

一、Build Up Further the Advantages of the Special Economic Zones(论文文献综述)

SARTAJ UL ISLAM[1](2021)在《The Impact Of China Pakistan Economic Corridor On Financial Performance: Evidence From Pakistan Stock Market》文中指出

BUTARE WYCLIFFE GEORGE[2](2021)在《经济的国际贸易和增长:卢旺达经济,1997-2018年》文中研究指明本文的研究目标是衡量卢旺达投资政策对经济增长的影响。该研究首先简要介绍了卢旺达的经济和国内投资以及治理背景。卢旺达的经济被列为最不发达且负债累累的国家。该研究首先指出,经济增长、投资决策是多维的。其次,旅游业是卢旺达经济外汇收入的关键。此外,为了实现更高水平的经济增长,卢旺达政府出台了财政和货币政策,其中包括:开放和控制通货膨胀。在经济复苏时期,通过进出口,外国直接投资进行投资被指定为外汇的潜在途径,据信可以克服经济中与私人资本有关的限制。基于这些思考,本研究衡量了投资政策对卢旺达经济增长的影响。本研究采用1997-2018年动态面板数据。为了实现这一目标,本研究将因变量(国内生产总值增长率)以及投资政策和其他解释性变量作为卢旺达经济的影响因素进行了研究。为了解投资政策和其他解释变量对卢旺达经济增长的影响,本研究采用了最新的计量经济学技术,以经验方式检验使用卢旺达数据得出的假设。在这方面,引入了第一个协整分析以捕获变量之间的长期关系。其次,为了捕获变量之间的短期关系,开发了系统联立方程。这是因为向量自回归(VAR)将所有变量都视为内生变量。以这种方式,通过联立方程来识别内生变量和外生变量。按照这种方法,通过矢量误差校正机制(VECM)程序使用VAR,对联立方程进行了仿真。该研究还进行了事前预测,包括脉冲响应和方差分解模拟,以及事后预测,以评估研究期间。这项研究还使用VECMGranger因果关系方法检验了序列之间的因果关系,该方法用于通过F-/Wald测试模拟了解短期因果关系以及变量之间的内生性。后来,使用普通最小二乘法(OLS)估算上述系统联立方程,以衡量出口、进口、外国直接投资和其他解释变量对卢旺达经济增长的影响。实证结果表明,投资政策有助于卢旺达的经济增长。尽管如此,该系数为负。正如索洛-斯旺模型所解释的那样,这部分归因于全要素生产率(TFP)和卢旺达是最不发达国家的吸收能力。这种情况对国家来说是令人担忧的,因为对脉冲响应函数的进一步检查表明,无论短期还是长期,投资都将对经济增长产生负面影响。同时,调查结果表明旅游业是一种可以刺激该国经济增长的出口。这是因为发现旅游业在吸引外汇进入经济中起着重要作用,同时又是开放的工具。研究发现,旅游业通过溢出效应成为经济增长的重要工具,从而加速了旅游业吸引的外国投资进入该国。为此,如前所述,旅游业对卢旺达的经济起着举足轻重的作用,但与投资政策(出口,进口和外国直接投资)一样,该系数为负。但是,与投资政策不同的是,尽管在短期内冲动反应表明旅游业将对经济增长产生负面影响,但长期来看,影响却是积极的但却有所减少。因此,与该区域其他国家相比,必须建立适当的机制以使卢旺达成为一个更好的旅游目的地。对调查结果的进一步分析表明,对于全要素生产率下降,该研究首先建议对国家的货币,财政和商业政策以及进一步的人力资本发展进行回顾。这是因为当前的政策体制似乎更倾向于促进出口拉动型增长,而没有考虑说进口对国家外汇储备的负面内部影响。其次,研究建议提高国家的吸收能力,以加速商品和服务的消费,促进国际贸易和未来投资。

AGNIESZKA STEFANIEC[3](2020)在《基于DEA方法的内陆运输系统可持续性评估》文中进行了进一步梳理可持续运输被视为运输能力,它以促进近代和后代的社会和经济发展并限制负面环境影响的方式,保证个人和货物的流动性。只要运输获得全球支持,以改变和减少其负面外部影响,运输就可以帮助应对现代挑战,包括影响人类生命和健康的交通事故,空气和噪声污染,浪费的时间以及与温室气体有关的气候变化排放。但是,目前,运输车辆和基础设施的发展往往会对可持续性构成重大威胁。因此,必须权衡增加流动性的好处与社会,环境和经济方面的成本。贯彻可持续发展的原则可以在多个方面取得进展。每个维度都可以在可衡量的要素中定义,即可持续运输系统的目标。为了实现环境的可持续性,该系统需要最大限度地减少资源消耗,最大化土地利用效率并限制对生态系统的影响,包括废物和污染的产生。为了实现经济的可持续性,要求该系统必须有效地促进人员和货物的流动,促进经济发展,并且不会造成社会的经济脆弱性。为了获得社会可持续性,该系统以与安全和人类健康相一致的方式满足所有个人的访问需求,并促进社会互动和公平。此外,可持续交通要求在所有这三个维度上发展可持续交通行为。为了向决策者提供有效和完整的概念框架,以全面,全面地评估运输,需要一个框架,其中包括可持续发展的所有三个方面,并且是衡量绩效的实用且有用的工具。各种运输方式。综上所述,本研究的目的已被定义为建立一种定量考虑可持续性三重底线的运输系统概念框架。除了本文提出了可持续发展的三维概念这一事实外,它还特别涵盖了运输系统的未探索但社会可持续性。当前关于可持续交通的评估研究主要集中在环境和经济方面,而没有考虑可持续性的社会层面。关于数据包络分析(DEA)运输评估的讨论要求连续性以包含运输对社会的影响。在先前的运输相关文献中,主要忽略了包括社会可持续性,社会绩效或社会影响以及环境与社会之间的相互关系,因此本文对此进行了论述。提出了具有经济和环境因素的总体可持续发展评估,论文特别从概念和实证的角度更加关注运输运营对社会的利益和影响。本文基于DEA的方法论,并对社会,经济和环境因素进行了综合分析,提出了基于三重底线的衡量框架,可以帮助决策者更好地了解区域交通系统。基于三重底线框架的建议是通过深入的社会可持续性考虑而提出的。对社会指标进行的有见地的研究在文献中进行了回顾,并被用来提出一个单独的评估框架,有助于更好地理解可持续性的社会层面。在三重底线框架中纳入了被认为对社会可持续性评估至关重要且与可持续性其他方面没有重叠的社会因素。运输社会可持续性评估确定了可衡量的关键社会指标,并进一步提出了社会可持续性相对绩效分析的评估框架。这项工作是通过多产出绩效指标明确评估运输的区域社会可持续性的首次尝试。香农的熵用于将满足不良输出的弱可处理性要求的选定数据包络分析(DEA)模型的结果组合为统一的社会可持续性绩效评分。该方法适用于2004-2017年期间欧盟(EU)成员国的区域公路运输。将经验结果分别在各个国家之间进行比较,分为旧的(EU-15)和新的(EU-13)欧盟成员两个组,并随时间推移进行检查。分析表明,在衡量社会可持续性时仅考虑社会因素可消除因纳入经济因素而产生的偏见。结果,我们的方法无法将怀疑的好处带给经济上较发达的国家,这在调查结果中可以清楚地看出。进行的研究还证实了拟议中基于DEA的框架的能力,可以作为衡量运输的社会可持续性的适当工具,这可以为决策者提供采用社会因素的有效基准。在对可持续性的社会维度进行分析并就可持续性的经济和环境维度进行文献综述的基础上,本论文通过开发基于三重底线的可持续性评估框架,进一步解决了运输可持续性的多个维度。拟议的网络数据包络分析(DEA)措施将系统的三个组件组织为并行结构,在子系统之间分配共享的输入,并合并了不良的输出。所提出的新颖的基于三重底线的网络DEA模型是黑匣子效率低下模型的扩展,不需要弱或强的可处置性假设,因此可以为评估中的DMU确定非主要基准目标。该模型允许决策单位(DMU)自行选择朝着效率前沿的方向,以最大限度地发挥其潜力。该模型还不允许DMU通过增加其不希望有的输出来达到效率,也不能通过减少不希望有的输出来获得较低的效率得分,因为该模型在意想不到的输出中是单调的。网络模型将组件组织成一个并行结构,提供了一个统一的框架,该框架能够衡量整体效率低下并同时评估各个组件过程的性能,同时还可以在系统的各个子单元之间分配共享的输入。基于三重底线的网络DEA模型的经验应用确定了 2006年至2015年中国区域内陆运输系统的效率。结果表明,在“十一五”和“十二五”发展规划时期之间,总体运输效率有所提高。经济增长,中西部地区的环境运输效率下降,东部地区的社会效率下降。自2012年以来,社会可持续性仍然是内陆运输的最薄弱环节,决策者需要特别注意支持脆弱的运输用户群体。这项研究为调查可持续运输措施提供了进一步的见解,并提出了改善中国内陆运输的政策建议。


