


Xiaolong He,Da Zhang,Yongjun Di,Ganguo Wu,Bojie Hu,Hailong Huo,Ning Li,Fang Li[1](2022)在《Evolution of the magmatic–hydrothermal system and formation of the giant Zhuxi W–Cu deposit in South China》文中指出The Zhuxi deposit is a recently discovered W–Cu deposit located in the Jiangnan porphyry–skarn W belt in South China. The deposit has a resource of 3.44 million tonnes of WO3, making it the largest on Earth,however its origin and the evolution of its magmatic–hydrothermal system remain unclear, largely because alteration–mineralization types in this giant deposit have been less well-studied, apart from a study of the calcic skarn orebodies. The different types of mineralization can be classified into magnesian skarn, calcic skarn, and scheelite–quartz–muscovite(SQM) vein types. Field investigations and mineralogical analyses show that the magnesian skarn hosted by dolomitic limestone is characterized by garnet of the grossular–pyralspite(pyrope, almandine, and spessartine) series, diopside, serpentine,and Mg-rich chlorite. The calcic skarn hosted by limestone is characterized by garnet of the grossular–andradite series, hedenbergite, wollastonite, epidote, and Fe-rich chlorite. The SQM veins host highgrade W–Cu mineralization and have overprinted the magnesian and calcic skarn orebodies. Scheelite is intergrown with hydrous silicates in the retrograde skarn, or occurs with quartz, chalcopyrite, sulfide minerals, fluorite, and muscovite in the SQM veins.Fluid inclusion investigations of the gangue and ore minerals revealed the evolution of the ore-forming fluids, which involved:(1) melt and coexisting high–moderate-salinity, high-temperature, high-pressure(>450 °C and >1.68 kbar), methane-bearing aqueous fluids that were trapped in prograde skarn minerals;(2) moderate–low-salinity, moderate-temperature, moderate-pressure(~210–300 °C and ~0.64 kbar),methane-rich aqueous fluids that formed the retrograde skarn-type W orebodies;(3) low-salinity,moderate–low-temperature, moderate-pressure(~150–240 °C and ~0.56 kbar), methane-rich aqueous fluids that formed the quartz–sulfide Cu(–W) orebodies in skarn;(4) moderate–low-salinity,moderate-temperature, low-pressure(~150–250 °C and ~0.34 kbar) alkanes-dominated aqueous fluids in the SQM vein stage, which led to the formation of high-grade W–Cu orebodies. The S–Pb isotopic compositions of the sulfides suggest that the ore-forming materials were mainly derived from magma generated by crustal anatexis, with minor addition of a mantle component. The H–O isotopic compositions of quartz and scheelite indicate that the ore-forming fluids originated mainly from magmatic water with later addition of meteoric water. The C–O isotopic compositions of calcite indicate that the ore-forming fluid was originally derived from granitic magma, and then mixed with reduced fluid exsolved from local carbonate strata. Depressurization and resultant fluid boiling were key to precipitation of W in the retrograde skarn stage. Mixing of residual fluid with meteoric water led to a decrease in fluid salinity and Cu(–W) mineralization in the quartz–sulfide stage in skarn. The high-grade W–Cu mineralization in the SQM veins formed by multiple mechanisms, including fracturing, and fluid immiscibility, boiling, and mixing.

