analysis, the zircon εHf(t) values were determined to range from-3.0 to 7.6, with an average of 2.7. Furthermore, the first-stage Hf model age(TDM1) was determined to be 2513-2916 Ma, indicating that the provenance of the rhyolitic tuffaceous slate is the depleted mantle or juvenile crust between the Middle Mesoarchean and the Late Neoarchean. Therefore, it is believed that the strata of the slate were deposited in the Late Neoarchean, instead of the Mesoproterozoic as determined by previous researchers. Accordingly, it is not appropriate to group the strata into the Mesoproterozoic Dongchuan Group. Instead, they should be classified as the Maolu Formation of the Neoarchean Puduhe Group given the lithologic association and regional information. Furthermore, the magma ages of 2491 ±15 Ma are highly consistent with the eras of the large-scale Late Neoarchean orogenic magmatic activities on the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton, and thus reflect the orogenic process consisting of subduction and collision from Late Neoarchean to Early Paleoproterozoic. The magmatic activities during this period were possibly caused by the convergence of the supercontinent Kenorland. Meanwhile, the metamorphic ages of 2.3 Ga, 2.0 Ga, and 1.8 Ga are highly consistent with three metamorphic ages of 2.36 Ga, 1.95 Ga, and 1.85 Ga of the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton, indicating that the strata experienced Paleoproterozoic tectonic-thermal events. The study area is located on the eastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and thus was possibly re-transformed by magmatism subjected to the subduction of the Meso-Tethys Ocean during the Early Cretaceous. The discoveries made in this study will provide strong petrological and chronological evidence for analyzing the early crustal evolution of the Yangtze block.

JTTE Editorial Office,Jiaqi Chen,Hancheng Dan,Yongjie Ding,Yangming Gao,Meng Guo,Shuaicheng Guo,Bingye Han,Bin Hong,Yue Hou,Chichun Hu,Jing Hu,Ju Huyan,Jiwang Jiang,Wei Jiang,Cheng Li,Pengfei Liu,Yu Liu,Zhuangzhuang Liu,Guoyang Lu,Jian Ouyang,Xin Qu,Dongya Ren,Chao Wang,Chaohui Wang,Dawei Wang,Di Wang,Hainian Wang,Haopeng Wang,Yue Xiao,Chao Xing,Huining Xu,Yu Yan,Xu Yang,Lingyun You,Zhanping You,Bin Yu,Huayang Yu,Huanan Yu,Henglong Zhang,Jizhe Zhang,Changhong Zhou,Changjun Zhou,Xingyi Zhu[8](2021)在《New innovations in pavement materials and engineering:A review on pavement engineering research 2021》文中提出Sustainable and resilient pavement infrastructure is critical for current economic and environmental challenges. In the past 10 years, the pavement infrastructure strongly supports the rapid development of the global social economy. New theories, new methods,new technologies and new materials related to pavement engineering are emerging.Deterioration of pavement infrastructure is a typical multi-physics problem. Because of actual coupled behaviors of traffic and environmental conditions, predictions of pavement service life become more and more complicated and require a deep knowledge of pavement material analysis. In order to summarize the current and determine the future research of pavement engineering, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition) has launched a review paper on the topic of "New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement engineering research 2021". Based on the joint-effort of 43 scholars from 24 well-known universities in highway engineering, this review paper systematically analyzes the research status and future development direction of 5 major fields of pavement engineering in the world. The content includes asphalt binder performance and modeling, mixture performance and modeling of pavement materials,multi-scale mechanics, green and sustainable pavement, and intelligent pavement.Overall, this review paper is able to provide references and insights for researchers and engineers in the field of pavement engineering.

KONG Yanlong,PAN Sheng,REN Yaqian,ZHANG Weizun,WANG Ke,JIANG Guangzheng,CHENG Yuanzhi,SUN Wenjie,ZHANG Chao,HU Shengbiao,HE Lijuan[9](2021)在《Catalog of Enhanced Geothermal Systems based on Heat Sources》文中指出It is common sense that a deeper well implies higher temperature in the exploration of deep geothermal resources, especially with hot dry rock(HDR) geothermal resources, which are generally exploited in terms of enhanced geothermal systems(EGS). However, temperature is always different even at the same depth in the upper crust due to different heat sources. This paper summarizes the heat sources and classifies them into two types and five sub-types: crustorigin(partial melting, non-magma-generated tectonic events and radiogenic heat production), and mantle-origin(magma and heat conducted from the mantle). A review of global EGS sites is presented related to the five sub-types of heat sources. According to our new catalog, 71% of EGS sites host mantle-origin heat sources. The temperature logging curves indicate that EGS sites which host mantle-origin magma heat sources have the highest temperature. Therefore, high heat flow(>100 m W/m2) regions with mantle-origin magma heat sources should be highlighted for the future exploration of EGS. The principle to identify the heat source is elucidated by applying geophysical and geochemical methods including noble gas isotope geochemistry and lithospheric thermal structure analysis. This analytical work will be helpful for the future exploration and assessment of HDR geothermal resources.

