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CHEN Baoguo,ZHANG Jiuchen,YANG Mengmeng[3](2016)在《The Present Research and Prospect of Chinese Geosciences History》文中进行了进一步梳理It has been over a hundred years since the birth of research on Chinese geosciences history, which was accompanied by the continuous progress of Chinese geosciences. For hundreds of years, it has grown out of nothing to brilliant performance by several generations of Chinese geologists committing their hearts and minds with the spirit of exert and strive without stop to promote the process of China’s industrialization and to produce the significant impact on serving the society. The study of Chinese geosciences history reflects objectively and historically the history of geosciences in China, which has recorded, analyzed and evaluated the dynamic process sitting in the background and clue of the history of Chinese geosciences development. The study of the history of geological science has roughly experienced two stages in China. The first stage is the study of individual researchers. It spanned approximately 70 years from the early 20th century to the end of the 1970s. The research contents were mainly based on the evolution of geological organizations, the development and utilization of individual mineral species, the history of deposit discovery and the research of geological characters. The main representatives are Zhang Hongzhao, Ding Wenjiang, Weng Wenhao and Li Siguang, Ye Liangfu, Huang Jiqing, Yang Zhongjian, Xie Jiarong, Gao Zhenxi, Wang Bingzhang and etc. The most prominent feature of this period is the accumulation of a very valuable document for the study of the history of China’s geological history and lays a foundation for the exchange of geological science between China and foreign countries. The second stage is organized group study. It took around 60 years from the 1920s to 1980s. It includes the history of Chinese geology, the history of geological organizations, the history of geological disciplines, the history of geological education, the history of geological philosophy, the history of Chinese and foreign geological science communication, the history of geologists and etc. The most chief feature of this stage is the birth of academic research institute―the establishment of the Commission on the History of Geology of the Geological Society of China.

Martin G.LOCKLEY,Spencer G.LUCAS,Masaki MATSUKAWA,Jerald D.HARRIS[4](2012)在《白垩纪四足动物足印的生物地层学、生物年代学与遗迹相》文中提出从全球范围来看,白垩纪四足动物的足印多数是非鸟恐龙与鸟类留下的痕迹;少量足印来自翼龙、鳄鱼、龟、哺乳动物和其他四足动物。白垩纪的足迹化石以东亚(尤其是中国和朝鲜)和北美西部的最为人所知。南美(主要是阿根廷和巴西)也有一定数量广泛分布的足迹化石,欧洲、非洲与澳大利亚的白垩纪足迹组合则鲜为人知。以白垩纪四足动物的足印记录为基础,我们对两个全球足印生物年代重新进行了检查。早白垩世生物年代以蜥脚类与鸟脚类的足迹为特征。晚白垩世生物年代中的蜥脚类足迹较少,但是鸭嘴龙、暴龙和角龙的足迹增多了。另外,白垩纪足印化石的记录中记载了许多重要的生物地层学信息,如北美白垩纪中期蜥脚类恐龙的消失,以及白垩纪末恐龙的绝灭。越来越多来自东亚的白垩纪足印记录使我们对更精细的地方性白垩纪足印生物年代学有了初步印象。因此,以地方性四足恐龙(包括鸟类)遗迹属的地层分布为基础,可以识别出三个或四个足印生物年代。种类丰富并具有地方性特色的东亚的白垩纪鸟类动物的遗迹群,可能指示白垩纪时东亚存在着一个独特而繁盛的鸟类动物群。以足印化石为基础的这一假说有待进一步的验证。