Avetik Pashayan[5](2020)在《Post-Imperium:Russia’s Return and the New Bargain for the Architecture of the European Regional Order》文中研究表明This dissertation deals with the grand strategic adjustment of the Russian Federation in the post-Cold War politico-security order of Europe,to evaluate Russian moves.It addresses the political moves,activities,strategic choices,and the ways of implementation of the Russian Federation,which shapes the politico-security landscape of Europe and makes it an arena of security and economic competition between Russia and the West.The rules that have been put to regulate the politico-security order of Europe are no more relevant and applicable in relation to Russia.Currently,the bargain for the architecture of the regional security order is halted by the Ukraine crisis;meanwhile,the Russia-West relations are at their lowest level since the end of the Cold War.By using the mixed theoretical framework,the dissertation examines current Russian political moves,activities,choices,and decisions in the region,particularly its interests,strategic culture,foreign policy formation,and the tools and measures for realization.The Russian grand strategic adjustment,being divided into the three periods,may seem different from each other in specific periods and raise questions related to the Russian intentions and interests.However,the Russian strategy has changed,not the interests.The different strategic choices in specific periods meant to achieve the Russian goals and fulfill the interests,just the preferential ways of realization have been changed.From the 1990s both,Russia and the West were favoring the integration to the political West.However,that was not meaning that Russia made just one strategic choice.At the same time,Russia did not abandon the strategic option of strengthening the status quo of the post-Soviet space.As it became apparent,from the late 2000s,only the second strategic option remained intact.Russia never abandoned the realist logic,and great power aspirations,just the ways of the realization have been changed.Then it will show the normative basis of the institutionalization of the post-Cold War order.It will show that from the vast array of iconic treaties and agreements even left from the Cold War times to regulate the current politico-security order of Europe being gradually abandoned,leaving just one treaty on the limits of the offensive forces(New START)intact.Hence,the decreased clarity of information and the uncertainty resulted in the stagnation of the relation of major actors,Russia,and the West and led to the heightened security competition between them.Lastly,it will show the current situation at the epicenter of the competition,in the post-Soviet space,examining the in-between situation of the in-between states in politico-security and economic dimensions as well as the ’protracted conflicts’of the region.In particular,all these realities contribute to both cooperation and competition in the area.It will be shown that the Russian Federation has started its ’BIG’ strategic shift to adjust itself in the system.The Russian political realities are in a permanent correlation with the post-Soviet space.Except for shaping the region,the Russian grand strategic adjustment automatically also shapes the broader contours of the politico-security landscape of Europe.That inevitably results in the bipolarity in the European continent,making the post-Soviet space the epicenter of the struggle for dominance between Russia and the West.

Sugiarto Pramono[6](2020)在《Economic Implications of Rising China on Economic and Security of Southeast Asia》文中进行了进一步梳理发展中国家对军事支出与经济增长之间关系的大多数研究都发现负向关系的模式。但是,有趣的是,东南亚(作为一个发展中地区)的事实表明,这两个变量同时增长。因此,一个重要而有趣的问题是:为什么东南亚的军费开支和经济增长同时增长?为了回答主要问题,本研究使用定性方法(数据分析和文献研究)。从理论上讲,军费开支的增长有助于加强区域稳定。而区域稳定是经济可以良好增长的背景。同时,增加的经济连通性满足了区域稳定,从而带来了经济飞跃。该理论框架将研究引向这样一个发现:东南亚的同时经济增长和军事开支是由各个层面(全球,区域和国内)因素的相互作用所引起的。在全球范围内,配电领域正在发生变化。中国的崛起和美国实力的下降将权力结构从美国霸权转变为以美国和中国为主轴的均势。在东南亚,中国的崛起加强了与东南亚的经济关系。中国在该地区的经济浪潮正在推动区域经济发展,从而繁荣发展。该区域各国的日益繁荣使该区域各国具有调动资源以改善安全设施的更多能力,这主要从军事支出的增加中可以看出。因此,可以制止东南亚的恐怖运动。区域安全设施的增加增强了东南亚的稳定性,并成为投资吸引力。从而再次提高了区域经济绩效。这种安排是该地区经济增长和军事开支同步增长的背景。如果大多数学者发现发展中国家的两个变量之间存在负相关关系,那么这一发现将补充现有知识的积累,那么这项研究的结果恰恰相反,即东南亚的经济增长和军事开支的协调。

阮德政[7](2020)在《Research on Mass Sports in Haiphong City,Vietnam》文中研究指明群众体育是体育事业的重要组成部分,它规模的不断扩大和水平的不断提高标志着体育事业的不断发展。随着越南对体育事业的重视和改革,群众体育得到越南人民越来越多的关注,不少越南人选择走出家门,深入到群众体育之中,锻炼身体、感受乐趣。然而,越南的群众体育资源相对贫乏,大大限制了人们对体育活动的参与,拉开了体育与群众之间的距离。海防市是越南发展较为迅速的城市,越南对该城市的群众体育发展也较为重视。论文通过文献资料法和调查问卷、专家访谈等方法,对海防市的群众体育进行了调研,得出如下结果:(1)调查结果表明居民对群众体育的参与以及重视程度逐年增加,但仍存在较多不足;在体育运动设施的基础上、特别是在城市地区、用于体育运动的资金有限、其人均体育用地未达到1平方米;国家财政预算以外体育运动经费缺乏有效的管理措施。政府应积极调动社会资源,以促进群众体育运动的发展,满足社会和城市的发展要求。(2)论文参考了国内外文献资料,采访了多年来从事相关研究工作的专家,并根据实际评估结果对影响海防市群众体育的因素进行了分析。通过对Cronbach’s Alpha的信任评估,以及通过使用EFA、CFA的因子分析法对海防市群众体育发展情况的影响因素进行分析后可知,影响城市居民群众体育发展的因素包括:主观因素和客观因素;影响海防市群众体育服务发展的因素包括:管理体制因素、社会和经济人力资源因素、科学研究因素与宣传因素。(3)通过对海防市市民体育运动问题的SWOT分析,从外部因素和内部因素可以看出:外部环境的变化对海防市市民体育运动产生影响。通过态势分析法分析其结果和有关战略,归纳群众体育活动的内在因素、并利用外部力量来评价这些因素。海防市民体育的一些优势:(1)该地普及教育做的很好,人民有较强的运动意识;(2)体育消费意识逐渐成熟;(3)政府积极投资;(4)体育活动场地设备可以免费使用。(4)本文通过对海防市群众体育活动的选择依据和现状进行理论分析,提出了八组旨在发展海防市群众体育活动的解决方案,包括:1、解决有关群众体育管理体制、财政政策、土地和基础设施投资等问题;2、积极开发人力资源;3、建设海防市的健身路径;4、强化海防市的体育与健康门诊;5广泛开展群众体育赛事;6、加快发展师范社;7、建立体育特色小镇;8、加强各级政府的治理效能;完善部门组织,完善相关政策;9、积极促进体育运动社会化,加强体育运动宣传推广工作;10、利用科学成果,保护环境;11、将文化、家庭、体育和旅游活动有效地结合;12、加强国际合作。论文还提出如下建议:(1)需要对实际情况进行正确的评估,并选择适合每个对象的解决方案,以便在其他城市的地区广泛应用。(2)在本论文的结果基础上,需要对有关单位进行更广泛的研究评估,选择更好的解决方案,以提高海防市群众体育运动的质量,为越南体育的政治任务服务。(3)向海防市各级领导提出积极扩大群众体育网络的建议,因为内部条件与外部因素的结合有助于形成有效的长期战略。