Tian-Yu Zhang,Jianghong Deng,Ming Wang,Cai Li,Lipeng Zhang,Weidong Sun[2](2022)在《Geochemistry and genesis of the Nadun Nb-enriched arc basalt in the Duolong mineral district, western Tibet: Indication of ridge subduction》文中进行了进一步梳理The Duolong mineral district in western Tibet is one of the largest porphyry Cu–Au deposit fields with significant metallogenic potential in China. Its tectonic environment relevant to Early Cretaceous Cu–Au mineralization remains controversial. Here we report new whole-rock major and trace element,and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic data for the newly discovered basalt in the Nadun area, Duolong mineral district, to decipher their genesis and further constrain the tectonic environment. A contemporaneous rhyolite sample interbedded with the basalt in the lower part of the volcanic section in the Nadun area yields an LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb age of 122.5 ± 1.2 Ma. The basalt samples exhibit high-K calc-alkaline/shoshonite properties and are enriched in high field strength elements, e.g., high Ti O2(1.43–1.79 wt.%)and Nb(14.6–19.5 ppm) contents, with high Nb/La ratios(0.4–0.6), which are compositionally comparable to those of Nb-enriched arc basalts(NEABs). The(87 Sr/86 Sr)iratios of 0.7052 to 0.7056, negative eNd(t)(à 0.7 to à 0.2) and eHf(t) values(+ 6.0 to + 6.5), and high(206 Pb/204 Pb)i,(207 Pb/204 Pb)i,(208 Pb/204 Pb)iand ratios(18.522 to 18.561, 15.641 to 15.645 and 38.679 to 38.730, respectively) suggest that the Nadun NEABs are more enriched than those of the island arc basalts(IABs) in the area. The slightly enriched radiogenic isotopes for the Nadun NEABs indicate that the subducting sediments play an important role in the source. Furthermore, their high Nb, Ti, and Cu contents indicate that the source mantle wedge was metasomatized by slab melts. The Nadun NEAB and other coeval magmatic rocks in the Duolong mineral district, including adakite, OIB-like basalt, MORB-type basalt, A-type rhyolite, and common IAB, are typical rock assemblages of ridge subduction. We infer that the Duolong mineral district were formed by ridge subduction in the Early Cretaceous.

ZHAO Fei-fei,HE Man-chao,WANG Yun-tao,TAO Zhi-gang,LI Chun[3](2022)在《Eco-geological environment quality assessment based on multi-source data of the mining city in red soil hilly region, China》文中研究说明High-intensity and large-scale resource development seriously threatens the fragile ecological environment in the red soil hilly region in southern China. This paper analyzes the eco-geological environmental problems and factors affecting Ganzhou, a mining city in the red soil hilly region,based on field survey and literature. The ecogeological environment quality(EGEQ) assessment system, which covered 11 indicators in physical geography, mining development, geological hazards,as well as water and soil pollution, was established through multi-source data utilization such as remote sensing images, DEM(Digital Elevation Model), field survey and on-site monitoring data. The comprehensive weight of each indicator was calculated through the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and entropy method. The eco-geological environment assessment map was developed by calculating the EGEQ value through the linear weighted method. The assessment results show that the EGEQ was classified into I-V grades from excellent to worse, among which, EGEQ of I-II accounted for 29.88%, EGEQ of III accounted for 32.35% and EGEQ of IV-V accounted for 37.77%; the overall EGEQ of Ganzhou was moderate. The assessment system utilized in this research provides scientific and accurate results, which in turn enable the proposal of some tangible protection suggestions.

JTTE Editorial Office,Jiaqi Chen,Hancheng Dan,Yongjie Ding,Yangming Gao,Meng Guo,Shuaicheng Guo,Bingye Han,Bin Hong,Yue Hou,Chichun Hu,Jing Hu,Ju Huyan,Jiwang Jiang,Wei Jiang,Cheng Li,Pengfei Liu,Yu Liu,Zhuangzhuang Liu,Guoyang Lu,Jian Ouyang,Xin Qu,Dongya Ren,Chao Wang,Chaohui Wang,Dawei Wang,Di Wang,Hainian Wang,Haopeng Wang,Yue Xiao,Chao Xing,Huining Xu,Yu Yan,Xu Yang,Lingyun You,Zhanping You,Bin Yu,Huayang Yu,Huanan Yu,Henglong Zhang,Jizhe Zhang,Changhong Zhou,Changjun Zhou,Xingyi Zhu[4](2021)在《New innovations in pavement materials and engineering:A review on pavement engineering research 2021》文中研究表明Sustainable and resilient pavement infrastructure is critical for current economic and environmental challenges. In the past 10 years, the pavement infrastructure strongly supports the rapid development of the global social economy. New theories, new methods,new technologies and new materials related to pavement engineering are emerging.Deterioration of pavement infrastructure is a typical multi-physics problem. Because of actual coupled behaviors of traffic and environmental conditions, predictions of pavement service life become more and more complicated and require a deep knowledge of pavement material analysis. In order to summarize the current and determine the future research of pavement engineering, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition) has launched a review paper on the topic of "New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement engineering research 2021". Based on the joint-effort of 43 scholars from 24 well-known universities in highway engineering, this review paper systematically analyzes the research status and future development direction of 5 major fields of pavement engineering in the world. The content includes asphalt binder performance and modeling, mixture performance and modeling of pavement materials,multi-scale mechanics, green and sustainable pavement, and intelligent pavement.Overall, this review paper is able to provide references and insights for researchers and engineers in the field of pavement engineering.