Spencer G.LUCAS,Robert M.SULLIVAN,Justin A.SPIELMANN[5](2012)在《北美内陆西部白垩纪脊椎动物生物年代学》文中进行了进一步梳理北美西部内陆白垩纪的脊椎动物生物年代学的研究始于19世纪90年代。前人建议的期,即陆生脊椎动物"期"或陆生哺乳动物"期"名已过十二个,但其中具有精确的定义者甚少,仅有少量的建议受到广泛认可和使用。本文定义或重新定义了10个陆生脊椎动物"期",包括了西部内陆从最老至最新的全部白垩纪—Comobluffian期(~提塘期至欧特里沃期)、Buffalogapian期(~巴列姆期至早阿普特期)、Cashenranchian期(~早阿普特期至晚阿尔布期)、Mussentuchian期(~晚阿尔布期至塞诺曼期)、Fencelakean期(土伦期至晚塞农期)、Aquilan期(~晚塞农期至早坎潘期)、Judithian期(~中坎潘期)、Kirtlandian期(~晚坎潘期)、Edmontonian期(~坎潘期末期至早马斯特里赫特期)以及Lancian期(~早马斯特里赫特期晚期)。每一个"期"的开始由一种恐龙或哺乳动物种类的首现来定义,而其结束由后续的"期"的开始来定义。这样定义的脊椎动物生物年代代表了完整的白垩纪时间表。但有些时间段(尤其是Neocomian(尼欧克姆期)的大部分以及部分"中"白垩世的一部分)缺乏足够的脊椎动物化石特征。这些白垩纪陆生脊椎动物"期"构成了一个能使北美西部内陆的脊椎动物的演化历史得以序和解释年代表。