徐冉冉[9](2020)在《阐释学理论下渔业文本的翻译实践报告 ——以《经济合作与发展组织渔业管理者手册》英译汉翻译实践为例》文中提出本翻译实践报告围绕《经济合作与发展组织渔业管理者手册》(OECD Handbook for Fisheries Managers)一书的英译汉翻译实践,分析翻译过程中面临的问题,并就各个问题提出针对性的解决策略。本手册先通过Trados翻译软件进行翻译,然后再进行人工译后编辑。翻译任务完成后,经过翻译反思,撰写了本实践报告,拟总结翻译过程中不同阶段面临的不同问题,并总结针对各个问题所运用的解决策略。结合乔治·斯坦纳提出的阐释学理论,本实践报告把手册翻译过程定义成信赖、侵入、吸收和补偿四个阶段。在四个阶段中分别出现了信赖危机、译者主观性干扰、文化碰撞和信息矛盾等问题。针对信赖危机问题,提出译者专业能力培养、翻译团队建设、重视作品来源的应对策略。针对译者主观性干扰问题,提出增补、省略和重构等翻译技巧的运用。针对文化碰撞问题,提出译入语文化与原语文化相互吸收以及相关内容“本地化”的策略。针对信息矛盾问题,提出团队审校、译本中加入引用、注解、术语手册和拓展阅读的策略。本翻译实践报告可以为兼具科技、政策、法律文本特征的渔业文本翻译提供可借鉴的策略。

Thomas Ameyaw-Brobbey[10](2020)在《准包容性机构与民间暴力的国际化 ——非洲内战与冲突的新视角》文中进行了进一步梳理冲突和战争一直都是人类社会的一部分。但是一些国家可以通过自身内部结构、制度和机制等去更好的处理那些导致冲突和战争的问题。不同国家有不同的治理体系,由于国家间的差异,这些治理模式存在着很大的不同。广义上讲,这些治理模式是国家的统治者根据国家的实际情况设定的一系列规则,国家可以通过这种方式去实现塑造社会的目标。这些不同的机构体系为国家和公民创造出了各种形式的激励措施,包括在政治和经济机构广泛分布于人民中的情况下如何选择政府、由谁掌握实际权力、对当权者权力的限制以及如何激发群众参与的积极性等,这种体系被称为包容性体系。在一些情况下政治和经济机构分布相对集中,权力掌握在少数精英手中,由于精英人士害怕自身权威被破坏,所以他们对自身行使权力没有任何限制,从而使自身获得了社会中的绝大部分收益,同时他们还制造各种障碍以防止有新的阶层挑战他们的权威。这种行为对社会带来的影响通常是消极的,它使社会的落后和冲突成为常态。殖民后的非洲人感受到了自己国家逐步走向民主的动力,但与此同时,一些领导人也进一步加强了对本国的控制。为加强自身对国家的统治,他们改变了自己国内的治理机构以使其无法限制自身权力,同时又不影响国际社会对他们统治的认可。但是这种措施造成了一种变相的专制政体,他们看似采用了一种包容性的体制结构,但实际上并非如此。他们在国内通过建立各种形式的机构惩治腐败、获得收入并利用资源确保他们的利益分配、国家安全和社会稳定以及为解决冲突和有分歧的问题提供基本要领,进而保持社会公平正义。包容性国内治理机构的特征在现实社会中是真正存在的,但在本研究中作者称之为准包容性机构的地方,大多数都表现为一种虚构的包容性原则。换句话说,他们的国家机构类似于一种包容性机构,但实际上只是一个松散的近似机构,存在缺陷并且偏向某些精英团体。他们常常以这种机构作为掩护去获得满足自身需要的各种权力。它们是一种准包容性的机构,因为它们仅在理论上存在,实际上并没有发挥作用,同时它们还使公众无法对这个体系提出质疑。非洲的这些准包容性体制结构导致了社会镇压、腐败、包括食物,住宿,医疗保健问题在内的人身安全以及国家权力竞争与冲突等问题。这种国内治理结构并不能推动社会发展,反而会激发国内的不满,导致拥有不同种族、宗教和政治背景的群体之间频繁发生冲突和战争。这些机构既不是纯粹的包容性机构,也不是单一的独裁性机构,所以它们无法通过对国内强有力的控制来制止这些问题。当人们在国家资源分配、国家大选、社会经济发展、法律适用、政治权力等问题上发生争议时,这些体制机构无法提出妥善的解决方案,从而只会使这些争议升级为更大规模的冲突和战争。政府为社会提供的服务在塑造人们对国家的看法方面起着重要作用。在人们对国家事务存在不满情绪的情况下很有可能会发生战争,这通常是由国内机构的绩效和能力引起的。非洲内战的一个显着特征是具有蔓延性。人们的共识是冲突和战争有时会通过战斗人员直接将战争带到另一个国家,从而使战争在更大范围内蔓延。本文通过分析实地调查收集的数据,考察了由于国内治理机构而产生的非洲民间冲突的发生和蔓延过程。本文研究的目的是在研究战争爆发和蔓延的过程中检验非洲国内治理机构在解决国内冲突和战争方面的实力,并通过提出一种有用的方式来对非洲内战进行更深入的了解,从而为研究发展中国家战争提供一种新的理论解释。本文研究的方面包括国内治理机构在多大程度上影响着战争从一国转移到另一国?这些机构如何影响冲突扩散?为什么在类似的环境中国家间会产生不同的战争?为什么冲突会从一个国家转移到另一个国家而不是其它国家?在什么情况下战争会向外蔓延?本文将利用2019年有关加纳、利比里亚和塞拉利昂等三国的国内治理机构的相关数据来探索回答这些问题。为了回答这些问题,本文提出了以下假设:假设1:特定国家的国内治理机构相对于处于冲突状态的国家而言,其战争发生蔓延的可能性将会增加或减少;假设2:战争的国际化可能不仅限于地域上的连续性,还包括现有群体的功能,例如由国内机构行为造成的跨国行为;假设3:准包容性机构与民间暴力传染之间的相关性可能影响机构准包容性程度:1,较高程度的制度准包容性可能会助长冲突蔓延;2,较低程度的制度准包容性不太可能助长冲突蔓延。通过研究非洲国家体系和治理结构的相关行为,本研究的主题确定为研究一个国家发生民事暴力的可能性(此处定义为冲突和战争),这种暴力感染其他国家发生战争的可能性取决于本国的治理结构和治理能力。如果这些机构具备必要的能力,其将有能力缓解冲突的发生,而且还可以减轻冲突向其他国家的蔓延。研究发现,国内制度健全程度以及能力上的差异将导致同一地理区域内的不同国家对战争、冲突爆发和蔓延的倾向程度不同。那些在军事统治期间重组国内机构的国家(如加纳),尽管没有建立起完善的体系,但却培养出了足够的能力使人们可以在经济困难的情况下正确看待和平。另一方面,利比里亚和塞拉利昂也有相似的倾向发生战争,因为它们具有相似的未改革的机构和行为,这些机构和行为说服了足够多的人,使他们相信采取战争是合理的、有益于国家转型。