Chengshan Wang,Robert M.Hazen,Qiuming Cheng,Michael H.Stephenson,Chenghu Zhou,Peter Fox,Shu-zhong Shen,Roland Oberhansli,Zengqian Hou,Xiaogang Ma,Zhiqiang Feng,Junxuan Fan,Chao Ma,Xiumian Hu,Bin Luo,Juanle Wang,Craig M.Schiffries[5](2021)在《The Deep-Time Digital Earth program: data-driven discovery in geosciences》文中研究说明Current barriers hindering data-driven discoveries in deep-time Earth(DE) include: substantial volumes of DE data are not digitized; many DE databases do not adhere to FAIR(findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) principles; we lack a systematic knowledge graph for DE; existing DE databases are geographically heterogeneous; a significant fraction of DE data is not in open-access formats; tailored tools are needed. These challenges motivate the Deep-Time Digital Earth(DDE) program initiated by the International Union of Geological Sciences and developed in cooperation with national geological surveys,professional associations, academic institutions and scientists around the world. DDE’s mission is to build on previous research to develop a systematic DE knowledge graph, a FAIR data infrastructure that links existing databases and makes dark data visible, and tailored tools for DE data, which are universally accessible. DDE aims to harmonize DE data, share global geoscience knowledge and facilitate data-driven discovery in the understanding of Earth’s evolution.

Deung-Lyong Cho,Tae-Ho Lee,Yutaka Takahashi,Takenori Kato,Keewook Yi,Shinae Lee,Albert Chang-sik Cheong[6](2021)在《Zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotope geochemistry of magmatic and metamorphic rocks from the Hida Belt,southwest Japan》文中研究说明Zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope data integrated in this study for magmatic and metamorphic rocks from the Hida Belt,southwest Japan,lead to a new understanding of the evolution of the Cordilleran arc system along the ancestral margins of present-day Northeast Asia.Ion microprobe data for magmatic zircon domains from eight mafic to intermediate orthogneisses in the Tateyama and Tsunogawa areas yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages spanning the entire Permian period(302–254 Ma).Under cathodoluminescence,primary magmatic growth zones in the zircon crystals were observed to be partially or completely replaced by inward-penetrating,irregularly curved featureless or weakly zoned secondary domains that mostly yielded U–Pb ages of 250–240 Ma and relatively high Th/U ratios(> 0.2).These secondary domains are considered to have been formed by solid-state recrystallization during thermal overprints associated with intrusions of Hida granitoids.Available whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotope data as well as zircon age spectra corroborate that the Hida Belt comprises the Paleozoic–Mesozoic Cordilleran arc system built upon the margin of the North China Craton,together with the Yeongnam Massif in southern Korea.The arc magmatism along this system was commenced in the Carboniferous and culminated in the Permian–Triassic transition period.Highly positive εHf(t) values(> +12) of late Carboniferous to early Permian detrital zircons in the Hida paragneisses indicate that there was significant input from the depleted asthenospheric mantle and/or its crustal derivatives in the early stage of arc magmatism.On the other hand,near-chondritic εHf(t) values(+5 to-2) of magmatic zircons from late Permian Hida orthogneisses suggest a lithospheric mantle origin.Hf isotopic differences between magmatic zircon cores and the secondary rims observed in some orthogneiss samples clearly indicate that the zircons were chemically open to fluids or melts during thermal overprints.Resumed highly positive zircon εHf(t) values(>+9) shared by Early Jurassic granitoids in the Hida Belt and Yeongnam Massif may reflect reworking of the Paleozoic arc crust.