CAI Yuqi,HAN Meizhi,ZHANG Chuang,YI Chao,LI Xiaocui,ZHANG Yan,WANG Gui,LI Huaming[10](2021)在《Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Zhiluo Formation in the Bayinqinggeli Uranium Deposit, Northern Ordos Basin: Significance for Uranium Mineralization》文中提出The Bayinqinggeli deposit in the northern Ordos Basin, northwestern of China, is a recently discovered sandstone-type uranium deposit. The uranium(U) orebodies are generally hosted in the lower member of the Jurassic Zhiluo Formation(Fm.), and are primarily tabular or irregular in shape. In the study area, 23 sandstone samples were collected from the Zhiluo Fm. and analyzed for major, trace, and rare earth elements(REEs). The geochemical characteristics of these sandstones are used to evaluate the factors controlling U mineralization. The source rocks of the Zhiluo Fm. sandstones are mainly volcanic and felsic magmatic rocks formed in continental arc and active continentalmarginal arc environments, and they provided the material required for the mineralization. The index of compositional variability ranges from 1.02 to 3.29(average1.38), indicating that the Zhiluo Fm. sandstones are immature and composed of first-cycle sediments. The corrected chemical index of alteration averages 56, suggesting that the source rocks underwent weak chemical weathering. The ore host rocks are loose, providing favorable conditions for epigenetic oxidation and U precipitation and enrichment. Ferrous iron in minerals such as chlorite, biotite, ilmenite, and pyrite might have played a role either in adsorbing or reducing the uranium.



















(1)Late Cretaceous K-rich rhyolitic crystal tuffs from the Chuduoqu area in Eastern Qiangtang subterrane:evidence for crustal thickening of the central Tibetan Plateau prior to India–Asia collision(论文提纲范文)

1 Introduction
2 Geological background and sample descriptions
3 Analytical methods
    3.1 Zircon U–Pb dating
    3.2 Whole-rock major and trace element analyses
    3.3 Zircon Hf isotopic analyses
4 Analytical results
    4.1 LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb ages
    4.2 Whole-rock major and trace element compositions
    4.3 Zircon Hf isotopic compositions
5 Discussion
    5.1 Origin of the rhyolitic crystal tuffs
    5.2 Magmatic evolution
    5.3 Geodynamic implications
6 Conclusions

(2)Geochemistry of metasedimentary rocks of the Sonakhan and Mahakoshal greenstone belts,Central India:Implications for paleoweathering,paleogeography and mechanisms of greenstone belt development(论文提纲范文)

1 Introduction
2 Geological setting
3 Methodology
4 Results
    4.1 Mineralogy
    4.2 Major element geochemistry
    4.3 Trace elements
    4.4 Rare earth elements (REE)
5 Discussion
    5.1 Source rock characteristics
    5.2 Classification of SGB and MGB sediments and sedimentary sorting
    5.3 Sediment recycling and tectonics
    5.4 Paleoweathering and paleoweathering trends
6 Implications
    6.1 Implications for greenstone belt development
    6.2 Implications for paleogeography
7 Conclusions


1 地质概况及岩体特征
2 样品及分析方法
3 分析结果
    3.1 全岩主量元素及微量元素
    3.2 锆石U-Pb年龄及Lu-Hf同位素组成
    3.3 Rb-Sr、Sm-Nd、Pb同位素
4 讨论
    4.1 岩石类型厘定
    4.2 岩石成因探讨
    4.3 构造环境分析
5 结论

(4)Geological and surfacial processes and major disaster effects in the Yellow River Basin(论文提纲范文)

