


YAO Jianxin,BO Jingfang,HOU Hongfei,WANG Zejiu,MA Xiulan,LIU Fengshan,HU Guangxiao,JI Zhansheng,WU Guichun,WU Zhenjie,LI Suping,GUO Caiqing,LI Ya[1](2016)在《Status of Stratigraphy Research in China》文中提出Scientific research and productive practice for earth history are inseparable from the accurate stratigraphic framework and time framework. Establishing the globally unified, precise and reliable chronostratigraphic series and geological time series is the major goal of the International Commission on Stratigraphy(ICS). Under the leadership of the ICS, the countries around the world have carried out research on the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Points(GSSPs) for the boundaries of chronostratigraphic systems. In the current International Chronostratigraphic Chart(ICC), 65 GSSPs have been erected in the Phanerozoic Eonothem, and one has yet been erected in the Precambrian Eonothem. Based on the progress of research on stratigraphy especially that from its subcommissions, the ICS is constantly revising the ICC, and will publish a new International Stratigraphic Guide in 2020. After continual efforts and broad international cooperation of Chinese stratigraphers, 10 GSSPs within the Phanerozoic Eonothem have been approved and ratified to erect in China by the ICS and IUGS. To establish the standards for stratigraphic division and correlation of China, with the support from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the China Geological Survey, Chinese stratigraphers have carried out research on the establishment of Stages in China. A total of 102 stages have been defined in the "Regional Chronostratigraphic Chart of China(geologic time)", in which 59 stages were studied in depth. In 2014, the "Stratigraphic Chart of China" was compiled, with the essential contents as follows: the correlation between international chronostratigraphy and regional chronostratigraphy of China(geologic time), the distributive status of lithostratigraphy, the characteristics of geological ages, the biostratigraphic sequence, the magnetostratigraphy, the geological events and eustatic sea-level change during every geological stage. The "Stratigraphical Guide of China and its Explanation(2014)" was also published. Chinese stratigraphers have paid much attention to stratigraphic research in south China, northeast China, north China and northwest China and they have made great achievements in special research on stratigraphy, based on the 1:1000000, 1:250000, 1:200000 and 1:50000 regional geological survey projects. Manifold new stratigraphic units were discovered and established by the regional geological surveys, which are helpful to improve the regional chronostratigraphic series of China. On the strength of the investigation in coastal and offshore areas, the status of marine strata in China has been expounded. According to the developing situation of international stratigraphy and the characteristics of Chinese stratigraphic work, the contrast relation between regional stratigraphic units of China and GSSPs will be established in the future, which will improve the application value of GSSPs and the standard of regional stratigraphic division and correlation. In addition, the study of stratigraphy of the Precambrian, terrestrial basins and orogenic belts will be strengthened, the Stratigraphic Chart of China will be improved, the typical stratigraphic sections in China will be protected and the applied study of stratigraphy in the fields of oil and gas, solid minerals, etc. will be promoted. On the ground of these actions, stratigraphic research will continue to play a great role in the social and economic development of China.

WANG Chenghui,WANG Denghong,XU Jue,YING Lijuan,LIU Lijun,LIU Shanbao[2](2015)在《A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Gold Deposits in China》文中研究指明Gold is one of the most important mineral resources in China with its rich mineral resources. In recent years,significant progress has been made on the process of gold resource exploration. Some large and giant gold deposits were newly found and some important expansions in the main mining regions were also been completed. Studies on metallogenic regularity of gold deposits in China also have made achievements with a long–term work. This review aims to conclude the achievements of research on gold metallogenic regularity in China. Based on the data of about 2000 gold deposits and other ore(mineralized) occurrences,gold deposits in China were classified into five prediction types: gold deposits genetically related to granite–greenstone formation,gold deposits related to sedimentary formation(including the Carlin type and the metamorphosed clastic rock related vein gold deposit),gold deposits genetically related to volcanic rocks(including the continental and marine types),gold deposits genetically related to intrusions(including the porphyry type and the inner intrusion and contact zone related gold deposit),gold deposits of supergenesis(including fracture zone–altered rock gold deposit,placer gold deposit,gossan type gold deposit and soil type gold deposit). Statistics on precise chronology data of gold deposits indicate that there occurred 5 main periods of gold–mineralization in geological history of China. They were Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic,Meso–Neoproterozoic,Paleozoic,Mesozoic,and Cenozoic. Gold deposits in China mainly formed in the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic. On the studies of the spatial–temporal distribution characteristics of gold deposits,53 gold–forming belts were delineated in China. The metallogenic regularity of gold deposits was preliminarily summarized and 71 gold metallogenic series were proposed in China. This suggests that it is necceary to deepen the study on metallogenic regularity of gold deposits and to provide the theory guide for the ore–prospecting for gold resources in China.