(4)New innovations in pavement materials and engineering:A review on pavement engineering research 2021(论文提纲范文)

1. Introduction
    (1) With the society development pavement engineering facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges
    (2) With the modern education development pavement engineering facing unprecedented accumulation of scientific manpower and literature
2. Asphalt binder performance and modeling
    2.1. Binder damage,healing and aging behaviors
        2.1.1. Binder healing characterization and performance
        2.1.1. 1. Characterizing approaches for binder healing behavior.
        2.1.1. 2. Various factors influencing binder healing performance.
        2.1.2. Asphalt aging:mechanism,evaluation and control strategy
        2.1.2. 1. Phenomena and mechanisms of asphalt aging.
        2.1.2. 2. Simulation methods of asphalt aging.
        2.1.2. 3. Characterizing approaches for asphalt aging behavior.
        2.1.2. 4. Anti-aging additives used for controlling asphalt aging.
        2.1.3. Damage in the characterization of binder cracking performance
        2.1.3. 1. Damage characterization based on rheological properties.
        2.1.3. 2. Damage characterization based on fracture properties.
        2.1.4. Summary and outlook
    2.2. Mechanism of asphalt modification
        2.2.1. Development of polymer modified asphalt
        2.2.1. 1. Strength formation of modified asphalt.
        2.2.1. 2. Modification mechanism by molecular dynamics simulation.
        2.2.1. 3. The relationship between microstructure and properties of asphalt.
        2.2.2. Application of the MD simulation
        2.2.2. 1. Molecular model of asphalt.
        2.2.2. 2. Molecular configuration of asphalt.
        2.2.2. 3. Self-healing behaviour.
        2.2.2. 4. Aging mechanism.
        2.2.2. 5. Adhesion mechanism.
        2.2.2. 6. Diffusion behaviour.
        2.2.3. Summary and outlook
    2.3. Modeling and application of crumb rubber modified asphalt
        2.3.1. Modeling and mechanism of rubberized asphalt
        2.3.1. 1. Rheology of bituminous binders.
        2.3.1. 2. Rheological property prediction of CRMA.
        2.3.2. Micromechanics-based modeling of rheological properties of CRMA
        2.3.2. 1. Composite system of CRMA based on homogenization theory.
        2.3.2. 2. Input parameters for micromechanical models of CRMA.
        2.3.2. 3. Analytical form of micromechanical models of CRMA.
        2.3.2. 4. Future recommendations for improving micro-mechanical prediction performance.
        2.3.3. Design and performance of rubberized asphalt
        2.3.3. 1. The interaction between rubber and asphalt fractions.
        2.3.3. 2. Engineering performance of rubberized asphalt.
        2.3.3. 3. Mixture design.
        2.3.3. 4. Warm mix rubberized asphalt.
        2.3.3. 5. Reclaiming potential of rubberized asphalt pavement.
        2.3.4. Economic and Environmental Effects
        2.3.5. Summary and outlook
3. Mixture performance and modeling of pavement materials
    3.1. The low temperature performance and freeze-thaw damage of asphalt mixture
        3.1.1. Low temperature performance of asphalt mixture
        3.1.1. 1. Low temperature cracking mechanisms.
        3.1.1. 2. Experimental methods to evaluate the low temperature performance of asphalt binders.
        3.1.1. 3. Experimental methods to evaluate the low temperature performance of asphalt mixtures.
        3.1.1. 4. Low temperature behavior of asphalt materials. factors of low temperature performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.1. 6. Improvement of low temperature performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.2. Freeze-thaw damage of asphalt mixtures
        3.1.2. 1. F-T damage mechanisms.
        3.1.2. 2. Evaluation method of F-T damage.
        3.1.2. 3. F-T damage behavior of asphalt mixture.