1. Strategic significance of research on the ef-fects of major disasters in the Yellow River Basin
2. Literature review of research on geologicaland surface processes and major disaster effects in the YRB
    2.1 Geological and surface processes in the YRB
    2.2 Giant landslides in the upper reach of the YRB
    2.3 Water-soil disasters in the middle reach of the YRB
    2.4 Giant floods in the lower reach of the YRB
    2.5 Risk mitigations of giant disasters in the YRB
3. Developing trends of and challenges faced byresearch on geological and surface processes and major disaster effects in the YRB
    3.1 Revealing the complex and interlinked geological and surface processes in the YRB
    3.2 Inspecting the mutual feedback between major disaster chain occurrences and ecology in the YRB
    3.3 Establishing an integrated mitigation system for giant disaster risks in the YRB
4. Key scientific problems of research on geo-logical and surface processes and major disaster effects in the YRB
    4.1 Geological-surface-climatic processes coupled andinterlinked giant disaster gestation mechanisms in the YRB
    4.2 Mutual feedback effects between major disasterchains and ecology under effects of earth dynamic systems at multiple scales
    4.3 Integrated mitigation system for major disasterrisks in the YRB based on human-environment harmony
5. Prospects of research on geological and surface processes and major disaster effects in the YRB
    5.1 Suggested themes of research on major disaster effects in the YRB
    5.2 Suggested design of research on major disaster ef-fects in the YRB
    5.3 Demonstratable application pattern of integrated risk mitigations of major disasters in the YRB

(8)New innovations in pavement materials and engineering:A review on pavement engineering research 2021(论文提纲范文)