作者认为,拥有健全国内机构的国家将能够避免从邻国那里吸引冲突,而拥有不健全国内治理机构的国家将更容易发生冲突。本研究的论点和分析表明,一个国家的包容性制度结构的程度越高,越有可能产生令人生厌的行为,从而导致战争的爆发和蔓延。而那些包容性较低的机构将有足够的能力通过改变自身的利益和观点来防止战争的爆发和蔓延。加纳的机构虽然也是准包容性的,但是准包容性的程度也很重要。加纳拥有足够的能力来避免战争的爆发和蔓延,但利比里亚和塞拉利昂建立了更高级别的准包容性机构,使战争可以直接从利比里亚蔓延到塞拉利昂。为研究与国内治理机构有关的非洲民事暴力的产生和国际化性质,本文选取了1989至2004年加纳、塞拉利昂和利比里亚这三个国家的经济和政治治理机构作为研究对象,因为这三个国家在许多方面都是相似的,尤其是在体制结构方面。本研究是在传染理论的框架下进行的,该理论认为内战和冲突可以直接蔓延到邻国,而另一国的反对集团可以以模仿邻国发动战争的形式影响本国,进而对本国产生不利影响。本研究采用了多种研究方法,包括定性数据收集和访谈,族群的观察和分析以及对问卷调查数据的定量分析等等。这些问卷调查是从阿克拉、蒙罗维亚和弗里敦的街道民众那里收集而来的。在数据收集方面,本研究采用了有目的的抽样方法来选取各种国内治理机构和人员进行访谈。对于研究工具,作者使用了面对面的非结构化访谈、问卷调查以及直接参观机构等等。同时作者还使用IBM SPSS 23对数据进行了统计分析。关于内战蔓延的研究在冲突文献中数目众多,但是其理论研究远远超过实证研究。更重要的是,在国内冲突和战争蔓延研究中应用国内治理机构并没有在这类研究中占有太多比重。本研究弥补了这一空白,并为研究非洲内战提供了一种新的方法。本文一共分为八章。第一章是介绍性的章节,标题为“探索非洲的国内治理机构”,本章通过提出各种研究问题、假设、发现和重要性来确立本研究的总体基调和概述。本章探索了非洲的国内治理机构,并概述了该领域的总体情况,生动地展现了加纳、塞拉利昂和利比里亚的机构环境。同时本章还进一步解释了准包容性制度的定义以及其与民间暴力与和平的相关联系。本文第二章以内战和战争扩张的传染理论作为研究框架。作者认为,以国内治理机构为中心的民间暴力传染框架是研究非洲民间冲突和战争的有用工具。作者从宏观角度出发,对民事冲突和战争进行了解释和考察,并在此基础上得出了本次研究的民事暴力(冲突和战争)定义。同时本章还讨论了传染理论的各个方面以及发生内战和战争蔓延的先决条件。有人认为由于族裔、意识形态、宗教、文化和资源的跨地域界限相同,一个国家的冲突相对容易蔓延到另一个国家,这与准包容的非洲国内机构是同义的。在第三章中,作者解释了方法论(指导研究的过程和程序)及其合理性。它从总体上为本文提供了工作计划,并描述了完成研究工作所需要开展的活动,包括数据收集和分析存在的优势及局限性等等。本文第四章标题为“国家治理机构和内战与冲突”,本章主要讨论了国家的概念,表明了为什么在国内治理机构的框架下某些国家会比其它国家更强大。本章尝试从国家的制度能力所塑造的国家治理角度审视国家。从国家及其机构的立场上讲,人们能够通过协商讨论促成和平,并且可以明白怨恨和贪婪会导致战争的爆发和蔓延。本文第五章的标题为“非洲:从光辉的起点到战争的终结”。在本章中作者通过历史分析的方法来追溯非洲的过去,以显示其从前殖民时代到殖民时期的辉煌,之后延伸到后殖民时代,直至内战和冲突。本章还讨论了一些被认为是非洲内战动因的理论,以及这些理论取得巨大反响的原因。作者认为,通过历史来解释和理解过去发生的事情是一种很好的方式,因为这样可以根据非洲的情况来评估一些国内机制对非洲冲突起因和蔓延的解释是否合理。本文第六章侧重于介绍本文的研究结果。本章集中讨论了加纳的和平问题。由于利比里亚和塞拉利昂避免冲突的机构能力十分有限,所以本章着重研究了为什么加纳在与其邻国有着许多相似的情况下会产生不同的结果。研究表明,加纳国内机构的改革和逐步发展增加了其和平的因素,同时减少了随着时间的流逝发生战争或战争蔓延的可能性。因为尽管这些机构是准包容性的,但它们通过宣传和启蒙塑造了公众对国家的看法和信任,建立起了国家与公民社会的纽带,形成了加纳反对冲突的政治体制。这也意味着准包容性机构在与民事暴力爆发或蔓延之间是存在相关联系的。加纳的体制建设降低了其准包容性的水平,因此不仅可以防止内部冲突的发生,而且同样可以防止发生冲突的国家将冲突蔓延至本国。本文第七章着重研究了利比里亚的情况。作者认为,要想理解利比里亚的相关情况,我们必须特别注意国内治理机构在塑造知识分子、城市青年和广大民众的利益和观点方面所起的作用。本章的主题是利比里亚的准包容性机构,它与加纳未能在国家和人民之间建立纽带不同,因为体制的发展无法解决民众的不满。该领域的研究结果表明,由于机构职能的性质和缺乏改革而引起的群众不满将使冲突不可避免。尽管利比里亚还发展了一种准包容性机构,但其准包容性与加纳的性质并不相同。在利比里亚,战争最有可能发生,因为各种动机融合在一起说服了更多的利比里亚人,使他们相信采取战争是合理的、有益于国家转型。本文第八章专门讨论了塞拉利昂国内制度间的相互作用,以及如何将这种过程与利比里亚和加纳的发展过程进行比较。本章强调了塞拉利昂的精英如何故意操纵国内治理机构,并由于担心会改变公众对暴力的看法而在民间社会与国家之间造成一种认识上的巨大差异。同利比里亚一样,塞拉利昂的衰落和缺乏改革导致了一种更高水平的准包容性机构。本章表明,尽管这三个国家都是从准包容性机构开始的,但是加纳通过不断进行改革降低了准包容性机构的水平,从而塑造了公众和对和平的正确看法,但利比里亚和塞拉利昂却通过增加准包容性机构的水平而产生了负面效果,从而塑造了公众对暴力的看法,并错过了避免冲突的机会。利比里亚的内战之所以会蔓延到塞拉利昂,是因为塞拉利昂与利比里亚有着相似的国内制度,他们的公众也相信采取战争是合理的、有益于国家转型。本研究在结论部分总结了作者的发现和结论。总体而言,作者指出冲突和战争是人类的普遍现象,但只要有意识地努力发展国内治理机构以发挥其应有的作用,就可以建立和平,并可以避免非洲许多的内战和战争。本研究最后以一些建议作为结束。作者认为,在特定的地理区域内,暴力造成的区域不安全意味着管理层必须考虑采取相应措施以应对冲突和战争。