        (1) Evolution of F-T damage of asphalt mixture
        (2) F-T damage evolution model of asphalt mixture
        (3) Distribution and development of asphalt mixture F-T damage
        3.1.2. 4. Effect factors of freeze thaw performance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.2. 5. Improvement of freeze thaw resistance of asphalt mixture.
        3.1.3. Summary and outlook
    3.2. Long-life rigid pavement and concrete durability
        3.2.1. Long-life cement concrete pavement
        3.2.1. 1. Continuous reinforced concrete pavement.
        3.2.1. 2. Fiber reinforced concrete pavement.
        3.2.1. 3. Two-lift concrete pavement.
        3.2.2. Design,construction and performance of CRCP
        3.2.2. 1. CRCP distress and its mechanism.
        3.2.2. 2. The importance of crack pattern on CRCP performance.
        3.2.2. 3. Corrosion of longitudinal steel.
        3.2.2. 4. AC+CRCP composite pavement.
        3.2.2. 5. CRCP maintenance and rehabilitation.
        3.2.3. Durability of the cementitious materials in concrete pavement
        3.2.3. 1. Deterioration mechanism of sulfate attack and its in-fluence on concrete pavement.
        3.2.3. 2. Development of alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete pavement.
        3.2.3. 3. Influence of freeze-thaw cycles on concrete pavement.
        3.2.4. Summary and outlook
    3.3. Novel polymer pavement materials
        3.3.1. Designable PU material
        3.3.1. 1. PU binder. mixture.
        3.3.1. 3. Material genome design.
        3.3.2. Novel polymer bridge deck pavement material
        3.3.2. 1. Requirements for the bridge deck pavement material. bridge deck pavement material(PUBDPM).
        3.3.3. PU permeable pavement
        3.3.3. 1. Permeable pavement.
        3.3.3. 2. PU porous pavement materials.
        3.3.3. 3. Hydraulic properties of PU permeable pavement materials.
        3.3.3. 4. Mechanical properties of PU permeable pavement ma-terials.
        3.3.3. 5. Environmental advantages of PU permeable pavement materials.
        3.3.4. Polyurethane-based asphalt modifier
        3.3.4. 1. Chemical and genetic characteristics of bitumen and polyurethane-based modifier.
        3.3.4. 2. The performance and modification mechanism of polyurethane modified bitumen.
        3.3.4. 3. The performance of polyurethane modified asphalt mixture.
        3.3.4. 4. Environmental and economic assessment of poly-urethane modified asphalt.
        3.3.5. Summary and outlook
    3.4. Reinforcement materials for road base/subrgrade
        3.4.1. Flowable solidified fill
        3.4.1. 1. Material composition design.
        3.4.1. 2. Performance control.
        3.4.1. 3. Curing mechanism.
        3.4.1. 4. Construction applications. impact assessment.
        3.4.1. 6. Development prospects and challenges.
        3.4.2. Stabilization materials for problematic soil subgrades materials for loess.
        3.4.2. 2. Stabilization materials for expansive soil.
        3.4.2. 3. Stabilization materials for saline soils.
        3.4.2. 4. Stabilization materials for soft soils.
        3.4.3. Geogrids in base course reinforcement
        3.4.3. 1. Assessment methods for evaluating geogrid reinforce-ment in flexible pavements.
        (1) Reinforced granular material
        (2) Reinforced granular base course
        3.4.3. 2. Summary.
        3.4.4. Summary and outlook
4. Multi-scale mechanics
    4.1. Interface
        4.1.1. Multi-scale evaluation method of interfacial interaction between asphalt binder and mineral aggregate
        4.1.1. 1. Molecular dynamics simulation of asphalt adsorption behavior on mineral aggregate surface.
        4.1.1. 2. Experimental study on absorption behavior of asphalt on aggregate surface.
        4.1.1. 3. Research on evaluation method of interaction between asphalt and mineral powder.
        (1) Rheological mechanical method
        (2) Microscopic test