1. Introduction
    (1) With the society development pavement engineering facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges
    (2) With the modern education development pavement engineering facing unprecedented accumulation of scientific manpower and literature
2. Asphalt binder performance and modeling
    2.1. Binder damage,healing and aging behaviors
        2.1.1. Binder healing characterization and performance
        2.1.1. 1. Characterizing approaches for binder healing behavior.
        2.1.1. 2. Various factors influencing binder healing performance.
        2.1.2. Asphalt aging:mechanism,evaluation and control strategy
        2.1.2. 1. Phenomena and mechanisms of asphalt aging.
        2.1.2. 2. Simulation methods of asphalt aging.
        2.1.2. 3. Characterizing approaches for asphalt aging behavior.
        2.1.2. 4. Anti-aging additives used for controlling asphalt aging.
        2.1.3. Damage in the characterization of binder cracking performance
        2.1.3. 1. Damage characterization based on rheological properties.
        2.1.3. 2. Damage characterization based on fracture properties.
        2.1.4. Summary and outlook
    2.2. Mechanism of asphalt modification
        2.2.1. Development of polymer modified asphalt
        2.2.1. 1. Strength formation of modified asphalt.
        2.2.1. 2. Modification mechanism by molecular dynamics simulation.
        2.2.1. 3. The relationship between microstructure and properties of asphalt.
        2.2.2. Application of the MD simulation
        2.2.2. 1. Molecular model of asphalt.
        2.2.2. 2. Molecular configuration of asphalt.
        2.2.2. 3. Self-healing behaviour.
        2.2.2. 4. Aging mechanism.
        2.2.2. 5. Adhesion mechanism.
        2.2.2. 6. Diffusion behaviour.
        2.2.3. Summary and outlook
    2.3. Modeling and application of crumb rubber modified asphalt
        2.3.1. Modeling and mechanism of rubberized asphalt
        2.3.1. 1. Rheology of bituminous binders.
        2.3.1. 2. Rheological property prediction of CRMA.
        2.3.2. Micromechanics-based modeling of rheological properties of CRMA
        2.3.2. 1. Composite system of CRMA based on homogenization theory.
        2.3.2. 2. Input parameters for micromechanical models of CRMA.
        2.3.2. 3. Analytical form of micromechanical models of CRMA.
        2.3.2. 4. Future recommendations for improving micro-mechanical prediction performance.
        2.3.3. Design and performance of rubberized asphalt
        2.3.3. 1. The interaction between rubber and asphalt fractions.
        2.3.3. 2. Engineering performance of rubberized asphalt.
        2.3.3. 3. Mixture design.
        2.3.3. 4. Warm mix rubberized asphalt.
        2.3.3. 5. Reclaiming potential of rubberized asphalt pavement.
        2.3.4. Economic and Environmental Effects
        2.3.5. Summary and outlook
3. Mixture performance and modeling of pavement materials
    3.1. The low temperature performance and freeze-thaw damage of asphalt mixture
        3.1.1. Low temperature performance of asphalt mixture
        3.1.1. 1. Low temperature cracking mechanisms.
        3.1.1. 2. Experimental methods to evaluate the low temperature performance of asphalt binders.
        3.1.1. 3. Experimental methods to evaluate the low temperature performance of asphalt mixtures.
        3.1.1. 4. Low temperature behavior of asphalt materials. factors of low temperature performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.1. 6. Improvement of low temperature performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.2. Freeze-thaw damage of asphalt mixtures
        3.1.2. 1. F-T damage mechanisms.
        3.1.2. 2. Evaluation method of F-T damage.
        3.1.2. 3. F-T damage behavior of asphalt mixture.
        (1) Evolution of F-T damage of asphalt mixture
        (2) F-T damage evolution model of asphalt mixture
        (3) Distribution and development of asphalt mixture F-T damage
        3.1.2. 4. Effect factors of freeze thaw performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.2. 5. Improvement of freeze thaw resistance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.3. Summary and outlook
    3.2. Long-life rigid pavement and concrete durability
        3.2.1. Long-life cement concrete pavement
        3.2.1. 1. Continuous reinforced concrete pavement.
        3.2.1. 2. Fiber reinforced concrete pavement.
        3.2.1. 3. Two-lift concrete pavement.
        3.2.2. Design,construction and performance of CRCP
        3.2.2. 1. CRCP distress and its mechanism.
        3.2.2. 2. The importance of crack pattern on CRCP performance.
        3.2.2. 3. Corrosion of longitudinal steel.
        3.2.2. 4. AC+CRCP composite pavement.
        3.2.2. 5. CRCP maintenance and rehabilitation.
        3.2.3. Durability of the cementitious materials in concrete pavement
        3.2.3. 1. Deterioration mechanism of sulfate attack and its in-fluence on concrete pavement.
        3.2.3. 2. Development of alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete pavement.
        3.2.3. 3. Influence of freeze-thaw cycles on concrete pavement.
        3.2.4. Summary and outlook
    3.3. Novel polymer pavement materials
        3.3.1. Designable PU material
        3.3.1. 1. PU binder. mixture.
        3.3.1. 3. Material genome design.
        3.3.2. Novel polymer bridge deck pavement material
        3.3.2. 1. Requirements for the bridge deck pavement material. bridge deck pavement material(PUBDPM).
        3.3.3. PU permeable pavement
        3.3.3. 1. Permeable pavement.
        3.3.3. 2. PU porous pavement materials.
        3.3.3. 3. Hydraulic properties of PU permeable pavement materials.
        3.3.3. 4. Mechanical properties of PU permeable pavement ma-terials.
        3.3.3. 5. Environmental advantages of PU permeable pavement materials.
        3.3.4. Polyurethane-based asphalt modifier
        3.3.4. 1. Chemical and genetic characteristics of bitumen and polyurethane-based modifier.
        3.3.4. 2. The performance and modification mechanism of polyurethane modified bitumen.
        3.3.4. 3. The performance of polyurethane modified asphalt mixture.
        3.3.4. 4. Environmental and economic assessment of poly-urethane modified asphalt.
        3.3.5. Summary and outlook
    3.4. Reinforcement materials for road base/subrgrade
        3.4.1. Flowable solidified fill
        3.4.1. 1. Material composition design.
        3.4.1. 2. Performance control.
        3.4.1. 3. Curing mechanism.
        3.4.1. 4. Construction applications. impact assessment.
        3.4.1. 6. Development prospects and challenges.
        3.4.2. Stabilization materials for problematic soil subgrades materials for loess.
        3.4.2. 2. Stabilization materials for expansive soil.
        3.4.2. 3. Stabilization materials for saline soils.
        3.4.2. 4. Stabilization materials for soft soils.
        3.4.3. Geogrids in base course reinforcement
        3.4.3. 1. Assessment methods for evaluating geogrid reinforce-ment in flexible pavements.
        (1) Reinforced granular material
        (2) Reinforced granular base course
        3.4.3. 2. Summary.
        3.4.4. Summary and outlook
4. Multi-scale mechanics
    4.1. Interface