ZHENG Mianping,ZHANG Yongsheng,LIU Xifang,NIE Zhen,KONG Fanjing,QI Wen,Jia Qingxian,PU Linzhong,HOU Xianhua,WANG Hailei,ZHANG Zhen,KONG Weigang,LIN Yongjie[3](2016)在《Progress and Prospects of Salt Lake Research in China》文中研究指明China has unique salt lake resources, and they are distributed in the east of Eurasian salt lake subzone of the Northern Hemisphere Salt Lake Zone, mainly concentrated in the regions with modern mean annual precipitation lower than 500 mm. This paper preliminarily reviews the progress made in salt lake research in China for the past 60 years. In the research of Paleoclimate and paleoenvironment from salt lake sediments, a series of salts have been proposed to be indicators of paleoclimate, and have been well accepted by scholars. The chloride-sulfate depositional regions of the west Qaidam and the east Tarim have been revealed to be the drought center of China since the Quaternary, and more than 6 spreading stages of arid climate(salt forming) have been identified. Five pan-lake periods with highstands have been proved to exist during the late Quaternary on the Tibetan Plateau. In mineral resource prospecting and theories of the forming of salt deposits: the atlas(1:2500000) of hydrochemical zoning of salt lakes on the Tibetan Plateau has been compiled for the first time, revealing the zonal distribution and transition from carbonate type to chloride type from south to north and presenting corresponding mineral assemblages for different type of salt lakes; several large continental salt deposits have been discovered and the theory of continental potash deposition has been developed, including the salt deposition in deep basins surrounded by high mountains, the mineral deposition from multistage evolution through chains of moderate or shallow lakes with multilevels, the origin of potassium rich brines in gravel layers, and the forming of potassium deposits through the inheriting from ancient salt deposits, thus establishing the framework of "Continental Potash Deposition Theory"; several new types of Mg-borate deposits have been discovered, including the ulexite and pinnoite bed in Da Qaidam Lake, Qinghai, the pinnoite and kurnakovite bed in Chagcam Caka, Tibet, the kurnakovite bed in Lake Nyer, and the corresponding model of borate deposition from the cooling and dissolution of boron rich brines was proposed based on principles of geology, physics and chemistry. The anti-floatation-cold crystallization method developed independently has improved the capacity of KCl production to 3 million tons per year for the Qarham, serving the famous brand of potash fertilizer products. One 1.2 million ton K-sulfate production line, the biggest in the world, has been built in Lop Nor, and K-sulfate of about 1.6 million tons was produced in 2015. Supported by the new technology, i.e. brine preparation in winter-cooling-solarization-isolation-lithium deposition from salt gradient solar pond" the highest lithium production base at Zabuye Lake(4421 m), Tibet, has been established, which is the first lithium production base in China that reaches the year production of 5000 tons of lithium carbonate. The concept of Salt lake agriculture(Salt land agriculture) has been established based on the mass growth of Dunaliella and other bacillus-algae and the occurrence of various halophytes in saltmarsh and salt saline-alkali lands, finding a new way to increase arable lands and develop related green industry in salt rich environments. Finally this paper presents some new thoughts for the further research and development on salt science, and the further progress in salt science and technology will facilitate the maturing of the interdisciplinary science "Salinology".