Kapukotuwa Mudiyanselage Alexander(阿里克)[6](2009)在《博物馆学理论和原则的研究》文中研究表明我1992年在斯里兰卡(Jayewardenepura大学)获得了考古学学士学位。我学士论文的主题是“斯里兰卡古代建筑的研究”。2003年,我在斯里兰卡考古学研究所得到了博物馆学的硕士学位。我硕士论文主题是“博物馆收藏存储的理论与技术”。2005年,有幸来到中国攻读博士学位。我选择了中国,吉林大学边疆考古研究中心,进行我的博士研究。我的博士论文题目是“博物馆学理论和原则的研究”本论文讨论博物馆学理论和原则的研究。在上个世纪初,博物馆学是考古学的一个组成部分,后来在过去三四十年开发展成一门单独的学科。因此,许多博物馆学专家写了很多相关博物馆学各种主题的书。因而,在现代世界博物馆学发展成一个单独的学科。博物馆的数量正在与日俱增,在世界各地的博物馆学迅速发展。博物馆在现代世界中不仅是个展示物体画廊的中心,它们也成为研究和教育中心,为提供学者的宝贵资料。因此,在现代世界博物馆学成为一个重要的学科。但是,博物馆学和考古学有牢不可破的密切关系。这项对博物馆学理论和原则的研究,需要考虑以下几个方面博物馆和博物馆学的历史博物馆藏品的收集藏品分类博物馆藏品的记录系统藏品保管(储藏室)藏品保护博物馆展览提供安全保障博物馆行政博物馆管理博物馆建立相关建筑博物馆资源博物馆服务博物馆研究,教育,刊物,交通等。本文在上述各方面中选定了五个主题来进行全面的博士学位研究,1.世界博物馆的历史2.博物馆藏品收集和分类系统3.博物馆藏品的登记和记录系统4.博物馆藏品的存储和处理系统5.博物馆藏品的展览方法和系统第一章:这一章阐述世界博物馆的历史。本章讨论世界最近和古代博物馆的历史。首先,我讨论“博物馆”这个词,其次,描述了现代世界博物馆的发展(19-20世纪)。为了研究的方便,按世界区域把世界博物馆分为七个主题;亚洲,亚太地区,非洲,欧洲,东欧,中美洲和南美洲,美国和加拿大。博物馆的历史从公元前三世纪开始的。因此,根据博物馆的历史,博物馆的活动也是同时开始的。因而博物馆学理论,原则和技术的历史(收集,分类,记录,保护,保管,教育,展览等)与此同时开始存在的。我主要集中在用于当今博物馆的博物馆学理论和原则。第一章-世界博物馆的历史1.1引言1.2博物馆1.3古代世界的博物馆(从公元3世纪到18世纪)1.4现代世界博物馆的特色(19到20世纪)1.4.1亚洲1.4.2亚太地区1.4.3非洲1.4.4欧洲1.4.5东欧1.4.6中美洲和南美洲1.4.7美国和加拿大1.5世界各地区博物馆之间的关系1.6小结第二章;这一章讨论博物馆藏品的收集和分类。博物馆藏品的收集和分类是首先做的和非常重要的博物馆职责。“博物馆的核心是它的收藏”(Guthe 1964:34)。这就是为什么所有的参观者与博物馆藏品建立连接。他们来到博物馆为参观博物馆藏品,享受和学习。我这一章讨论在世界各地各种博物馆的收集方法。我讨论各种藏品的各种分类系统。我还讨论博物馆学国际进程和国际方法。第二章-博物馆藏品收集和分类系统2.1引言2.2藏品收集2.2.1博物馆的采集任务2.2.2藏品收集的采集政策和职业道德2.2.3藏品收集要求2.2.4藏品收集范围2.2.5藏品收集方法2.2.5.1捐赠和遗赠2.2.5.2购买2.2.5.3借贷2.2.5.4野外搜集2.2.6藏品收集理论2.2.6.1普通和历史博物馆的收藏2.2.6.2科学收藏2.2.6.3什么收集和什么不收集2.3.博物馆藏品分类2.3.1博物馆藏品分析2.3.2一些亚洲地区博物馆的藏品分类举例2.3.3.中国-辽宁省博物馆的分类系统2.3.4.韩国-国立博物馆的藏品分类系统2.3.5.斯里兰卡-科轮布国立博物馆分类系统2.3.6.世界一些不同地区博物馆的各分类系统2.3.7.在北美博物馆历史藏品的分类系统2.3.8用于不同主题的分类系统2.5.小结第三章;这一章集中于博物馆藏品的登记和编目和建挡。这是博物馆藏品的记录系统。如果博物馆有个适当的记录系统,它有利于博物馆藏品的管理和处理有便利。在现代世界,博物馆学专家开发了许多新的记录藏品方法。在这一章我研究这些新的方法。第三章-博物馆藏品的登记和记录系统3.1引言3.2藏品记录3.2.1编号系统3.2.2清单3.2.2.1清单分类3.2.2.2清单要点3.2.2.3在不同机构的清单3.3.1博物馆藏品登记3.3.2文件的沟通3.3.3文件类型3.3.4电脑化登录系统3.4小结第四章;在本章我讨论博物馆藏品的存储和处理系统。无论藏品展示或不展示,博物馆有责任照顾,并利用其所有的藏品。博物馆藏品存储有许多方法。平均百分之七十到八十的藏品都在于存储状态。因此,所有博物馆应具备适当的储存设施来储存藏品。在本章我讨论,如何规划一个新博物馆的存储室,如何在一个旧的博物馆建立现代存储设施和博物馆藏品存储的安全方法。第四章-博物馆藏品的存储和处理系统4.1引言4.2为博物馆存储建设规划4.2.1存储要求4.2.2存储空间的设计4.2.3博物馆存储的水损害4.2.4博物馆存储区的基础设计4.2.5气候4.2.6温度和湿度4.2.7照明系统4.2.8安全系统4.2.9博物馆存储的安全消防4.3博物馆藏品的存储和处理系统4.3.1博物馆存储设备4.3.2橱柜,书架,衣架4.3.3盒和标本托盘4.3.4文件夹4.3.5袋,信封4.3.6双加载存储系统4.3.7浅层木材开放-抽屉系统4.3.8开放式可调抽屉系统4.3.9服装储藏柜4.3.10绘画4.3.11纺织4.3.12人种收获4.3.13书籍,纸张,照片,底片4.3.14安装标本4.3.15陶瓷,玻璃,陶器4.3.16雕塑4.3.17金属制品4.4小结第五章;本章讨论展览系统,涉及在博物馆安排个好展览的理论和方法。实际与展览和博物馆观众上存在着密切的关系。因此,博物馆管理者应给博物馆观众安排有吸引力的和有知识的展览。所以安排博物馆展览的时候必要用最新的方法。本章描述,博物馆展览类型,安排一个良好的展览的时候需要考虑的程序和设计展览的新方法和系统。在展室同一时间显示所有的博物馆藏品是不可能的。所以我们应该从存储区选择适当的藏品。因此,我们应该根据不同藏品和展览馆而设计不同的展示系统。因而设计展览厅和藏品是一个非常艰巨的任务。此外,博物馆的管理应考虑和尊重观众和博物馆工作人员的建议和想法。不时有必要改变一些展示对象和方法。专家应设计适当的展示环境保护藏品。博物馆专家应考虑,照明系统,空间,安全系统,平面图和人为因素等所有的博物馆展览馆相关的因素。本章提供对博物馆具有重要意义的事项。第五章博物馆藏品的展览方法和系统5.1展览5.2展览分类5.2.1长期展览5.2.2暂期展览5.2.3移动展览5.3展览方法5.3.1展览规划进程概述5.3.2展览的建议5.3.3展览委员会5.3.4展览的规划和设计5.3.5展览制作5.3.6展览运作和评价5.3.7设计博物馆展览5.3.8展览设计的人的因素5.3.9博物馆平面图的设计5.3.10藏品安排为显示5.3.11提出的设计思想5.3.12各种显示系统5.3.13标签5.3.14展览环境5.4小结最后,结论,参考文献,附录和图片添加到论文。