二、Build Up Further the Advantages of the Special Economic Zones(论文开题报告)

















三、Build Up Further the Advantages of the Special Economic Zones(论文提纲范文)


    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Background of the study
    1.3 Statement of the Problem
    1.4 Purpose of the study
    1.5 Specific Objectives
    1.6 Research Hypothesis Development
    1.7 The study scope
    1.8 The significance of the Study
    1.9 Research methodology
    1.10 Thesis Structure
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Summary of Rwandan Economy
        2.2.1 Political Context
        2.2.2 Social Context
        2.2.3 Economic Overview
        2.2.4 Development Context
    2.3 State of the Rwandan Economy
    2.4 Governance: A Foundational Priority
    2.5 Rwandan Key Economic Reforms
        2.5.1 Rwanda's Economic Policy Reforms, 1960-2008
        2.5.2 Macro-economic Indicators
        2.5.3 Inflation Control and Economic Reforms in Rwanda
        2.5.4 Impact of Inflation on Economic Growth in Rwanda
    2.6 Causes of Inflation in Rwanda
        2.6.1 Food and Transport Costs
        2.6.2 Rwanda’s Fiscal Deficit and Monetary Factors
        2.6.3 Aggregate Demand and Cost Factors
        2.6.4 External Factors
    2.7 Assessing the relevance of Openness in Rwanda's Economy
        2.7.1 Contribution of Openness to the Current Account
        2.7.2 The Contribution of Openness to Production and Productivity
    2.8 Challenges to reforms in Post genocide
    2.9 Rwanda's Economic Growth after adopting Reforms 1994-2017
    2.10 Conclusion
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Export Performance before and after the reforms in Rwanda
        The new urgency for export growth
    3.3 Empirical review on relationship between export dynamic and GDP growth rate
        3.3.1 Import Flows after the reforms in Rwanda
    3.4. Analysis of the relationship between Import demands and economic growth in Rwanda
    3.5 Empirical reviews on imports of goods and services and GDP growth rate
    3.6 Review of FDI Inflows into Rwanda before and after Economic Reforms
        3.6.1 FDI Inflows into Rwanda before the independence
        3.6.2 FDI Inflows into Rwanda after economic reforms
        3.6.3 Trends of FDI in Rwanda after Economic reforms
        3.6.4 Foreign Direct Investment and economic growth in Rwanda
    3.7 Investment Regulations in Rwanda
    4.1 Growth Theories for the study
    4.2 Modelling Economic Growth
        4.2.1 The Solow-Swan Model
        4.2.2 Properties of the Neoclassical Solow-Swan Model
        (ⅰ) Constant return to scale
        (ii) Positive and diminishing returns to factor inputs
        (iii) Inada conditions for equilibrium production conditions
        (iv) Essentiality
        4.2.3 The Steady State of Growth
    4.3 Mankiw, Romer and Weil Model
    4.4. New Growth Theory
    4.5 Measuring Economic Growth
    4.6 Key Investment theories and their definitions
    4.7 The Origin of FDI Theories
        4.7.1 The Portfolio Investment Theory to FDI Theories
        4.7.2 Capital Movements Theory
        4.7.3 Market Size Theory
        4.7.4 FDI Stage Model Theories
        4.7.5 The Uppsala Model Illustration of FDI Inflows
    4.8 Transaction Cost Theory as a Basis for FDI
    4.9 Ownership
    4.10. Location
    4.11. The Ozawa Economic Development FDI Theory
    4.12 Other FDI-Imperfect Market-Based Theories
        4.12.1 The Exchange Rates Theory
        4.12.2 The Internal Financing Theory
    4.13 FDI International Political Economy (IPE)-Based Theories
    4.14 UNCTAD,BITs and FDI Promotion
        4.14.1 Interstate and Regional Level Explanation for Foreign Investments
        4.14.2 National Level and Government Policies Explaining Foreign Investment
    4.15 The Economic Importance of Domestic Investment
        4.15.1 Foreign Investor Perspective
        4.15.2 The Benign Model of FDI
        4.15.3. The Malign Model of FDI Dutch Disease and FDI Effects on Host Nations
    4.16 Concluding Remarks
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Modeling Openness on Economic Growth
    5.3 Measuring Openness
        5.3.1 Modelling the Impact of Tourism on Economic Growth
        5.3.2 Modelling the Impact of Telecommunications on Economic Growth
        5.3.3 The Impact of Telecommunications on Productivity
        5.3.4 Modelling Government Expenditure on Economic Growth
    5.4 Modelling Inflation on Economic Growth
        5.4.1 The Neoclassical Theory and the Impact of Inflation on Economic Growth
        5.4.2 Measuring Inflation The Consumer Price Index Measurement for Inflation
    5.6 Modeling Exports trade and Economic Growth
        5.6.1 Background to Exports and economic growth
        5.6.2 Theoretical underpinnings of imports and Economic growth
        5.6.3 Empirical Review on imports and Economic growth
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Description of the Variables
        6.2.1 The Scope and Sources of data
        6.2.2 Variable Definitions and Measurement
    6.3 Conceptual Framework
    6.4 Investigation of Properties of the Variables
        6.4.0 Logarithmic Form Transformation
        6.4.1 Preliminary Variables Investigation
        6.4.2 Correlation Analysis
        6.4.3 Trend Analysis
        6.4.4 Unit Root Testing
        6.4.5 Augmented Dickey- Fuller Tests
        6.4.6 The KPSS Tests for Unit Roots
        6.4.7 Endogeneity Investigation
    6.5 Long and Short-Run Estimation
        6.5.1 Time-Series Cointegration estimation
        6.5.2 Trace Statistic
        6.5.3 Maximum Eigenvalue Statistic
        6.5.4 Lag Lengths Selection Criteria
        6.5.5 Estimation of Short-Run Relationship among Endogenous Variables
        6.5.6 Simultaneous Equation Specification
        6.5.7 Structure of the Simultaneous Equation
        6.5.8. Simultaneous Equation Estimation under a VAR Approach
        6.5.9 The Theoretical VECM Procedure for Estimating the Simultaneous Equation
        6.5.10 Rationale for Employing the VECM Procedure
        6.5.11 Procedure for VECM Estimation of Short-Run and Long-Run Relationship
        6.5.12 VECM Model Validation
        6.5.13 Model Stability
        6.5.14 Correlogram Analysis
        6.5.15 Portmanteau Residual Test for Autocorrelations
        6.5.16 Residual Normality Test
        6.5.17 Residual Endogenous Variables Examination
        6.5.18 VECM Systems Long-Run and Short-Run Analysis
        6.5.19 Long-Run Analysis
        6.5.20 Short-Run Analysis VECM Systems Model Ex-Ante Forecasting Impulse Response Variance Decomposition
        6.5.21 Simultaneous Equation Estimation Rationale for OLS for Model Estimation Validation of the VECM Systems Simultaneous Equation Residual Estimation of the Simultaneous Equations
        6.5.22 Specifications of Testable Hypotheses
        6.5.23. Validation of the Estimated Simultaneous Equations
        6.5.24 Stability Tests Serial Correlation Tests Heteroscedasticity Tests
        6.5.25 Ex-Post Forecasting
    6.6 Concluding Remarks
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Descriptive statistics
    7.3 Correlation Analysis
    7.4 Regression analysis
    7.5 Series Trend Analysis
    7.6 Time Series Unit Root Testing
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 Economic growth and export of goods and services
        8.2.1 Unit root tests
        8.2.2 Co-integration tests
        8.2.3 Granger causality analysis
        8.2.4 Impulse response functions
    8.3 Economic Growth and Imports
        8.3.1 Unit root tests
        8.3.2 Cointegration tests
        8.3.3 Granger causality analysis
        8.3.4 Impulse response functions
    8.4 Economic growth and FDI inflow
        8.4.1 Unit root tests
        8.4.2 Co-integration tests
        8.4.3 Granger causality analysis
        8.4.4 Impulse response functions
    8.5 Conclusion
Chapter Nine: Discussion of Results
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 Discussion of Major Findings Arising from the Series Properties Investigation ofthe Variables
    9.3. Discussion on the Relationship between Net Exports and GDP Growth Rate inRwanda
        9.3 1 Discussion on the Relationship between Net Imports and GDP Growth Rate inRwanda
        9.3 2 Discussion on the Relationship between Net FDI and GDP Growth Rate inRwanda
    9.4 Discussion of theories and Economic relevance to Rwandan Economy
    9.5 Lessons learnt by Rwanda from China's economic growth strategies
    10.1 Introduction
    10.2 Summary
        10.2.1 Investment regimes in Rwanda
        10.2.2 The Key investment Theories and their Economic Significance
        10.2.3 Major Findings from Modelling the Impact of Exports, imports and FDI onEconomic Growth
    10.3 Hypotheses Tests Major Findings
    10.4 Findings on the Estimation Short-Run and Long-Run Relationship amongEndogenous Variables and Policy implication on Rwandan Economy
    10.5 Key Contributions of the study
        10.5.1 Theoretical and Empirical Contributions
        10.5.2 Methodological Contributions
    10.6 Policy Implications to Rwanda
    10.7 Key Recommendations
    10.8 Key Limitations of this Study
    10.9 Conclusion
    10.10 Recommendations for Future Studies


1 Introduction
    1.1. Overview
    1.2. Motivation
    1.3. Problem and objectives
    1.4. Outline of the dissertation
2 Mathematical context
    2.1. DEA methodology
    2.2. Current DEA models incorporating undesirable factors
        2.2.1. Directional distance function and its characteristics
        2.2.2. Model of Hwang et al. and its characteristics
        2.2.3. Model of Chen and Delmas and its characteristics
3 Literature review on transport sustainability assessment
    3.1. Sustainability dimensions of transport
    3.2. Transport sustainability assessment
        3.2.1. Economic and environmental sustainability
        3.2.2. Social sustainability
4 Social sustainability assessment approach to inland transportation system
    4.1. Introduction
    4.2. Social sustainability performance measurement
    4.3. Methodology
        4.3.1. DEA models without explicit input
        4.3.2. Shannon-DEA approach
        4.3.3. Malmquist-Luenberger index
    4.4. Case study of road transport in the EU
    4.5. Empirical results
        4.5.1. Social sustainability performance results
        4.5.2. Malmquist-Luenberger index results
    4.6. Discussion and conclusion
5 Triple bottom line-based sustainability assessment approach to inland transportationsystem
    5.1. Introduction
    5.2. Methodology
        5.2.1. Decomposition of the DEA model of Chen and Delmas
        5.2.2. Parallel system
        5.2.3. Parallel system sharing resources
    5.3. Case study of inland transport in China
        5.3.1. Conceptual framework and variable description
        5.3.2. Statistical characteristics of variables
    5.4. Empirical results and discussion
        5.4.1. Triple bottom line-based sustainability results
        5.4.2. Comparison between 11th and 12th five-year plans
        5.4.3. Comparison between Eastern, Central, and Western zones
        5.4.4. Network inefficiency model vs.independent inefficiency model
    5.5. Conclusion and policy implications
6 Concluding Remarks
    6.1. Thesis summary
    6.2. Theoretical contributions
    6.3. Empirical contributions
    6.4. Limitations and future research
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C


    1.1 Background of transediting internship
        1.1.1 Brief introduction to transediting
        1.1.2 Overview of Newsgd.com
        1.1.3 Responsibilities of a transeditor at Newsgd.com
    1.2 Significance of the report
    1.3 Outline of the report
    2.1 Pre-transediting preparation
        2.1.1 Parallel texts
        2.1.2 Information collection
        2.1.3 Eco-translatology theory study
    2.2 Transediting process
        2.2.1 Routine of transediting at Newsgd.com
        2.2.2 Tools used in the transediting
    2.3 Post-transediting management
        2.3.1 Quality control
        2.3.2 Comparison and analysis
        2.3.3 Glossary collection
    3.1 Overview of eco-translatology
    3.2 Adaptation and selection
    3.3 Multi-dimensional transformations
    3.4 Relationship between eco-translatology and news transediting
    4.1 Translational eco-environment of C-E news transediting
    4.2 Adaptive selections in linguistic dimension
        4.2.1 Lexical level
        4.2.2 Syntactic level
        4.2.3 Discourse level
    4.3 Adaptive selections in cultural dimension
    4.4 Adaptive selections in communicative dimension
    5.1 Summary
    5.2 Reflections
        5.2.1 On news transediting and eco-translatalogy
        5.2.2 On transediting job as a transeditor
    5.3 Limitations and suggestions
        5.3.1 Limitations
        5.3.2 Suggestions
    Appendix A Glossary sheet
    Appendix B Practice materials