王训练,周洪瑞,王振涛,沈阳,于子栋,杨志华[4](2019)在《扬子板块西北缘早中泥盆世构造演化:来自略阳地区踏坡组岩石学、锆石年代学和微量元素组成的约束》文中提出碧口地块北缘下中泥盆统踏坡组的物源长期被认为来自碧口地块新元古界基底——碧口岩群,但一直缺少碎屑锆石物源数据的支持。本文对略阳地区泥盆系踏坡组不同层位的3个碎屑岩样品开展了系统的岩石学、锆石岩相学及其U-Pb定年和微量元素组成研究。锆石晶体特征对比分析显示,研究样品存在两种类型的锆石:普遍发育变质增生边的碎屑锆石(剖面北段样品)和不发育变质增生边的典型岩浆成因的碎屑锆石(剖面南、中段样品)。前者显示2个年龄峰值(~2.5 Ga主峰、~2.0 Ga次峰),还形成了2473±24 Ma的上交点年龄和359±84 Ma的下交点年龄,而后者两个样品有着一致的年龄峰值(~2.0 Ga主峰、~2.5 Ga次峰和~1.39 Ga微小峰值)。3个样品的谐和年龄均大于1.3 Ga,并不能限定踏坡组的沉积时代,且均不支持其物源主要来自碧口岩群的传统认识。碎屑锆石地球化学判别图解指示它们的源岩主要为形成于造山带环境中的花岗岩类(花岗闪长岩和英云闪长岩)、基性岩和钾镁煌斑岩。基于样品中的岩屑类型,结合区域地质、古流向、锆石年龄对比和源岩判别,认为踏坡组的原始物源来自位于扬子板块北缘的太古宙—古元古代基底(鱼洞子杂岩和崆岭杂岩),并且鱼洞子杂岩在踏坡组沉积后期曾大面积出露/抬升。同时表明碧口地块可能至少在早中泥盆世就与扬子板块拼合在一起了。

CHEN Baoguo,ZHANG Jiuchen,YANG Mengmeng[5](2016)在《The Present Research and Prospect of Chinese Geosciences History》文中研究指明It has been over a hundred years since the birth of research on Chinese geosciences history, which was accompanied by the continuous progress of Chinese geosciences. For hundreds of years, it has grown out of nothing to brilliant performance by several generations of Chinese geologists committing their hearts and minds with the spirit of exert and strive without stop to promote the process of China’s industrialization and to produce the significant impact on serving the society. The study of Chinese geosciences history reflects objectively and historically the history of geosciences in China, which has recorded, analyzed and evaluated the dynamic process sitting in the background and clue of the history of Chinese geosciences development. The study of the history of geological science has roughly experienced two stages in China. The first stage is the study of individual researchers. It spanned approximately 70 years from the early 20th century to the end of the 1970s. The research contents were mainly based on the evolution of geological organizations, the development and utilization of individual mineral species, the history of deposit discovery and the research of geological characters. The main representatives are Zhang Hongzhao, Ding Wenjiang, Weng Wenhao and Li Siguang, Ye Liangfu, Huang Jiqing, Yang Zhongjian, Xie Jiarong, Gao Zhenxi, Wang Bingzhang and etc. The most prominent feature of this period is the accumulation of a very valuable document for the study of the history of China’s geological history and lays a foundation for the exchange of geological science between China and foreign countries. The second stage is organized group study. It took around 60 years from the 1920s to 1980s. It includes the history of Chinese geology, the history of geological organizations, the history of geological disciplines, the history of geological education, the history of geological philosophy, the history of Chinese and foreign geological science communication, the history of geologists and etc. The most chief feature of this stage is the birth of academic research institute―the establishment of the Commission on the History of Geology of the Geological Society of China.