Spencer G.Lucas,Lawrence H.Tanner[7](2015)在《End-Triassic nonmarine biotic events》文中研究指明The Late Triassic was a prolonged interval of elevated extinction rates and low origination rates that manifested themselves in a series of extinctions during Carnian, Norian and Rhaetian time. Most of these extinctions took place in the marine realm, particularly affecting radiolarians, conodonts, bivalves, ammonoids and reef-building organisms. On land, the case for a Late Triassic mass extinction is much more tenuous and has largely focused on tetrapod vertebrates(amphibians and reptiles), though some workers advocate a sudden endTriassic(TJB) extinction of land plants. Nevertheless, an extensive literature does not identify a major extinction of land plants at the TJB, and a comprehensive review of palynological records concluded that TJB vegetation changes were non-uniform(different changes in different places), not synchronous and not indicative of a mass extinction of land plants. Claims of a substantial perturbation of plant ecology and diversity at the TJB in East Greenland are indicative of a local change in the paleoflora largely driven by lithofacies changes resulting in changing taphonomic filters. Plant extinctions at the TJB were palaeogeographically localized events, not global in extent. With new and more detailed stratigraphic data, the perceived TJB tetrapod extinction is mostly an artifact of coarse temporal resolution, the compiled correlation effect. The amphibian, archosaur and synapsid extinctions of the Late Triassic are not concentrated at the TJB, but instead occur stepwise, beginning in the Norian and extending into the Hettangian. There was a disruption of the terrestrial ecosystem across the TJB, but it was more modest than generally claimed. The ecological severity of the end-Triassic nonmarine biotic events are relatively low on the global scale. Biotic turnover at the end of the Triassic was likely driven by the CAMP(Central Atlantic Magmatic Province) eruptions, which caused significant environmental perturbations(cooling, warming, acidification) through outgassing, but the effects on the nonmarine biota appear to have been localized, transient and not catastrophic. Long-term changes in the terrestrial biota across the TJB are complex,diachronous and likely climate driven evolutionary changes in the context of fluctuating background extinction rates, not a single, sudden or mass extinction.