        4.1.1. Multi-scale evaluation method of interfacial interaction between asphalt binder and mineral aggregate
        4.1.1. 1. Molecular dynamics simulation of asphalt adsorption behavior on mineral aggregate surface.
        4.1.1. 2. Experimental study on absorption behavior of asphalt on aggregate surface.
        4.1.1. 3. Research on evaluation method of interaction between asphalt and mineral powder.
        (1) Rheological mechanical method
        (2) Microscopic test
        4.1.1. 4. Study on evaluation method of interaction between asphalt and aggregate.
        4.1.2. Multi-scale numerical simulation method considering interface effect
        4.1.2. 1. Multi-scale effect of interface.
        4.1.2. 2. Study on performance of asphalt mixture based on micro nano scale testing technology.
        4.1.2. 3. Study on the interface between asphalt and aggregate based on molecular dynamics.
        4.1.2. 4. Study on performance of asphalt mixture based on meso-mechanics.
        4.1.2. 5. Mesoscopic numerical simulation test of asphalt mixture.
        4.1.3. Multi-scale investigation on interface deterioration
        4.1.4. Summary and outlook
    4.2. Multi-scales and numerical methods in pavement engineering
        4.2.1. Asphalt pavement multi-scale system
        4.2.1. 1. Multi-scale definitions from literatures.
        4.2.1. 2. A newly-proposed Asphalt Pavement Multi-scale System.
        (1) Structure-scale
        (2) Mixture-scale
        (3) Material-scale
        4.2.1. 3. Research Ideas in the newly-proposed multi-scale sys-
        4.2.2. Multi-scale modeling methods
        4.2.2. 1. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
        4.2.2. 2. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
        4.2.2. 3. Composite micromechanics methods.
        4.2.2. 4. Finite element method (FEM) simulations.
        4.2.2. 5. Discrete element method (DEM) simulations.
        4.2.3. Cross-scale modeling methods
        4.2.3. 1. Mechanism of cross-scale calculation.
        4.2.3. 2. Multi-scale FEM method.
        4.2.3. 3. FEM-DEM coupling method.
        4.2.3. 4. NMM family methods.
        4.2.4. Summary and outlook
    4.3. Pavement mechanics and analysis
        4.3.1. Constructive methods to pavement response analysis
        4.3.1. 1. Viscoelastic constructive models.
        4.3.1. 2. Anisotropy and its characterization.
        4.3.1. 3. Mathematical methods to asphalt pavement response.
        4.3.2. Finite element modeling for analyses of pavement mechanics
        4.3.2. 1. Geometrical dimension of the FE models.
        4.3.2. 2. Constitutive models of pavement materials.
        4.3.2. 3. Variability of material property along with different directions.
        4.3.2. 4. Loading patterns of FE models.
        4.3.2. 5. Interaction between adjacent pavement layers.
        4.3.3. Pavement mechanics test and parameter inversion
        4.3.3. 1. Nondestructive pavement modulus test.
        4.3.3. 2. Pavement structural parameters inversion method.
        4.3.4. Summary and outlook
5. Green and sustainable pavement
    5.1. Functional pavement
        5.1.1. Energy harvesting function
        5.1.1. 1. Piezoelectric pavement.
        5.1.1. 2. Thermoelectric pavement.
        5.1.1. 3. Solar pavement.
        5.1.2. Pavement sensing function
        5.1.2. 1. Contact sensing device. based sensing technology.
        5.1.2. 3. Perception technology based on image/video stream.
        5.1.2. 4. Temperature sensing.
        5.1.2. 5. Traffic detection based on ontology perception.
        5.1.2. 6. Structural health monitoring based on ontology perception.
        5.1.3. Road adaptation and adjustment function
        5.1.3. 1. Radiation reflective pavement.Urban heat island effect refers to an increased temperature in urban areas compared to its surrounding rural areas (Fig.68).
        5.1.3. 2. Catalytical degradation of vehicle exhaust gases on pavement surface.
        5.1.3. 3. Self-healing pavement.
        5.1.4. Summary and outlook
    5.2. Renewable and sustainable pavement materials
        5.2.1. Reclaimed asphalt pavement
        5.2.1. 1. Hot recycled mixture technology.
        5.2.1. 2. Warm recycled mix asphalt technology.
        5.2.1. 3. Cold recycled mixture technology.
        (1) Strength and performance of cold recycled mixture with asphalt emulsion
        (2) Variability analysis of asphalt emulsion
        (3) Future prospect of cold recycled mixture with asphalt emulsion
        5.2.2. Solid waste recycling in pavement
        5.2.2. 1. Construction and demolition waste.
        (1) Recycled concrete aggregate
        (2) Recycled mineral filler
        5.2.2. 2. Steel slag.
        5.2.2. 3. Waste tire rubber.
        5.2.3. Environment impact of pavement material
        5.2.3. 1. GHG emission and energy consumption of pavement material.
        (1) Estimation of GHG emission and energy consumption
        (2) Challenge and prospect of environment burden estimation
        5.2.3. 2. VOC emission of pavement material.
        (1) Characterization and sources of VOC emission
        (2) Health injury of VOC emission
        (3) Inhibition of VOC emission
        (4) Prospect of VOC emission study
        5.2.4. Summary and outlook
6. Intelligent pavement
    6.1. Automated pavement defect detection using deep learning
        6.1.1. Automated data collection method
        6.1.1. 1. Digital camera. laser camera.
        6.1.1. 3. Structure from motion.
        6.1.2. Automated road surface distress detection
        6.1.2. 1. Image processing-based method.
        6.1.2. 2. Machine learning and deep learning-based methods.
        6.1.3. Pavement internal defect detection
        6.1.4. Summary and outlook
    6.2. Intelligent pavement construction and maintenance
        6.2.1. Intelligent pavement construction management
        6.2.1. 1. Standardized integration of BIM information resources.
        6.2.1. 2. Construction field capturing technologies.
        6.2.1. 3. Multi-source spatial data fusion.
        6.2.1. 4. Research on schedule management based on BIM.
        6.2.1. 5. Application of BIM information management system.
        6.2.2. Intelligent compaction technology for asphalt pavement
        6.2.2. 1. Weakened IntelliSense of ICT.
        6.2.2. 2. Poor adaptability of asphalt pavement compaction index.
        (1) The construction process of asphalt pavement is affected by many complex factors
        (2) Difficulty in model calculation caused by jumping vibration of vibrating drum
        (3) There are challenges to the numerical stability and computational efficiency of the theoretical model
        6.2.2. 3. Insufficient research on asphalt mixture in vibratory rolling.
        6.2.3. Intelligent pavement maintenance decision-making
        6.2.3. 1. Basic functional framework.
        6.2.3. 2. Expert experience-based methods.
        6.2.3. 3. Priority-based methods.
        6.2.3. 4. Mathematical programming-based methods.
        6.2.3. 5. New-gen machine learning-based methods.
        6.2.4. Summary and outlook
        (1) Pavement construction management
        (2) Pavement compaction technology
        (3) Pavement maintenance decision-making
7. Conclusions
Conflict of interest