Hin-yuen Tsang(曾献源)[7](2020)在《低温热液矿床地质与地球化学研究 ——以中国贵州天柱金矿和尼日利亚Mika铀矿为例》文中研究指明本文以两个低温热液型矿床-即贵州天柱金矿与尼日利亚Mika的铀矿为例,系统研究其区域地质-构造特征,通过元素-同位素地球化学分析测试,确定了其成岩时代及其成矿的物理-化学条件,建立了成矿地质模型,为区域成矿及找矿勘察提供科学依据。贵州天柱造山型金矿的原始沉积物是长英质火成源区,后经造山改造叠加而成。矿石中具有大颗粒金,品位较富,共伴生金属少的特点。矿体定位受区域背斜构造控制。区域地层受后期雪峰造山运动的改造,提供了大量的成矿热液,为区内金的富集成矿提供了物理-化学条件。年代学研究表明地层中的岩石形成于800Ma的新元古代,根据地质-地球化学资料推断,金矿区大地构造环境应该是新元古时期的大陆边缘或俯冲带边缘环境,该时期岩火山作用十分发育,海床布满黑白烟囱,持续的岩浆喷发,在海水中形成富含硅、铁、铁等离子的热水溶液,含金物质经过地质作用,形成预富集,为后期金矿成矿奠定了物质基础。本研究采用地球化学主元素判别函数图图解,判别岩石源区性质及所形成的大地构造环境;通过研究稀土元素与流体包裹体来分析成矿物质来源及成矿物理化学条件;采用LA-ICP-MS锆石测定矿体赋存岩系的成岩年龄。LA-ICP-MS锆石年代学研究,发现下江群清水江组的凝灰质与砂质板岩和含金石英脉中分选的锆石有相似的年龄分布区间,推测含金石英脉内的锆颗粒可能源自周围的凝灰质及砂质板岩,它们的成岩时代大体上可以追溯到新元古代时的长英质火成源区。成矿流体是在加里东期造山运动(雪峰造山事件)时期变质作用条件下的脱挥发性组分下形成。尼日利亚勘探铀矿无异将为该国带来经济效益。本文针对尼日利亚Mika地区勘探铀矿勘察工作,我们先后在现场开挖了九条探槽,采集大批新鲜的样品,在野外开展放射性测量,据此发现并推断两条轴矿矿脉的展布特征:主要的矿脉向西延伸,走向348°,倾角42°;令一条矿脉走向306°,陡倾角。我们在原地发现沥青铀矿,为进一步深入勘探提供了重要线索。在室内从岩相学的分析获得,成矿母岩花岗岩受构造变形影响,晶质铀矿和玉髓在后期充填在花岗岩的构造裂隙中,形成细矿脉状矿化。伽马射线强度显示,原生铀矿品位1.5%,次生铀品位0.1%。原地辐射测试显示Th和K2O为47.3-3654ppm和4.26-6.26%范围。在勘探中,我们发现在西北-东南方向有一个高辐射区,大体为800x35m范围,最高达到1200cpm,背景辐射约30cpm。通常Mika地区的铀矿品位约0.03%-0.12%。铀矿勘探采用4频道伽马谱仪与伽马剂量计测量,据此编制了U矿勘查区放射性异常分布图,同时在实验室采用低本底高纯锗伽马谱仪分析样品的天然核素,发现了高辐射点范围,并圈地定出有利的勘查目标区,为该区的深部铀矿勘查提供了科学依据,我们认为这个地区铀矿潜力巨大,特别是深层的铀矿资源有待进一步探测和开发。