Steven R.MANCHESTER,Kazuhiko UEMURA[10](2009)在《Eastern Asian endemic seed plant genera and their paleogeographic history throughout the Northern Hemisphere》文中进行了进一步梳理We review the fossil history of seed plant genera that are now endemic to eastern Asia. Although the majority of eastern Asian endemic genera have no known fossil record at all, 54 genera, or about 9%, are reliably known from the fossil record. Most of these are woody (with two exceptions), and most are today either broadly East Asian, or more specifically confined to Sino-Japanese subcategory rather than being endemic to the Sino-Himalayan area. Of the "eastern Asian endemic" genera so far known from the fossil record, the majority formerly occurred in Europe and/or North America, indicating that eastern Asia served as a late Tertiary or Quaternary refugium for taxa. Hence, many of these genera may have originated in other parts of the Northern Hemisphere and expanded their ranges across continents and former sea barriers when tectonic and climatic conditions al- lowed, leading to their arrival in eastern Asia. Although clear evidence for paleoendemism is provided by the gymnosperms Amentotaxus, Cathaya, Cephalotaxus, Cunninghamia, Cryptomeria, Glyptostrobus, Ginkgo, Ketel-eeria, Metasequoia, Nothotsuga, Pseudolarix, Sciadopitys, and Taiwania, and the angiosperms Cercidiphyllum, Choerospondias, Corylopsis, Craigia, Cyclocarya, Davidia, Dipelta, Decaisnea, Diplopanax, Dipteronia, Em-menopterys, Eucommia, Euscaphis, Hemiptelea, Hovenia, Koelreuteria, Paulownia, Phellodendron, Platycarya, Pteroceltis, Rehderodendron, Sargentodoxa, Schizophragma, Sinomenium, Tapiscia, Tetracentron, Toricellia, Trapella, and Trochodendron, we cannot rule out the possibility that neoendemism plays an important role especially for herbaceous taxa in the present-day flora of Asia, particularly in the Sino-Himalayan region. In addition to reviewing paleobotanical occurrences from the literature, we document newly recognized fossil occurrences that expand the geographic and stratigraphic ranges previously known for Dipelta, Pteroceltis, and Toricellia.




















1 丁文江致奥斯朋信 (1919-01-29) ①
2 奥斯朋致丁文江信 (1919-02-07)
3 丁文江致奥斯朋信 (1919-04-22)
4 丁文江致奥斯朋信 (1921-03-25)
5 丁文江致安得思信 (1921-04-18) ①
6 丁文江致安得思信 (1921-05-17)
7 丁文江致安得思信 (1921-05-23) ①
8 丁文江致安得思信 (1921-05-27)
9 丁文江致安得思信 (1921-08-29)
1 0 奥斯朋致丁文江信 (1921-09-28)
1 1 丁文江致安得思信 (1922-04-15) ①
1 2 丁文江致安得思信 (1923-01-06) ①
1 3 丁文江致奥斯朋信 (1924-07-27) ①
1 4 丁文江致谷兰阶信 (1927-04-13) ①
1 5 丁文江致美国自然史博物馆信 (1934-11-01) ②
16美国自然史博物馆致丁文江信 (1934-12-17)
17丁文江致巴尔博信 (1933?)
18丁文江致巴尔博信 (1933-10-04) ①
19丁文江致巴尔博信 (1934-11-01) ①
20丁文江致Vincent信 (1921-09-08) ①
21 G.E.Vincent致丁文江信 (1921-09-26)
22 Vincent致丁文江信 (1922-04-20)
23顾临致丁文江信 (1923-05-16)
24顾临致丁文江 (1927-01-17)
25顾临致丁文江 (1927-03-21)
26丁文江致步达生信 (1932-04-18)
27丁文江致顾临信 (1934-04-17)