        4.1.1. 4. Study on evaluation method of interaction between asphalt and aggregate.
        4.1.2. Multi-scale numerical simulation method considering interface effect
        4.1.2. 1. Multi-scale effect of interface.
        4.1.2. 2. Study on performance of asphalt mixture based on micro nano scale testing technology.
        4.1.2. 3. Study on the interface between asphalt and aggregate based on molecular dynamics.
        4.1.2. 4. Study on performance of asphalt mixture based on meso-mechanics.
        4.1.2. 5. Mesoscopic numerical simulation test of asphalt mixture.
        4.1.3. Multi-scale investigation on interface deterioration
        4.1.4. Summary and outlook
    4.2. Multi-scales and numerical methods in pavement engineering
        4.2.1. Asphalt pavement multi-scale system
        4.2.1. 1. Multi-scale definitions from literatures.
        4.2.1. 2. A newly-proposed Asphalt Pavement Multi-scale System.
        (1) Structure-scale
        (2) Mixture-scale
        (3) Material-scale
        4.2.1. 3. Research Ideas in the newly-proposed multi-scale sys-
        4.2.2. Multi-scale modeling methods
        4.2.2. 1. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
        4.2.2. 2. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
        4.2.2. 3. Composite micromechanics methods.
        4.2.2. 4. Finite element method (FEM) simulations.
        4.2.2. 5. Discrete element method (DEM) simulations.
        4.2.3. Cross-scale modeling methods
        4.2.3. 1. Mechanism of cross-scale calculation.
        4.2.3. 2. Multi-scale FEM method.
        4.2.3. 3. FEM-DEM coupling method.
        4.2.3. 4. NMM family methods.
        4.2.4. Summary and outlook
    4.3. Pavement mechanics and analysis
        4.3.1. Constructive methods to pavement response analysis
        4.3.1. 1. Viscoelastic constructive models.
        4.3.1. 2. Anisotropy and its characterization.
        4.3.1. 3. Mathematical methods to asphalt pavement response.
        4.3.2. Finite element modeling for analyses of pavement mechanics
        4.3.2. 1. Geometrical dimension of the FE models.
        4.3.2. 2. Constitutive models of pavement materials.
        4.3.2. 3. Variability of material property along with different directions.
        4.3.2. 4. Loading patterns of FE models.
        4.3.2. 5. Interaction between adjacent pavement layers.
        4.3.3. Pavement mechanics test and parameter inversion
        4.3.3. 1. Nondestructive pavement modulus test.
        4.3.3. 2. Pavement structural parameters inversion method.
        4.3.4. Summary and outlook
5. Green and sustainable pavement
    5.1. Functional pavement
        5.1.1. Energy harvesting function
        5.1.1. 1. Piezoelectric pavement.
        5.1.1. 2. Thermoelectric pavement.
        5.1.1. 3. Solar pavement.
        5.1.2. Pavement sensing function
        5.1.2. 1. Contact sensing device. based sensing technology.
        5.1.2. 3. Perception technology based on image/video stream.
        5.1.2. 4. Temperature sensing.
        5.1.2. 5. Traffic detection based on ontology perception.
        5.1.2. 6. Structural health monitoring based on ontology perception.
        5.1.3. Road adaptation and adjustment function
        5.1.3. 1. Radiation reflective pavement.Urban heat island effect refers to an increased temperature in urban areas compared to its surrounding rural areas (Fig.68).
        5.1.3. 2. Catalytical degradation of vehicle exhaust gases on pavement surface.
        5.1.3. 3. Self-healing pavement.
        5.1.4. Summary and outlook
    5.2. Renewable and sustainable pavement materials
        5.2.1. Reclaimed asphalt pavement
        5.2.1. 1. Hot recycled mixture technology.
        5.2.1. 2. Warm recycled mix asphalt technology.
        5.2.1. 3. Cold recycled mixture technology.
        (1) Strength and performance of cold recycled mixture with asphalt emulsion