CHEN Fahu,WU Shaohong,CUI Peng,CAI Yunlong,ZHANG Yili,YIN Yunhe,LIU Guobin,OUYANG Zhu,MA Wei,YANG Linsheng,WU Duo,LEI Jiaqiang,ZHANG Guoyou,ZOU Xueyong,CHEN Xiaoqing,TAN Minghong,WANG Xunming,BAO Anming,CHENG Weixin,DANG Xiaohu,WEI Binggan,WANG Guoliang,WANG Wuyi,ZHANG Xingquan,LIU Xiaochen,LI Shengyu[8](2021)在《Progress and prospects of applied research on physical geography and the living environment in China over the past 70 years (1949–2019)》文中提出Physical geography is a basic research subject of natural sciences. Its research object is the natural environment which is closely related to human living and development, and China’s natural environment is complex and diverse. According to national needs and regional development, physical geographers have achieved remarkable achievements in applied basis and applied research, which also has substantially contributed to the planning of national economic growth and social development, the protection of macro ecosystems and resources, and sustainable regional development. This study summarized the practice and application of physical geography in China over the past 70 years in the following fields: regional differences in natural environments and physical regionalization; land use and land cover changes; natural hazards and risk reduction; process and prevention of desertification; upgrading of medium-and low-yield fields in the Huang-Huai-Hai region; engineering construction in permafrost areas; geochemical element anomalies and the prevention and control of endemic diseases; positioning and observation of physical geographical elements; and identification of geospatial differentiation and geographical detectors. Furthermore, we have proposed the future direction of applied research in the field of physical geography.

Ju-xing Tang,Huan-huan Yang,Yang Song,Li-qiang Wang,Zhi-bo Liu,Bao-long Li,Bin Lin,Bo Peng,Gen-hou Wang,Qing-gao Zeng,Qin Wang,Wei Chen,Nan Wang,Zhi-jun Li,Yu-bin Li,Yan-bo Li,Hai-feng Li,Chuan-yang Lei[9](2021)在《The copper polymetallic deposits and resource potential in the Tibet Plateau》文中指出Many large and super-large copper deposits have been discovered and explored in the Tibet Plateau, which makes it the most important copper resource reserve and development base in China. Based on the work of the research team, the paper summarizes the geological characteristics of the main copper deposits in Tibet and puts forward a further prospecting direction. A series of large accumulated metal deposits or ore districts from subduction of Tethys oceanic crust to India-Asia collisionhave been discovered, such as Duolong Cu(Au) ore district and Jiama copper polymetallic deposit. The ore deposits in the Duolong ore district are located in the lowstand domain, the top of lowstand domain, and the highstand domain of the same magmatic-hydrothermal metallogenic system, and their relative positions are the indicators for related deposits in the Bangong Co-Nujiang metallogenic belt. The polycentric metallogenic model of the Jiama copper polymetallic deposit is an important inspiration for the exploration of the porphyry mineralization related to collision orogeny. Further mineral exploration in the Tibet Plateau should be focused on the continental volcanic rocks related to porphyry-epithermal deposits, orogenic gold deposits,hydrothermal Pb-Zn deposits related to nappe structures, skarn Cu(Au) and polymetallic deposits, and the Miocene W-Sn polymetallic deposits.

DING Xiaozhong,ZHANG Kexin,GAO Linzhi,LU Songnian,PAN Guitang,XIAO Qinghui,LIU Yong,PANG Jianfeng[10](2020)在《Research Progress and the Main Achievements of The Regional Geology of China Preface》文中研究表明Introduction to The Regional Geology of China In 2008, a new project concerning the recompilation of The Regional Geology of China (RGC) was assigned by the Chinese Geological Survey (CGS) and undertaken by the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS). Li Tingdong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), is the chief leader and chief scientist of the project. The last time The Regional Geology of China was compiled was in the 1980s (Cheng, 1994).



