第1章 引言
    1.1 研究背景
    1.2 奥陶纪生物大辐射
第2章 华南中奥陶世达瑞威尔期地层
    2.1 区域地质背景
    2.2 华南达瑞威尔期的岩石地层对比与分布情况
    2.3 华南达瑞威尔期的生物地层框架和研究时段划分
第3章 研究剖面与材料
    3.1 A区(岩坪剖面)
    3.2 B区(大塘口和大槽剖面)
    3.3 C区(大坪、分乡和窑河大桥剖面)
    3.4 D区(宜冲桥和茅草铺剖面)
第4章 华南上扬子区达瑞威尔期三叶虫古生态
    4.1 华南上扬子区达瑞威尔期三叶虫相或组合的时空分布
    4.2 研究剖面三叶虫动物群古生态意义
第5章 华南中奥陶世达瑞威尔期三叶虫宏演化
    5.1 三叶虫多样性变化和辐射
        5.1.1 三叶虫年代地层分布和优势类群转换
        5.1.2 不同分类单元多样性的变化及宏演化阶段的划分
        5.1.3 三叶虫辐射的始发时段
        5.1.4 三叶虫动物群的演替
        5.1.5 典型的华南晚奥陶世三叶虫动物群
    5.2 三叶虫辐射沿环境梯度的发生和发展
        5.2.1 三叶虫辐射模式和环境分布
        5.2.2 Whiterock动物群的环境选择
    5.3 三叶虫辐射模式的异同
    5.4 Whiterock动物群在宏演化中的角色性质
    5.5 三叶虫辐射外因探讨
第6章 全球中奥陶世达瑞威尔期三叶虫动物群
    6.1 三叶虫时空分布与宏演化
    6.2 三叶虫辐射模式初探
    6.3 三叶虫生物古地理分析
第7章 结论
第8章 系统古生物学

(3)The Present Research and Prospect of Chinese Geosciences History(论文提纲范文)

1 The History and Present Situation of the Research on the History of International Geological Science
    1.1 The change of the content of the study
    1.2 Organizations and research institutes
    1.3 Publications and authors
2 The Present Situation and Progress of the Study of the Chinese Geological Science History
    2.1 A brief account of the development of the Chinese geological science history
    2.2 Research institutes and research groups
    2.3 The guiding ideology of the research on the history of geological science
    2.4 Major progress in recent years
        2.4.1 Promote interaction between Chinese geological science and social development in China
        2.4.2 A study on the history of geological disciplines of China
        2.4.3 A study of geological characters
        Kwong Yung Kong(1863-1965)
        Woo Yang Tsang(1861-1939)
        Gu Lang(1880-1939)
        Lu Xun(1881-1936)
        Wang Chongyou(1879-1985)
        Zhang Hongzhao(1877-1951)
        Ding Wenjiang(1887-1936)
        Weng Wenhao(1889-1971)
        Li Siguang(1889-1971)
        Richthofen,Ferdinand von(1833-1905)
        Amadeus Willian Grabau(1870-1946)
        Johann Gunnay Andersson(1874-1960)
        Prerre Teilhaya de Chardin(1881-1955)
        2.4.4 The study of history of ancient geological thoughts
        2.4.5 The study of the geological cause
        2.4.6 Research of the history of the communication of Chinese and foreign geological science
3 Development Prospect
4 Conclusion


1 Introduction
2 Jurassic footprint biostratigraphy and biochronology
3 Overview of the global Cretaceous track record
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Early Cretaceous of North America
    3.3 Early Cretaceous of Asia
        3.3.1 China
        3.3.2 Korea
        3.3.3 Japan and Thailand
    3.4 Early Cretaceous of Europe
    3.5 Early Cretaceous of South America
    3.6 Early Cretaceous of Australia
    3.7 Early Cretaceous of Africa
4 Comparing Early Cretaceous ichnofaunas
5 Late Cretaceous
    5.1 North America
    5.2 Asia
        5.2.1 China and Mongolia
        5.2.2 Korea
    5.3 Late Cretaceous of Europe
    5.4 Late Cretaceous of South America
    5.5 Australia
    5.6 Late Cretaceous of Africa
6 Comparing Late Cretaceous ichnofaunas
7 Tracks across the K/T boundary
8 Discussion


1 Introduction
2 History
3 Concepts and Methods
4 Cretaceous vertebrate biochronology
    4.1 Comobluffian LVA
    4.2 Buffalogapian LVA
    4.3 Cashenranchian LVA
    4.4 Mussentuchian LVA
    4.5 Fencelakean LVA
    4.6 Aquilan LVA
    4.7 Judithian LVA
    4.8 Kirtlandian LVA
    4.9 Edmontonian LVA
    4.1 0 Lancian LVA
5 Prospectus