        (2) Variability analysis of asphalt emulsion
        (3) Future prospect of cold recycled mixture with asphalt emulsion
        5.2.2. Solid waste recycling in pavement
        5.2.2. 1. Construction and demolition waste.
        (1) Recycled concrete aggregate
        (2) Recycled mineral filler
        5.2.2. 2. Steel slag.
        5.2.2. 3. Waste tire rubber.
        5.2.3. Environment impact of pavement material
        5.2.3. 1. GHG emission and energy consumption of pavement material.
        (1) Estimation of GHG emission and energy consumption
        (2) Challenge and prospect of environment burden estimation
        5.2.3. 2. VOC emission of pavement material.
        (1) Characterization and sources of VOC emission
        (2) Health injury of VOC emission
        (3) Inhibition of VOC emission
        (4) Prospect of VOC emission study
        5.2.4. Summary and outlook
6. Intelligent pavement
    6.1. Automated pavement defect detection using deep learning
        6.1.1. Automated data collection method
        6.1.1. 1. Digital camera. laser camera.
        6.1.1. 3. Structure from motion.
        6.1.2. Automated road surface distress detection
        6.1.2. 1. Image processing-based method.
        6.1.2. 2. Machine learning and deep learning-based methods.
        6.1.3. Pavement internal defect detection
        6.1.4. Summary and outlook
    6.2. Intelligent pavement construction and maintenance
        6.2.1. Intelligent pavement construction management
        6.2.1. 1. Standardized integration of BIM information resources.
        6.2.1. 2. Construction field capturing technologies.
        6.2.1. 3. Multi-source spatial data fusion.
        6.2.1. 4. Research on schedule management based on BIM.
        6.2.1. 5. Application of BIM information management system.
        6.2.2. Intelligent compaction technology for asphalt pavement
        6.2.2. 1. Weakened IntelliSense of ICT.
        6.2.2. 2. Poor adaptability of asphalt pavement compaction index.
        (1) The construction process of asphalt pavement is affected by many complex factors
        (2) Difficulty in model calculation caused by jumping vibration of vibrating drum
        (3) There are challenges to the numerical stability and computational efficiency of the theoretical model
        6.2.2. 3. Insufficient research on asphalt mixture in vibratory rolling.
        6.2.3. Intelligent pavement maintenance decision-making
        6.2.3. 1. Basic functional framework.
        6.2.3. 2. Expert experience-based methods.
        6.2.3. 3. Priority-based methods.
        6.2.3. 4. Mathematical programming-based methods.
        6.2.3. 5. New-gen machine learning-based methods.
        6.2.4. Summary and outlook
        (1) Pavement construction management
        (2) Pavement compaction technology
        (3) Pavement maintenance decision-making
7. Conclusions
Conflict of interest

(5)The Deep-Time Digital Earth program: data-driven discovery in geosciences(论文提纲范文)

    Evolution of life
    Evolution of Earth materials
    Evolution of geography
    Evolution of climate
    Natural resources and applied science
    Program committees
    Research centers
    Working,platform and task groups

(6)Zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotope geochemistry of magmatic and metamorphic rocks from the Hida Belt,southwest Japan(论文提纲范文)

1. Introduction
2. Geological background and sample collection
3. Analytical methods
4. Results
    4.1. Whole-rock chemical composition
    4.2. Zircon texture and U–Pb age
    4.3. Zircon Hf isotopic composition
5. Discussion
    5.1. Recurrent magmatism recorded in Hida zircon
    5.2. Arc affinities of the Hida Belt and its association with the Yeongnam Massif
    5.3. Evolution of the Hida-Yeongnam arc
6. Conclusions
Declaration of Competing Interest
Appendix A.Supplementary Data


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