(1)Status of Stratigraphy Research in China(论文提纲范文)

1 Overview of International Stratigraphic Research
2 Research Status of Stratigraphy in China
    2.1 Ten GSSPs erected in China
    2.2 Standards for stratigraphic division and correlation established in China
    2.3 Great achievements in special research on stratigraphy
    2.4 Abundant data for stratigraphic research acquired in national land and resources survey projects
3 Future Development of Stratigraphy in China
    3.1 To improve the standard of regional stratigraphic division and correlation
    3.2 To establish the contrasting relationship between regional stratigraphic units and GSSPs
    3.3 To strengthen the study of the Precambrian time scale
    3.4 To strengthen the study of terrestrial basins
    3.5 To further supply and improve the Stratigraphic Chart of China
    3.6 To promote the study of stratigraphy in orogenic belts
    3.7 To protect the typical stratigraphic sections
    3.8 To reinforce the applied study of stratigraphy in the fields of oil and gas,solid minerals,etc.
4 Conclusions

(3)Progress and Prospects of Salt Lake Research in China(论文提纲范文)

1 Introduction
2 Saline Lake Sediments,Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment Study
    2.1 Salt minerals as climatic indicators
    2.2 Arid and salt deposit center and its expansion period in the Quaternary in China
    2.3 The Quaternary pan-lake(overflow)period and paleoclimate on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
        2.3.1 Evidence of Quaternary pan-lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
        2.3.1. 1 Siling Co pan-lake area
        2.3.1. 2 Zabuye-Zhari Namco pan-lake area
        2.3.1. 3 Qaidam and South Kunlun pan-lake areas
        2.3.1. 4 Gozha Co-Tianshuihai pan-lake area
        2.3.1. 5 Lumajangdong Co-Bangong Co pan-lake area
        2.3.1. 6 Nam Co pan-lake
        2.3.2 Timing and extent of high lake levels of pan-lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
3 New Knowledge of Mineralization and Salting Theory of Saline Lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    3.1 Classification criteria for the hydrochemical types of salt lakes
    3.2 Hydrochemical zoning and mineral assemblages of salt lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
        3.2.1 Hydrochemical zonation
        3.2.2 Mineral assemblages for different types of salt lakes
    3.3 Deposition models for salts
        3.3.1 Mineralization model for multi-level moderate-shallow lake chains
        3.3.2 Salt deposition in large scale multi-level lakes in deep basins
        3.3.3 Studies of salt minerals of the Tibetan Plateau
    3.4 Discovery of potassium-rich salt lakes and progress in the theory on continental potassium deposition
        3.4.1 Overview
        3.4.2 Framework of the continental potash deposition theory
        3.4.2. 1 The primary cause for potassium accumulation in continental salt lakes
        3.4.2. 2 The model for the enrichment and deposition of continental potash
        3.4.3 Application of the continental salt deposition theory
    3.5 Discovery of a new type of magnesium borate deposits and the new insight on boron deposition from cooling and dilution
        3.5.1 Boron deposits in Da Qaidam lake:ulexite-pinnoite deposits
        3.5.2 Magnesium-borate deposits in Chagcam Caka,Tibet
        3.5.3 Kurnakovite deposits in Nyêr Co,Tibet
        3.5.3. 1 Introduction
        3.5.3. 2 Ore-bearing Strata
        3.5.4 New knowledge on the genesis of new type Mg-borate deposits and the theory of salt precipitation via cooling with diluting in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
4 Salt Lake Chemistry and Sylvite,Lithium Resource Development and Utilization
    4.1 Salt lake chemistry
    4.2 Sylvite resource development and utilization-two case from Qarham salt lake and Lop Nur salt lake
        4.2.1 Qarham salt lake industry
        4.2.2 Lop Nur salt lake industry
    4.3 Studies on utilization of lithium resources-a case of Zhabuye salt lake
        4.3.1 Saltpan preparation and control technology of lithium-rich brine
        4.3.2 Heat accumulation and lithium precipitation and crystallization in the solar pond
5 Saline Lake Geo-ecology,Halophiles and Saline Lake Agriculture
    5.1 The briny region
    5.2 Salt marshes,saline and alkaline lands
6 Prospect of Scientific and Technological Development on Salt Lakes in China
7 Conclusions