(5)Post-Imperium:Russia’s Return and the New Bargain for the Architecture of the European Regional Order(论文提纲范文)

List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
    1.1. Research Background and Goal
    1.2. Research Perspective and Conceptualization
    1.3. The Structure of the Thesis
    1.4. Literature Review
2. Chapter 1: Theoretical Framework
    2.1. Offensive Realism as the Baseline for Neoclassical Realism
        2.1.1. State Behavior in International System
        2.1.2. The Hierarchy of State Goals
        2.1.3. Creating a World Order
        2.1.4. Cooperation Among States
        2.1.5. Power Fear Wealth Power and Fear Power and Wealth
        2.1.6. The Primacy of Land
        2.1.7. Hegemony, Nuclear Weapons and the Balance of Power The Nuclear Weapons, MAD and the Balance of Power
        2.1.8. Strategies for Survival
    2.2. Neoclassical Realism:Variables
        2.2.1. Independent Variable The Relative Distribution of Power and Polarity Clarity Permissive and Restrictive Strategic Environments
        2.2.2. Intervening Variables Leader Images Strategic Culture State-Society Relations Domestic Institutions Key Actors of/within FPE
        2.2.3. Dependent Variables
        2.2.4. Linking the all 3-Independent, Intervening and Dependent Variables
    2.3. Methodology
    2.4. Applying the Mixed Approach to the Russian Grand Strategic Adjustment
3. Chapter 2: Russian Grand Strategic Adjustment since the end of the Cold War
    3.1. Russian Strategic Culture and the Foreign Policy Formation
        3.1.1. The Determinants of the RSC The History-Identity/Geography/Geopolitics and Threat Perception The Quest for Great Power Status Political Realism as the Way of Russian Strategic Thinking Military Power vs. Economic
        3.1.2. The Blurriness of the Russian Strategic Culture of the 1990s
        3.1.3. The Revival of the Russian Strategic Culture of the 2000s
        3.1.4. Continuation of the ‘Traditional’ Russian Strategic Culture of the 2010s
        3.1.5. Concluding remarks on the current Russian strategic culture Conceptualization of Russian Foreign Policy Goals
    3.2. Russian Foreign Policy and Bargain for the Architecture of European SecuritySystem
        3.2.1. Russian Choice of the 1990s:Integration to the Political West
        3.2.2. Russian Choice of the 2000s:Signs of Mutual Distrust, Alienation and Crisis
        3.2.3. Russian Choice Since 2008:Strengthening the Existing Status Quo European Security Treaty Eurasian Integration
        3.2.4. Concluding Remarks on the Russian Foreign Policy and Bargain for theArchitecture of European Security System
4. Chapter 3: The Normative Basis of the European Security System Institutionalization
    4.1. CSCE/OSCE Institutionalization
        4.1.1. Helsinki Final Act 1975
        4.1.2. Charter of Paris for a New Europe 1990
        4.1.3. CSCE Helsinki Document 1992: The Challenges of Change
        4.1.4. CSCE Budapest Document 1994: Towards a Genuine Partnership in a New Era Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security
        4.1.5. Lisbon Document 1996 A Framework for Arms Control
        4.1.6. Istanbul Document 1999:Charter for European Security
        4.1.7. Astana Commemorative Declaration: Towards A Security Community2010
    4.2. Arms Control and Confidence and Security Building Measures
        4.2.1. Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe Original Version Adapted Version
        4.2.2. Vienna Document 2011
        4.2.3. Treaty on Open Skies
    4.3. US-Soviet/Russian Missile and Offensive Forces Limiting Treaties
        4.3.1. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
        4.3.2. The Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty
        4.3.3. STARTS START Ⅰ&Ⅱ Budapest Memorandum 1994 SORT New START
    4.4. Concluding Remarks on the Normative Basis of the European Security SystemInstitutionalization
5. Chapter 4: Creating the Regional order: From High Hopes to Dissolution
    5.1. European Union vs. Eurasian Economic Union
        5.1.1. The Eurasian Economic Union and Russia within
    5.2. In-between West and East:Security Dimension of the Regional Order
        5.2.1. Status Quo
    5.3. In-between West and East: Economic Dimension of the Regional Order
        5.3.1. Status Quo
    5.4. Protracted Regional Conflicts of the Post-Soviet Space as the Constituent Part of theRegional Order
        5.4.1. The Status Quo and its Limiting Impact on the Regional Conflict Management
        5.4.2. Positive Spillover of the Security and Economic Dimensions over the ConflictManagement and Settlement
    5.5. The Summary of the Regional Order
    5.6. One World and Two Worldviews
        5.6.1. Understanding the Status Quo from the Russian Perspective
    5.7. Concluding Remarks on the Regional Order
6. Conclusion
    6.1. Recommendations

(6)Economic Implications of Rising China on Economic and Security of Southeast Asia(论文提纲范文)

Chapter 1 Introduction
    1. Research background
    2. Research Question and Hypothesis
    3. The Relevance of Research
    4. Methodology
    5. Literature Review
    6. ResearchPuzzle
    7. Chapters Overview
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
    1. The basic assumptions of the research
    2. The core variables involved in the research
    3. Theoretically analyze for explain the relationship between economic growth and militaryexpenditure
        3.1. Possibility process and relationship of Military Expenditure with Growth
Chapter 3 Economic Growth and Military Expenditure in SEA
    1. Why is the SEA strategic?
    2. Why is SEA urgent?
        2.1. SEA Military Expenditure Level
        2.2. SEA Economic Growth
    3. Important and Interesting Relations of the Two Variables
Chapter 4 The Shifting of Global Powers as A Global Context
    1. Indicators of global powers shifting
    2. The Rise of China
        2.1. The China's Economic Rise
        2.2. Belt and Road Initiative
        2.3. The China Military Power
        2.4. Artificial Intelligence
        2.5. China's Navy
        2.6. China's Peace full Development
        2.7. Understanding the China's Rise
    3. The USA Rebalancing Strategy
    4. The Balance of Powers In SEA
    5. How is the China-USA interaction create a balance of powers in SEA?
Chapter 5 China's Economic and Its Effect on The Growth in SEA
    1. International relations between China and SEA
    2. Increasing Economic Relations
    3. The process of economic growth in each SEA countries
        3.1. China's investment in Cambodia
        3.2. Chinese investment in Laos
        3.3. Chinese investment in Thailand
        3.4. Chinese investment in the Philippines
        3.5. Chinese investment in Singapore
        3.6. China's Project in Malaysia
        3.7. Investment in Indonesia
        3.8. China's Investment in Myanmar
        3.9. China's investment in Vietnam
        3.10. Investment in Brunei Darussalam
    4. The Integration and Expansion of Development
    5. Economic Leap and Depletion of the Economic Gap
    6. Causality relationship of FDI,Trade and GDP in SEA
Chapter 6 Increasing Southeast Asia Security Service
    1. Growth in military spending that accompanies prosperity in Southeast Asia
        1.1. Economic progress and security services:Case of the Philippines
        1.1.1. The enhance of security services and counter-terrorism policy
        1.2. The challenge of Thailand's national stability
        1.3. Indonesia' effort to create regional stability
        1.4. The Myanmar's effort to create a stability
        1.5. Laos and Cambodia:small GDP with a sharp increase of security service
        1.6. Singapore and Vietnam:A dynamic economy with excellent security
        1.7. Brunei and Malaysia:the two of SEA countries with a declining military budget
    2. Strengthening security at the regional level
    3. Factors behind the increasing security services in Southeast Asia
        3.1. The increased economic activity of countries in Southeast Asia
        3.2. Increased threats of terrorism and separatism in Southeast Asia
        3.3. The border disputes
        3.4. Does the SCS issue have an effect on the increasing regional military expenditure?
Chapter 7 Constructing a Theory of the Harmonious Relationship between Military Expenditure andEconomic Growth from the Case of SEA
    1. Review research findings
        1.1. The rise of China and increasing economic relations
        1.2. Increased economic dynamics in Southeast Asia
        1.3. Strengthening of Southeast Asian security services
    2. Constructing a Theory from SEA Case
Chapter 8 Conclusion
    1. Summary
    2. Contributions of this Study
    3. The Weakness of the Study
    4. Recommendations
    5. Closing Statement