Table of Content
List of figures
List of pictures
Chapter OneThe History of Museums in the World
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Museums
    1.3 Museums in the Ancient World (From 3~(rd) century BC. to 18~(th) century)
    1.4 Characteristics of Museums in the Modern World - (19 - 20 centuries)
        1.4.1 Asia
        1.4.2 Pacific Region
        1.4.3 Africa
        1.4.4 Europe
        1.4.5 Eastern Europe
        1.4.6 Central and South America
        1.4.7 United States of America and Canada
    1.5 Inter - active relationship between different regions in history of museums and tradition of museums
    1.6 Chapter summary
Chapter Two Collecting and Classification Systems of Museum Objects
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Collecting
        2.2.1 Museum Collecting Mission
        2.2.2 Collection Acquisition Policy and ethics
        2.2.3 The collection mandate
        2.2.4 Scope of collection
        2.2.5 Collecting Methods Donation and bequest Purchase Museum Objects exchange or Borrow Field collections
        2.2.6 Collection Theory General and history museum collections Scientific Collection What to collect and what not to collect
    2.3 Classifying of museum objects
        2.3.1 Collection Analysis
        2.3.2 Classification examples in Asian countries museums
        2.3.3 China - Liaoning Provincial Museum (Art and History Museum)
        2.3.4 Korea - Classification System of Korean National Museum collection
        2.3.5 Sri Lanka - The Colombo National Museum
        2.3.6 Various classifying systems in some different museums in the world
        2.3.7 Historical Objects Classification System in North America
        2.3.8 Classification systems used in the museums for different subjects
    2.5 Chapter summary
Chapter Three Registration and Documentation Systems of Museum Objects
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Registration
        3.2.1 Numbering system
        3.2.2 Inventory of inventories Essentials of inventory Inventory in different institutions
        3.2.3 Documentation of Museum Objects
        3.2.4 Documentation for communication
        3.2.5 Type of files
        3.2.6 Documentation –computerized systems
    3.3 Chapter summary
Chapter Four Storage and Handling Systems of Museum Objects
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Building Planning for Museum Stores
        4.2.1 Storage required
        4.2.2 Design of Storage Space
        4.2.3 Water Damage in store rooms
        4.2.4 Basic Construction of Museums Storage Areas
        4.2.5 Climate
        4.2.6 Temperature and Humidity
        4.2.7 Lighting System
        4.2.8 Security System
        4.2.9 Fire Safety of Museum Storage
    4.3 Handling and Storage Systems of Museum Objects
        4.3.1 Museum Storage Equipments
        4.3.2 Cabinet, shelves and racks
        4.3.3 Boxes and Specimen Trays
        4.3.4 Folders
        4.3.5 Bags and envelops
        4.3.6 Double Loaded Storage System
        4.3.7 Shallow Wood Open - Drawer System
        4.3.8 Open Adjustable Drawer System
        4.3.9 Costume Storage Cabinets
        4.3.10 Paintings
        4.3.11 Textile
        4.3.12 Ethnographic Collections
        4.3.13 Books, Paper, Photographs and Negatives
        4.3.14 Mounted Specimens
        4.3.15 - Ceramic, Glass and Pottery (Inorganic materials)
        4.3.16 Sculptures
        4.3.17 Metallic objects
    4.4 Chapter summary
Chapter Five Exhibition Methods and Systems of Museum Objects
    5.1 Exhibition
    5.2 Types of exhibits
        5.2.1 Permanent exhibitions
        5.2.2 Temporary exhibits
        5.2.3 Mobile exhibition
    5.3 Exhibition Methods
        5.3.1 An overview of the exhibition planning process
        5.3.2 The Exhibition Proposal
        5.3.3 The Exhibition Committee
        5.3.4 Exhibition Planning and design
        5.3.5 Exhibition Production
        5.3.6 Exhibition operation and evaluation
        5.3.7 Design museum exhibitions
        5.3.8 Human factors in exhibition design
        5.3.9 Designing of the floor plan in the museum galleries
        5.3.10 Objects arrangement to display
        5.3.11 Presenting design ideas
        5.3.12 Various Displaying Systems
        5.3.13 Labels
        5.3.14 Exhibition Environment
    5.4 Chapter Summary
Research articles published during the Study of doctorate degree (2006 - 2009)