1 区域地质概况
2 踏坡组地层特征与样品描述
3 分析方法
4 结果
    4.1 锆石晶体特征
    4.2 锆石微量元素组成特征
    4.3 锆石U-Pb年龄
5 讨论
    5.1 踏坡组碎屑岩的物源
    5.2 碧口地块北缘踏坡组的形成模式
6 结论

(5)The Present Research and Prospect of Chinese Geosciences History(论文提纲范文)

1 The History and Present Situation of the Research on the History of International Geological Science
    1.1 The change of the content of the study
    1.2 Organizations and research institutes
    1.3 Publications and authors
2 The Present Situation and Progress of the Study of the Chinese Geological Science History
    2.1 A brief account of the development of the Chinese geological science history
    2.2 Research institutes and research groups
    2.3 The guiding ideology of the research on the history of geological science
    2.4 Major progress in recent years
        2.4.1 Promote interaction between Chinese geological science and social development in China
        2.4.2 A study on the history of geological disciplines of China
        2.4.3 A study of geological characters
        Kwong Yung Kong(1863-1965)
        Woo Yang Tsang(1861-1939)
        Gu Lang(1880-1939)
        Lu Xun(1881-1936)
        Wang Chongyou(1879-1985)
        Zhang Hongzhao(1877-1951)
        Ding Wenjiang(1887-1936)
        Weng Wenhao(1889-1971)
        Li Siguang(1889-1971)
        Richthofen,Ferdinand von(1833-1905)
        Amadeus Willian Grabau(1870-1946)
        Johann Gunnay Andersson(1874-1960)
        Prerre Teilhaya de Chardin(1881-1955)
        2.4.4 The study of history of ancient geological thoughts
        2.4.5 The study of the geological cause
        2.4.6 Research of the history of the communication of Chinese and foreign geological science
3 Development Prospect
4 Conclusion


    2. 1前人研究基础
        2. 1. 1关于胶东地区动力学演化过程
        2. 1. 2关于中生代岩浆活动构造背景
        2. 1. 3关于太平洋板块演化与胶东成岩成矿
    2. 2胶东中生代6期成岩成矿动力学演化过程
        ( 1) 陆陆碰撞造山期
        ( 2) 被动陆缘向活动陆缘转换、地壳增生期
        ( 3) 地壳增生向垮塌转换期
        ( 4) 岩石圈大规模拆沉、壳幔强烈作用期
        ( 5) 陆缘弧俯冲作用期
        ( 6) 弧后岩石圈强烈伸展期
    3. 1胶东地区中生代有色金属贵金属成矿系列研究现状
    3. 2胶东中生代贵金属有色金属成矿系列划分
        3. 2. 1印支晚期后碰撞造山背景下的与碱性花岗岩浆活动有关的稀有金属成矿系列( S1)
        3. 2. 2燕山早期被动陆缘转化为活动陆缘背景下与地壳重熔岩浆活动有关的有色金属矿成矿系列( S2)
        3. 2. 3燕山晚期洋壳俯冲挤压向伸展转换背景下与壳幔混熔岩浆活动有关的有色金属矿成矿系列( S3)
        3. 2. 3. 1斑岩-矽卡岩型铜钼铅锌多金属矿成矿亚系列( S3. 3)
        3. 2. 3. 2中低温热液脉型铜锌多金属矿成矿亚系列( S3. 4)
        3. 2. 4燕山晚期岩石圈剧烈垮塌背景下与幔源流体活动的贵金属矿成矿系列( S4)
        3. 2. 4. 1造山型金矿成矿亚系列( S4. 5)
        3. 2. 4. 2中低温热液脉型金成矿亚系列( S4. 6)
        3. 2. 5燕山晚期大陆弧背景下与壳幔混熔岩浆活动有关的有色金属矿成矿系列( S5)
        3. 2. 6燕山晚期洋中脊俯冲消亡岩石圈强烈伸展背景下与壳幔混熔岩浆活动有关的的贵金属有色金属矿成矿系列( S6)
        3. 2. 6. 1中低温热液脉型铜铅锌银金多金属矿成矿亚系列( S6. 8)
        3. 2. 6. 2 ( 类) 卡林型金矿成矿亚系列( S6. 9)
    4. 1时间分布规律
    4. 2空间分布规律
        4. 2. 1总体受两大类成矿系统控制,成带成片分布
        4. 2. 2大型构造控制着大型、超大型矿床
        4. 2. 3矿床分布受近EW向和NE-NNE向构造体系联合控制
        4. 2. 4矿化作用具有较明显的分带性及共生规律不同尺度上均有表现:
        4. 2. 5矿体的定位受应力引张部位控制
    5. 1胶东西部两条成矿带
    5. 2栖蓬福成矿区
    5. 3胶莱盆地东北缘成矿区
    5. 4牟乳成矿带
    5. 5文威成矿带
    5. 6荣成成矿区