(7)Research on Mass Sports in Haiphong City,Vietnam(论文提纲范文)

Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Purpose
    1.3 Research Significance
        1.3.1 Theoretical Significance
        1.3.2 Practical Significance
    1.4 Literature Review
        1.4.1 The Status Quo of Related Stuies at Home
        1.4.2 Related Researches Abroad
    1.5 Research Objects and Methods
        1.5.1 Research Objects
        1.5.2 Research Methods
    1.6 Research Ideas
Chapter 2 Overview of Mass Sports
    2.1 Party and Country’s Attention on the Mass Sports Development in the New Stage
        2.1.1 Development Goal and Content of Socialized Sports
        2.1.2 Administrative System of Mass Sports
        2.1.3 Necessity of Mass Sports Development
    2.2 Definition of Mass Sports and Sports Public Service
        2.2.1 Concept of Mass Sports
        2.2.2 Concept of Public Service of Sports
    2.3 Structure and Functions of the Mass Sports
        2.3.1 Structure of Mass Sports
        2.3.2 Functions of Mass Sports
    2.4 Common Theoretical Basis of Mass Sports Development Measures in Vietnam
        2.4.1 Theoretical Basis of Development Measures
        2.4.2 Pointcut of Measures
        2.4.3 Classification of Measures
Chapter 3 Analysis of the Development Status Quo of Mass Sports Service in Haiphong City of Vietnam
    3.1 Development of Mass Sports of Current Stage in Haiphong City
        3.1.1 Economic,Cultural and Social Characteristics of Haiphong City
        3.1.2 Development of Mass Sports in Haiphong City
    3.2 Public Service Organization and Management System of Mass Sports
        3.2.1 Executive Branch of the Government
        3.2.2 Social Groups
    3.3 Resources of Mass Sports Service
        3.3.1 Material Resources
        3.3.2 Human Resources
        3.3.3 Funds for Mass Sports Activities
    3.4 Status Quo of the Development of Public Service Activities of Mass Sports in Haiphong City
        3.4.1 Mass Sports Activities Carried Out by the Government and Social Organizations
        3.4.2 Participation of Urban Residents in Mass Sports
Chapter 4 Factor Analysis of the Development of Mass Sports in Haiphong City
    4.1 Establishment of Index for the Influencing Factors of Mass Sports in Haiphong City
        4.1.1 Determination of the Initial Index of the Questionnaire on the Influencing Factors of Mass Sports in Haiphong City
        4.1.2 Q& A Form of the Questionnaire
        4.1.3 Adjustment of the Questionnaire Index
    4.2 Reliability Analysis of Influencing Factors
        4.2.1 Reliability Analysis of the Index of Influencing Factors of Urban Residents on the Development of Mass Sports
        4.2.2 Reliability Analysis of the Index of Influencing Factors in the Development of Mass Sports Service in Haiphong City
    4.3 Factor Analysis Method of Influencing Factors of Mass Sports in Haiphong City
        4.3.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA)
        4.3.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA)
Chapter 5 Situation Analysis of Mass Sports in Haiphong City,Vietnam
    5.1 Strengths of Mass Sports in Haiphong City of Vietnam
        5.1.1 Popularization of Education
        5.1.2 Improvement of People’s Awareness of Self-exercise
        5.1.3 Gradually Formed Sports Consumption Consciousness
        5.1.4 Active Government Investment
        5.1.5 Open Sports Venues
    5.2 Weaknesses of Mass Sports in Haiphong City,Vietnam
        5.2.1 Overlapping Roles between Government Departments
        5.2.2 Lack of Scientific Research on Mass Sports
        5.2.3 Serious Imbalance in Sports Development
        5.2.4 Unreasonable Distribution of Space and Financial Resources
        5.2.5 Lack of Training of Mass Sports Professionals
    5.3 Opportunities of Mass Sports in Haiphong City,Vietnam
        5.3.1 Development Opportunities of Mass Sports in Haiphong City,Vietnam
        5.3.2 Rapid Transformation of Vietnam's Social and Economic Environment
        5.3.3 Vietnam’s Host of Successful Domestic-scale Comprehensive Games
    5.4 Threats to Mass Sports in Haiphong City,Vietnam
        5.4.1 Unbalanced Economic Structure
        5.4.2 Excessive Reliance on Public Resources
        5.4.3 Macro Problems Arising from the Aging of the Population
Chapter 6 Measures for the Development of Mass Sports in Haiphong City
    6.1 Drawing Upon the Experiences of the Development of Chinese Fitness Sports
        6.1.1 Including Mass Sports into the Social Development Plan to Speed Up the Development of Mass Sports
        6.1.2 Converting the Function of Government to Build a Public Service-Oriented Government
        6.1.3 Building the Coordination Mechanism of Resources Allocation System in Mass Sports
        6.1.4 Speeding Up the Development of Sports Associations for Grassroots to Strengthen the Construction of Human Resources in Mass Sports
        6.1.5 Making Laws,Regulations and Policies to Promote the Healthy Development of Mass Sports in Vietnam
    6.2 Mass Sports in Haiphong City of Vietnam
        6.2.1 Measures on Mechanism,Fiscal Policy,Land and Infrastructure Investment,etc
        6.2.2 Developing Human Resources
        6.2.3 Building the Fitness Route of Haiphong City
        6.2.4 Strengthening Physical Education and Health Clinics in Haiphong City
        6.2.5 Carrying Out Extensive Events for Mass Sports
        6.2.6 Speeding up the Development of Demonstration Community
        6.2.7 Building Sports-Featured Towns
        6.2.8 Strengthening the National Administrative Efficiency of Governments at All Levels to Improve the Organization of Bureaucracy
        6.2.9 Measures to Promote the Socialization
        6.2.10 Application,Research and Environmental Protection of Scientific Progress
        6.2.11 Coordinating Culture,Family,Sports and Tourism Activities
        6.2.12 Carrying Out Measures for International Cooperation in Culture,Family,Sports and Tourism
    6.3 An Empirical Study on the Development of Mass Sports in Haiphong of Vietnam
        6.3.1 Theoretical Basis
        6.3.2 Practical Basis
        6.3.3 Suggestions on the Development of Mass Sports Activities in Haiphong City
        6.3.4 Selection of the Development Countermeasures in Mass Sports
        6.3.5 Application Effects of the Development Countermeasures in Mass Sports
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Suggestions
    7.1 Conclusions
    7.2 Suggestions


Chapter1 Introduction
    1.1 Background and origin
    1.2 Objectives of the study
    1.3 Literature review
        1.3.1 Related research in China
        1.3.2 Related research in Australia
    1.4 Research methodology
    1.5 Overview of the dissertation
Chapter2 Setting Tones:Context of Paul Keating's Asia Thinking
    2.1 Australia's regional overview in the1990s
    2.2 Asia's role in Australia's economic development
    2.3 Challenges to Australia's old mindset
Chapter3 Identity and National Interests:Essentialities of Paul Keating's Asia Thinking
    3.1 Time to change:Australia and Australia's Asia thinking
        3.1.1 Strategy and political trends
        3.1.2 Economy
        3.1.3 Values
    3.2 Paul Keating and Keating's Asia thinking
    3.3 Benefits and feasibility in logic:Paul Keating's Asia thinking and Australia
        3.3.1 Benefits from engaging with Asia
        3.3.2 Measures to engage with Asia
        3.3.3 Australia's strengths in engaging with Asia
        3.3.4 Legitimacy of engaging with Asia
    3.4 Paul Keating's ideas on Asia thinking
        3.4.1 Politics
        3.4.2 Australia's Asianization
        3.4.3 The Role of the United States to Australia
        3.4.4 Regionalisation
        3.4.5 Multilateralism
    3.5 Fighting for Australia:Keating government's practices on the new Asia thinking
        3.5.1 China
        3.5.2 Japan
        3.5.3 ROK and DPRK
        3.5.4 Indonesia
        3.5.5 America
    3.6 Enrichment and development:Paul Keating's Asia thinking after 1996
Chapter4 Comments of Paul Keating's Asia thinking from Australians
    4.1 Turn around a national psyche:Australia's politicians
    4.2 Trust overweight doubts:Australia's academia
    4.3 Wait and see:public opinion
Chapter5 Dilemma and Belief:Rethinking Paul Keating's Asia Thinking
    5.1 Continuity and differences:Paul Keating's Asia thinking and the successive governments
    5.2 Challenges and difficulties to Paul Keating's Asia thinking
        5.2.1 The lack of mutual trust
        5.2.2 China's rise
        5.2.3 Australians who were reluctant to change their inherent view to Asia
        5.2.4 A top-down negative attitude towards Asia
        5.2.5 The changes in international politics in recent years
    5.3 Win-win situation
Chapter6 Conclusion
Abbreviations and Acronyms