(7)End-Triassic nonmarine biotic events(论文提纲范文)

1 Introduction
2 Late Triassic-Early Jurassic timescale
3 TJB terrestrial record
4 Land plants
    4.1 Overview
    4.2 Plant extinctions in East Greenland
    4.3 Plant microfossils
5 Tetrapods
    5.1 Overview
    5.2 Newark tetrapod record
    5.3 Conclusions
6 Ecological severity
7 The role of CAMP volcanism
8 End Triassic nonmarine biotic events


0 引言
1 增生型造山带的基本特征
2 增生杂岩与混杂过程
3 弧前盆地与沉积作用
4 高级变质地体属性
5 增生方式与增生构造古地理
6 增生型造山带大地构造单元解剖
7 增生型造山作用时限分析
8 结语


0 引言
1 材料和方法
    1.1 资料来源
    1.2 资料处理
2 基底地球物理特征
    2.1 南海断裂识别结果
    2.2 基底地球物理场分区特征
        2.2.1 自空异常的分布特征
        2.2.2 磁异常的分布特征
3 基底地质特征
    3.1 南海基底断裂系统
        3.1.1 北部陆内伸展断裂系
        3.1.2 西部走滑断裂系
        3.1.3 南部裂解—增生断裂系
        3.1.4 东部逆冲断裂系
        3.1.5 中央洋盆相关断裂系
    3.2 南海基底构造分区
        3.2.1 华夏古陆
        3.2.2 中央海盆
        3.2.3 南沙地块
        3.2.4 锡布增生系
        3.2.5 巽他地块
        3.2.6 印支地块
        3.2.7 菲律宾岛弧带
    3.3 南海基底岩性特征
4 南海构造演化阶段
    4.1 前新生代构造演化-南海地区统一基底的形成
    4.2 新生代构造演化-古南海的关闭与新南海的打开
        4.2.1 古南海的关闭
        4.2.2 新南海的打开与扩张
5 南海区域构造对油气的控制作用
    5.1 区域构造对盆地带的控制
    5.2 区域构造对成烃地质条件的控制
    5.3 区域构造对油气藏的控制
6 结论

(10)Eastern Asian endemic seed plant genera and their paleogeographic history throughout the Northern Hemisphere(论文提纲范文)

1 Methods
2 Results
    2.1 Gymnosperms
        2.1.1 Cephalotaxaceae
        2.1.2 Pinaceae
        2.1.3 Ginkgoaceae
        2.1.4 Sciadopityaceae
        2.1.5 Taxaceae
        2.1.6 Cupressaceae (incl.Taxodiaceae)
    2.2 Angiosperms
        2.2.1 Anacardiaceae
        2.2.2 Caprifoliaceae
        2.2.3 Cannabaceae (incl.Celtidaceae)
        2.2.4 Celastraceae
        2.2.5 Cercidiphyllaceae
        2.2.6 Eucommiaceae
        2.2.7 Eupteleaceae
        2.2.8 Hamamelidaceae
        2.2.9 Hydrangeaceae
        2.2.1 0 Juglandaceae
        2.2.1 1 Lardizabalaceae
        2.2.1 2 Malvaceae
        2.2.1 3 Mastixiaceae
        2.2.1 5 Nymphaeaceae
    2.3 Patterns Observed
        2.3.1 Collective fossil histories
        2.3.2 Subregional
        2.3.3 Exotic vs eastern Asian origins
        2.3.4 Routes of Intercontinental Dispersal
        2.3.5 Comparisons between Eastern Asia and North America
Appendix 1


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