(9)Catalog of Enhanced Geothermal Systems based on Heat Sources(论文提纲范文)

1 Introduction
2 Catalog based on Heat Sources
    2.1 Crust-origin
        2.1.1 Partial melting
        2.1.2 Non-magma-generated tectonic events
        2.1.3 Radiogenic heat production
    2.2 Mantle-origin
        2.2.1 Magma
        2.2.2 Heat conducted from the mantle
3 Global EGS Projects Attributed to the Heat Source Catalog
4 Implications for Hot Dry Rock Exploration
    4.1 Finding the HDR target
    4.2 Identification of the heat source
        4.2.1 Geophysical methods
        4.2.2 Geochemical methods
        4.2.3 Lithospheric thermal structure analysis
5 Conclusions

(10)Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Zhiluo Formation in the Bayinqinggeli Uranium Deposit, Northern Ordos Basin: Significance for Uranium Mineralization(论文提纲范文)

1 Introduction
2 Geological Setting
3 Ore Deposit Geology
4 Sampling and Analytical Methods
5 Geochemical Characteristics of Zhiluo Formation Sandstones
    5.1 Major elements
    5.2 Trace elements
    5.3 Rare earth elements
6 Discussion
    6.1 Provenance of Zhiluo Formation sandstones and uranium mineralization
    6.2 Tectonic settings of the source area and uranium mineralization
    6.3 Sedimentary sorting and uranium mineralization
    6.4 Epigenetic alteration and uranium mineralization
7 Conclusions


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  • [10]Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Zhiluo Formation in the Bayinqinggeli Uranium Deposit, Northern Ordos Basin: Significance for Uranium Mineralization[J]. CAI Yuqi,HAN Meizhi,ZHANG Chuang,YI Chao,LI Xiaocui,ZHANG Yan,WANG Gui,LI Huaming. Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition), 2021(06)