(9)阐释学理论下渔业文本的翻译实践报告 ——以《经济合作与发展组织渔业管理者手册》英译汉翻译实践为例(论文提纲范文)

第一章 引言
第二章 翻译任务简介
    2.1 翻译任务的背景、内容和意义
    2.2 翻译文本的语言特点
第三章 翻译过程介绍
    3.1 译前文本处理
    3.2 翻译记忆库准备
    3.3 实际翻译实践
    3.4 译后审校
    3.5 译后反思
第四章 翻译理论的阐述
    4.1 乔治·斯坦纳提出的阐释学理论
    4.2 阐释学理论定义下的翻译四个阶段
第五章 翻译难点及解决方案
    5.1 翻译四个阶段遭遇的难点
    5.2 翻译难点的解决策略
第六章 翻译实践总结

(10)准包容性机构与民间暴力的国际化 ——非洲内战与冲突的新视角(论文提纲范文)

List of Acronyms
Chapter1:Exploring Domestic Governance Institutions in Africa
    1.1 Quasi-inclusive institutions in Africa
    1.2 Internationalizing Civil Violence in Quasi-inclusive States
    1.3 Data in the Sun:From Accra to Monrovia through Freetown and Back
    1.4 Building Domestic Governance Institutions in the Three Countries
    1.5 Organization of the Study
Chapter2:Examining the Contagion Theory of Civil Conflict and War Expansion
    2.1 Defining civil violence:War and conflict
    2.2 Civil violence and the Contagion Theory
        2.2.1 Civil Violence and Direct Contagion
        2.2.2 Civil violence and Indirect Contagion
    2.3 Duration of Civil Violence and Contagion
    2.4 Transnational Factors and Civil Violence Contagion
        2.4.1 Transnational Ethnic Connections and Contagion
        2.4.2 Transnational Economic Connections and Contagion
        2.4.3 Transnational Refugee/Population Movements and Contagion
        2.4.4 Transnational regime type and Contagion
    2.5 What is Less Focused and Almost Left Out?
        2.5.1 Domestic Governance Institutional Structures and contagion
        2.5.2 State Capacity under the Framework of Domestic Governance Institutions
    2.6 Conclusion
Chapter3:Research Methodology,Materials and Processes
    3.1 Introduction and Research Overview
    3.2 Qualitative and quantitative approaches to civil violence contagion
    3.3 Summary of the methods and processes
    3.4 The Research Design
        3.4.1 Explaining the African Context through History
        3.4.2 Ethnography Research
        3.4.3 Establishing Systematic Understanding with Cases
        3.4.4 Triangulation through Descriptive Statistics
    3.5 Data Collection Procedures and Processes
        3.5.1 Sampling domestic governance institutions from three countries
        3.5.2 Sampling participants
        3.5.3 Research instrumentation
        3.5.4 Procedures
    3.6 Data Analysis Strategies
    3.7 Research Ethics
    3.8 Limitations of the Research
    3.9 Strengths
Chapter4:The State,Domestic Governance Institutions and Civil Wars and Conflicts
    4.1 Situating the State
        4.1.1 Qualifications of the State
        4.1.2 Functions of the State
    4.2 Strong Versus Weak States
        4.2.1 Strong States
        4.2.2 Weak States
    4.3 Grievances and Greed in Domestic Governance Institutions
    4.4 Conclusion
Chapter5:Africa:From a Glorious Beginning to a Warring End
    5.1 The Peopling of Africa
        5.1.1 Ancient Egypt and the Berbers of Northern Africa
        5.1.2 Civilizations in the Vicinity of the Sudans
        5.1.3 Axum and Ancient Ethiopia at Eastern Africa
        5.1.4 Swahili:Along the Coasts and Interior From the East to the South
        5.1.5 Bantu Civilization:Peopling of the Central and Southern Africa
        5.1.6 Developments in West Africa
    5.2 The arrival of the Europeans:First European Contact
    5.3 Second European Contact
    5.4 The Berlin Conference and Legalization of Colonialism
    5.5 Colonial Policies and African Responses
        5.5.1 A show of African Resistance
        5.5.2 Colonial Administrative Systems
    5.6 Rise of Nationalist Activities and Independence
        5.6.1 Nationalist Activities after the Second World War
    5.7 A Panorama of African Civil Wars and Conflicts
    5.8 Ad Nauseam Theories on African Civil Conflict and Wars
        5.8.1 The Colonization Theory
        5.8.2 The Cold War Hypothesis
        5.8.3 Identity politics hypothesis
        5.8.4 The history hypothesis
        5.8.5 Inefficient Economy Hypothesis
        5.8.6 Natural Resources Hypothesis
    5.9 Impact of African Civil Violence
        5.9.1 Direct impact of conflict and war on African populace
        5.9.2 Impact of Conflict and War on Economic Development
    5.10 Growth Averse as a Consequence of the War Type?
Chapter6:Governance,Strengthening Domestic Structures in a Weak State and Ghana’s Peace
    6.1 Shaping and Reforming Quasi-inclusive Institutions in a Weak State
        6.1.1 Ghana Police Service(GPS)
        6.1.2 Electoral Commission(EC)
        6.1.3 National Commission for Civic Education(NCCE)
        6.1.4 National Media Commission(NMC)
        6.1.5 Ghana Revenue Authority(GRA)
        6.1.6 Economic and Organized Crime Office(EOCO)
        6.1.7 The Courts
        6.1.8 The military
        6.1.9 The National Sports Authority
    6.2 Unearthing Peace in a Weak State
        6.2.1 Tough Beginning:Building Trust in the Early Ghanaian Systems
        6.2.2 Shaping Public Interests with Economic Governance and Institutions
        6.2.3 Spending for Profit or Loss?
    6.3 Resisting Conflict Infection and Domestic Institutional Strength
    6.4 Strengthening but Quasi-Inclusive Institutional Outcomes
    6.5 Conclusion
Chapter7:A Weakened Liberia:Domestic Institutional Structures and War
    7.1 Liberia’s Institutional Landscape
        7.1.1 National Elections Commission(NEC)
        7.1.2 The Central Bank of Liberia(CBL)
        7.1.3 Liberia Electricity Cooperation(LEC)
        7.1.4 Liberia Broadcasting System(LBS)
        7.1.5 Liberia Revenue Authority(LRA)
        7.1.6 Liberia Judicial Service(Courts)
        7.1.7 Liberia National Police(LNP)
        7.1.8 Liberia Armed Forces(AFL)
        7.1.9 Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission(LACC)
        7.1.10 Ministry of Youth and Sports
        7.1.11 Inter-Religious Council/Catholic Justice and Peace Commission
    7.2 A Historical Sketch of the Liberian Civil War
        7.2.1 State Repression and the Rise of Dissatisfaction and Grievances
        7.2.2 The Struggle for Liberian Political Power and War
    7.3 What Future for the Future?
    7.4 Human Insecurity within Institutional Political Economy and Civil War
    7.5 Institutionally Sanctioned Abuse,Discontent and Civil War
    7.6 Shaping Public Interest in a Fractured Governance and War
Chapter8:Institutional Weakness and Civil War Contagion in Sierra Leone
    8.1 Self-Weakening under Quasi-inclusive Institutional Landscape
        8.1.1 Sierra Leone Judicial Service
        8.1.2 Sierra Leone Human Right Commission(HRCSL)
        8.1.3 Sierra Leone Independent Media Commission(IMC)
        8.1.4 Statistics Sierra Leone(SSL)
        8.1.5 National Council for Civic Education and Development(Na CCED)
        8.1.6 Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces(RSLAF)
        8.1.7 Sierra Leone Police(SLP)
        8.1.8 Anti-Corruption Commission(ACC)
        8.1.9 National Electoral Commission-Sierra Leone(NEC)
        8.1.10 National Revenue Authority(NRA)
    8.2 The Rise of Popular Discontent and War in Sierra Leone
    8.3 Fractured Authority and Civil War Contagion
    8.4 Contiguous Popular Distrust,Insecurity and Civil War Contagion
    8.5 Public Dis(Interest)Within a Political Economy and Civil War Contagion
    8.6 State Incapacity,Insecure Security and Civil War Contagion
Conclusion:The Promise of Domestic Governance Institutions

四、Build Up Further the Advantages of the Special Economic Zones(论文参考文献)

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