(7)低温热液矿床地质与地球化学研究 ——以中国贵州天柱金矿和尼日利亚Mika铀矿为例(论文提纲范文)

Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Low-T hydrthermal/epithermal deposits
    1.2 Background and motivation
    1.3 Thesis outline
Chapter 2 Low-T hydrothermal/Epithermal systems
    2.1 Definition
    2.2 Classification of epithermal deposits
    2.3 Characters of igneous rocks associated with epithermal deposits
    2.4 Examples of epithermal gold deposits and uranium deposits
    2.5 How to form a giant epithermal precious metal deposit
Chapter 3 The turbidite-hosted gold deposit in Tianzhu, Guizhou
    3.1 Geological background of the Guizhou gold deposits
    3.2 Regional Geology
        3.2.1 Introduction
        3.2.2 Strata
        3.2.3 Mineralization
        3.2.4 Features of the ore deposits
    3.3 Sampling and analytical methods
    3.4 Results
    3.5 Discussion
        3.5.1 Age of rocks from Qingshuijiang Formation
        3.5.2 Source and tectonic settings of rocks
        3.5.3 Source of the sulfur and gold
        3.5.4 Genesis and age of these gold deposits
        3.5.5 Mechanism of Gold Enrichments
        3.5.6 Comparisons between Tianzhu and similar gold deposits
    3.6 Summmary
Chapter 4 Geology and geochemistry of Mika uranium region, Northeastern Nigeria
    4.1 Introduction of the Mika uranium exploration site
    4.2 History of geological exploration
    4.3 Physiography and climate
    4.4 Regional geology
    4.5 Local geology
    4.6 Uranium mineralization
    4.7 The first survey and its radiometric and gamma dose measurement
    4.8 Uranium Prospects
    4.9 Petrography
    4.10 Sample test
    4.11 Summary
Chapter 5 Formation of Low-temperature hydrothermal deposits:A comparison study
    5.1 Foramtions of the low-temperature hydrothermal deposits
    5.2 Comparisons between the Tianzhu Au deposit and Mika U deposit
Chapter 6 Conclusions

(10)Research Progress and the Main Achievements of The Regional Geology of China Preface(论文提纲范文)

Introduction to The Regional Geology of China
Research Progress of the Project
Main Achievements of the Project
Congratulations and Acknowledgements


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  • [9]The copper polymetallic deposits and resource potential in the Tibet Plateau[J]. Ju-xing Tang,Huan-huan Yang,Yang Song,Li-qiang Wang,Zhi-bo Liu,Bao-long Li,Bin Lin,Bo Peng,Gen-hou Wang,Qing-gao Zeng,Qin Wang,Wei Chen,Nan Wang,Zhi-jun Li,Yu-bin Li,Yan-bo Li,Hai-feng Li,Chuan-yang Lei. China Geology, 2021(01)
  • [10]Research Progress and the Main Achievements of The Regional Geology of China Preface[J]. DING Xiaozhong,ZHANG Kexin,GAO Linzhi,LU Songnian,PAN Guitang,XIAO Qinghui,LIU Yong,PANG Jianfeng. Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition), 2020(04)

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